Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Low Carb from a Doctor’s perspective’

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Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature.

For the last two years, Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

40 responses to “Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Low Carb from a Doctor’s perspective’”

    • @Solaris 32 refines sugar. Fruits and vegetables is the no1 source your body prefers. It’s either glucose, or ketones.

    • @Reviews fruit is the same sugar as refined, in barely slowed metabolic form. Did you listen to this video ? (~ 25:00 and later)

    • @moestietabarnak Don’t bother, let them find out themselves. Of course doc’s not right.

      Or if @Reviews would take a review of Dr Sten Ekberg. Same topics, same result but even better explained. Everything about this no sugar-low carbs does magic for me AND would for you all as well!

  1. This was an outstanding lecture Dr. Mason. Thank you so much for bucking the trend and trying to get the sugar/fat truth out there.

  2. Congratulations! Not only did we get the most up-to-date scientific evidence in this presentation but it was beautifully illustrated with slides. I can now understand why Dr Peter Bruckner has asked Paul Mason to write the nutrition chapter in the upcoming fifth edition of the textbook on sports medicine which Peter Bruckner originally produced some 20 years ago. Paul ( and Dr Rod Tayler) keep these high quality presentations coming . Thanks

  3. Wow. Just wow. I have done hundreds of research on insulin and the affiliation it has to weight gain and this guy explained it better than anyone I’ve seen before. Extraordinary work.

  4. I’ve been on a low carb diet for three years, absolutely the best thing I’ve ever experienced. I only wish I had known about 20 years ago. We need to get the truth out, great video.

  5. This has to be one of the best and logically thought out explanations of the effects of carbs and insulin. Well done Dr Paul Mason!!

  6. “”You are not to blame for being overweight IF You Have Been Following Bad advice.”” – Outstanding
    Great lecture. Possibly the most comprehensive one I have listened to..
    Thank You Dr. Paul Mason.

  7. Thank you Dr. Mason for your constant and consistent dedication on this subject. A lecture such as this makes the low carb discussion much easier to understand

  8. med student here. this is by far the best lecture i have ever attended about metabolsim. it’s easy, simple, complete and engaging. well done, i loved it!! thank you

  9. I have been suffering from Osteo Arthritis since I was 28, Im now 46, and in the last 5 years my weight has slowly gotten higher to a point where I now hover around 17 stone, when my ideal weight is 13 and a half stone. Ive been going to doctors for years and I have not had one doctor that has noticed my skin tags under my armpits or tell me im insullin resistant. Instead I’m told im lazy and I need to diet, without actually putting me on the right kind of diet. Ive learnt more in watching this video, than ive recieved in help from doctors in the last 18 years. Thank you.

  10. This very clearly answered several questions I had that I couldn’t get from other medical professionals or their books. In 30 minutes, I had all my questions answered and it totally makes sense. Excellent lecture in an easy to follow presentation.

    • Nature/God wrapped carbs up in a colorful tasty wrapping that’s easy to pick off a tree.
      Nature/God wrapped fat up in a hard wodden shell, or legs that run away when it sees you.

      Now does it all totally make sense?

    • @CarboRaider High-Carb Rush These carbohydrates weren’t always a problem.Our changed lifestyle is as much to blame as anything.

  11. Thank you Dr.Mason for a clear and concise presentation. It reinforces and expands on my (new) understanding of Carbs.
    At 67 years old researching my newly formed skin tags triggered me into lifestyle change that included Keto diet, Intermediate fasting and carbohydrate aversion (I quit bread, pasta, rice, potatoes soda’s, etc.). 2 1/2 months later and 35lbs less I feel I’m on the road to recovery, or at least a more healthy body to live more comfortably and longer! I’m 5’10” male starting at 230lbs, now down to 195 and still loosing, still keto’ing and feel a lot less discomfort.
    My goal is to get off the lisinopril and lipitor (10mG each) this year. My Dr said I should be increasing these drugs. Think I may need a different Dr. Now, should I get the skin tags burned off? LOL

  12. The best ever presentation. I’m living proof. The most liberating realisation after overcoming obesity since I was 8 years, ruined my life, it wasn’t my fault. I’m 58. At 56 I either had to find the truth myself or die. I had to throw away everything I was taught and seek the truth. Self educated myself. Key. Seeking truth and educating yourself. I went from 115kg to 62kg in 10 months. 18 months later I’m 65kg. Off all medication. Reversed diabete. Anaemia. I can’t list all healed medical conditions. Lot of challenges society doesn’t support this but don’t let that be an issue. You have control. No one else. Bless you all. Xox .

    • So happy for you that you found the answers you needed, but what is so impressive is that your discipline and love for life gave you the motivation to correct your body chemstry through eating what your body needs for nourishment. Even at 58, you can still look forward to several decades of a healthier life, with more energy than most people.

    • Exactly you have cotrol, meaning it was ur foult… + i hope u exercise as well, you dont need to have any special knowledge when it come to physical training…

    • wow!!!!!!!!!!!! How inspiring is your story! Thanks so much for sharing that, I absolutely loved reading it! xxxx

  13. Thank God for doctors like you! This was excellent. I am a nurse and a person who is overweight by 50 lbs. Everyone of my Drs have said, oh and by the way you should loose several lbs. I know from working with children under two yrs that Australia is the most advances in nutrition for babies. America is still catching up and are still catching up in nutrition for adults! Thank you so much

  14. brilliant talk- been on keto and IF for 3 years now. my arthritis is gone – my mind is clear, i have perfect weight and i almost never get tired. loved the bio – chemistry bit a lot

  15. When I eat carbs I have lots inflammation and bloating. I started keto and intermittent fasting and a few extended fasts. In 4 months I’ve lost 45 lbs and I feel amazing!

  16. I’ve done keto/low carb and lost 204 pounds going from 350 to 146. I reversed my diabetes going from an a1c of 7.7 to 4.2 and my high blood pressure that wasn’t even being controlled by medication after years is now perfect. High cholesterol is now perfect. Now that I’m at my goal weight I switched over to low carb, doing 50 net carbs a day. Still managed to lose 5 pounds.

  17. Just amazed and so happy I got to hear this!! It’s great that some people actually are curious about their profession and wish to help others… I was already low carb every now and then, but the skin problems of dark patches he described is me!! From today I’m going on low fat for at least 3 months to see the difference!
    Btw I already lost weight by lowering my insulin levels but also by being more careful about not overeating….

  18. I also added a 48 hour fast once a week. The weight just keeps coming off. Thank you Dr Mason. That was an incredible lecture that explains what a low carb diet can achieve.

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