Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Evidence based keto: How to lose weight and reverse diabetes’

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature.

For a number of years, Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

45 responses to “Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Evidence based keto: How to lose weight and reverse diabetes’”

  1. Love Dr. Mason’s video for its sharp and straight-to- the- point messages! It has consolidated my understanding of the causes and effects of insulin resistance. Thanks so much!

  2. Beautifully expressed with utter clarity! Paul, brilliant young man! Thank you for your expertise. Up with Keto

  3. This is a great presentation. Not that his others were not. I will be back to referencing Dr Mason as much as I reference Dr. Jason Fung. again.. Almost a year since I started to fix myself. Made it to my absolute dream weight in 5 months. Blood work went from borderline to fantastic, along with vital signs and fitness levels. Fixing insulin resistance not only helps metabolic syndromes, but improves fitness and every day life.

  4. I’ll take advice from this guy any day. He looks like he practices what he preaches and the results don’t lie.

    • Joy To The World how many brilliant sports coaches are there that have never played the sport they coach?The answer is a lot

    • Your thought process is what exactly is wrong with the world. Tomorrow you will see a person with a better body talking about a high carb diet, and you will make a switch instantly. Pretty close to a gold-digger mentality.

    • @VIVEK SINGH – wow. Projecting your hurt much? I was told by a morbidly obese doctor that I needed to lose weight. Yeah, I’m sure she was perfectly healthy on the inside …

  5. Thank you Dr. Mason! I would consider this presentation a perfect presentation because it does two things that are very important. Number one, it articulates and visually demonstrates a very easily comprehensible primer about the efficacy of low carb diets, and the biochemical mechanisms behind it. This is an ideal presentation for me to send to people who are unfamiliar with the therapeutic benefits of low carb. Number two, if offers relatively new information, that even people who are well versed in the science of low carb, have not been introduced to – namely how a low carb diet can mitigate the destructive effects of seed oil consumption. I have been listening to low carb lectures for years, and this is the first I have heard of this. Very few presentations within the health space can appeal to both newbies to a dietary protocol, as well as seasoned veterans. Keep up the great work Dr. Mason!

  6. I would love to send this video to my doctors who were at a loss to explain my huge visceral fat increase and high blood pressure. I returned a year later after finding low carb 65 lb lighter and normal blood pressure he just looked at me and asked me to tell everyone in the waiting room what I had done.

    • Anyone else out there doing things like intermittent fasting or extended periods of fasting only to find out symptons like bloating, loss of appetite, etc? I’ve been doing these things for years but I notice in the past 6 months I have been feeling these weird symptons, mostly I almost never feel “real hunger”, then I notice that I’m losing fat all over my body except the lower stomach which gets bloated. (classic symptons of high insuline, but I already don’t eat anything? How is it possible?) Is this related to ketogenesis? Can the body take just so much of it before adverse effects appear?

    • In the latest Gary Taubes book he talks about people having to change their keto approach over time. Probably you should start with a doctor visit to make sure it isn’t something medically bad. Then if you could work with a coach that could help you sort it out. Hope this helps.

    • @FeelingShredI’m not sure of what you mean by “not eating anything” but if you truly are eating very little I’d look into your thyroid markers. If you aren’t getting your micro-nutrients in, then your thyroid will down regulate. Easy way to tell if your thyroid isn’t regulating your metabolism properly is if you wake up cold and stay cold throughout the day ie waking up near a body temp of 95F or 35C.

    • @FeelingShred It’s been three months but I’m still answering. If your insulin was high, you would be hungry and gaining weight. You could have a medical problem so go to a doctor. Bloating and fat loss can be symptoms of other things.

  7. Fantastic presentation. I had skin tags and my doctor did not know what the were. 20 years of gaining weight. I’ve abandoned all doctors that do not have this knowledge.

  8. Absolutely great presentation. I love it. Even if to confide that I knew it all and stay long on the Ketogenic diet with heavy aerobic exercises, I enjoyed it a lot. Meanwhile school books are zombifing kids to eat low fat diets and number of them already suffering from obesity is staggering.

    • Sean Raymond I believe he means that she didn’t consciously change her macro ratios. Her calorie consumption naturally went down due to lowering her insulin production.

  9. These doctors including Dr Jason Fung convinced me after 25 years of being T2D to quit my three diabetic drugs and my blood pressure drugs and I fasted 24hours and then went on the Keto diet it’s now been 8 weeks and I’ve lost 30lbs without trying blood sugar has never had a high peak except a little over Christmas Day and blood pressure has dropped dramatically. By speaking out and posting these lectures we can make informed decisions about our lifestyles and get healthy again. Thank you so much and at 80 years old I’ve never been fitter in fact I still have a class 1 Aviation medical. I also sleep 7.5 hours without waking up except when the cat jumps onto the bed. This relief from diabetes has been one of the greatest gifts to the human race and it’s free.

    • JONATHAN PRIDIE That gives me hope. I’ve been ttd for twenty years, mostly diet controlled. I was afraid to go keto because of all the scare tactics ie ‘you’ll wreck your kidneys’. I managed to lose 10kg by restricting calories. I was able to maintain reasonable control of my bgl’s until recently where it spiked to 19. I started keto 30 g a day, but even though I am in ketosis I haven’t lost more than 1 kilo in six weeks, and couldn’t get my bgl low enough, HbA1c was 10, so I’m on metformin now. I will keep going with the keto because it should be lowering my insulin. I will get there👍😁.
      I came off BP meds as well. I ran out one time, and I monitored it for a few days and it was stable, so I just kept going monitoring it at home. Three years later my BP is around 120/60. What a waste of money taking BP medication for up to 20 years for no reason. I chucked away the Lipitor at the same time😁
      Good luck in your journey to good health👍🌟

    • @The Catwoman well done! You’re absolutely right to keep plugging away at it and your blood sugar really has no choice but to fall. We just need to heal our bodies a while before it will release fat, sometimes. When that insulin falls then the progress will get going. Remember too sometimes your pant size will change when the scale isn’t moving. I also recommend eating in a small window of time, 1 to 8 hrs long. This will help lower that insulin every day! Im sure by now you’re on your way!! 🤗🖖

  10. He is right, lost 80 pounds in six months, feel great, I cut meds in half and reversed diabetes and still losing easily.

  11. After 2.5yrs of following my GPs and the diabetic australia advice I still failed to reduce my A1c or maintain any meaningful weightloss, i was miserable all the time trying to follow the dietary guidelines. In 4 months of keto and intermittent fasting I got to my ideal weight range and normalised my a1c.. I’m off all meds and my energy is off the charts.. my GP YELLED at me for doing something so dangerous even though my blood work is excellent. The kicker is my GP is more overweight than I was at my heaviest.. I’ve since changed GPs 😀

    • Same here. My doctor thinks by not following medical advice as he thinks is fit, I am living a dangerous life while triglycerides is now half. And my cholestrol has gone down from 256 to 228 in two months. My weight is down by 13 pounds aided by intermittent fasting as well.

    • I must be lucky, my doctor was doing a keto diet and getting great results and got me into it and as we say the rest is history.

    • I looked for and found a doctor who knew what keto and IF. Good help on this journey as T2 diabetic. Similar story. Good journey to all,

  12. Perdí más de 30 kilos con keto mi primer año. Sin rebotes, es sostenible. Me siento genial! Siempre satisfecho ;). Hoy es mi dia 450!

  13. There are only two reasons for obesity: sloth and gluttony. I should know. I have been called a lazy pig my entire life.

    Funny, I switched to intermittent fasting, stopped worrying about dietary fat, and reduced processed carbohydrates. I have lost 53 kg to date without feeling hungry. I was never a lazy pig. I was following the wrong advice.

  14. Good pacing, knowledgeable and informative lecture. It’s a good place to start for newbies – and a good thing to read up upon even for those who follow LCHF for years. If you ever want to convince the other camp – Paul is a good example of how to do it: calm, with facts and methodical.

  15. I followed the heart associations recommendation for eating, and it took 12 years of being labeled “irritable bowel “ to discover that margarine was my poison. Canola oil, and it is in so many food products, disguised as “other vegetable oil”. After listening to this I feel this is the cause of my diabetic state as I never had a sweet tooth, never added sugar to anything, ate low fat and never added salt, also tried to avoid processed food. I was shocked when my doctor said you are pre diabetic!

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