Nina Teicholz – ‘Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story’

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Nina Teicholz is a New York Times bestselling investigative science journalist who has played a pivotal role in challenging the conventional wisdom on dietary fat. Her groundbreaking work, 'The Big Fat Surprise', which The Economist named as the #1 science book of 2014, has led to a profound rethinking on whether we have been wrong to think that fat, including saturated fat, causes disease.

Nina continues to explore the political, institutional, and industry forces that prevent better thinking on issues related to nutrition and science. She has been published in the New York Times, the New Yorker, the British Medical Journal, Gourmet, the Los Angeles Times and many other outlets.

50 responses to “Nina Teicholz – ‘Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story’”

  1. Funny thing is, in Greece, since we use olive oil most of the time along with lard(in the past and it is becoming again popular) we always refered to these oils as “seed oils”. There is no term “vegetable oil” in the language…The hilarious part is that every margarine in the supermarkets nowadays advertise their products as containing even MORE butter than before/or competitive brand and they did manage to creep into our lives afgter the 70’s as cooking fats(why get something that claims to have even more butter? just eat butter instead?…)…And another fun fact is that real Greek nutrition is LCHF at its core…Lots of animal fats and meats, fish, lots of vegetables(cooked in so many ways..) some fruit and honey, some beans and lentils and little to no bread and flour based products…our traditional holidays include fatty meats such as lamb(also some goat), and pork, wiith beef at a lesser percentage..lots of fatty cheese(feta is one of them with high fat high salt content, along with graviera and kaseri…). Since we usually had/have moderate and small winters there were little bulbous plants and even today our open air farmers markets(something that is everywhere in greek cities) switch to green leafy winter vegs such as broccolli, lettuce, spinach(its like dirt cheap…) mustard greens, cauliflower…you name it… The problem is that the surge of so much sugary foods into such a diet, was bound to cause the same metabolic problems we see everywhere else…

    • Yes damn AncelKeys went to Crete during 40 days before Easter. They were not eating animal products eggs cheese. Only pulses. May he forever live in hot hades.

    • Greek people eat tons of white bread tho lmao.
      And our desserts are PACKED with sugar. The rest is as what he/she said.

    • Gina Hinsinger — less toxic spraying— companion planting — healthier lifestyle!! * 3 veg & meat* back to good old lard science backed

    • datsuntoyy if you can keep the keto eating going, they keep you fuller longer & once weened off junk foods you won’t miss them. See if you can get a book on this keto eating by Michael Mosley .
      Adding more recipes to your healthy swag 👍

  2. Excellent presentation, I’m glad this information is getting out there and I hope people are listening.

  3. i cook with tallow in my fish and chip shop and after years of cooking with vegetable oils i can tell you the clean up is completely different, at my old work the exhaust fans were constantly covered in grease and grime and at my shop not one drip after three months i think it was this video that made me decide i would use animal fats when i opened up shop so thank you Nina

  4. My elder brother told me back in 1973 or 74 that the problem was not
    cholesterol or saturated fats. The issue was polyunsaturated fats and
    sugar in our diets. Later (~1993) I attended a small local ACS
    chemistry meeting where they presented papers. One of which showed HOW
    our bodies took polyunsaturated fat and sugar to make arachinidic acid
    (sp?) which is one of the main building blocks of vascular blockages….

    • My dad worked in an oil refinery in the 50s. He always said vegetable oil was poison. We never ate margarine or vegetable oil in our household. My mother only cooked with lard rendered at home and we ate real butter.

    • @Sandra Judy I guess that’s the only way we will be able to change the restaurant industry, but then again, they probably just look at you like you’re crazy.

  5. This woman’s book The Big Fat Surprise changed my life. I’m still struggling with getting the keto thing but she helped me realize that the same diet I lost weight on as a 13yo in 1976 can help me as a still fat 50-something. Very grateful to this woman for her work.

  6. Thanks Nina, for all your research and hard work you’ve put into enlightening us all. As a nutritionist, I agree with everything you are saying.

  7. In London our drains are being blocked by HUGE fat balls from fast food restaurants which we all laugh at or think how terrible never thinking that this is what happens to our internal organs from fast food. Thanks for so much good information.

  8. I like how non-judgmental and objective she sounds as she describes one of the biggest scandals of the century.

  9. Thank you so much! I really appreciated this talk. I valued the information, some of which I already knew, regarding cooking oils. Have not used margarine in 40 years. I don’t eat anything pig, so no lard; however, I do use my own tallow rendered from organic beef and beef bone joints. I love to use butter & ghee as well, and will use chicken or lamb fat when available. As for non-animal, I am happy to use some coconut oil & olive oil, although I don’t prefer cooking with olive oil. I was not aware there was a problem with sunflower oil. I have enjoyed using that. We all have things to learn. Excellent package of information here. Again, thanks!

  10. I’m glad I’m no longer in the restaurant business I was in it from 16-22 and she is 100% right about the oils the cleaning issues it is disgusting seriously

  11. My sister cooked w seed
    Oils. Lots of chips and French fries. She ate in restaurants (which use seed oils) she developed breast cancer and died of it. I truly think the oils played a big role as well as sugar, alcohol and processed food.

    • @CaptainDuckman Same, without seed oils, my ibs was gone within days. I can’t believe how the government let’s companies sell this poison. Whenever I eat something with seed oils, it makes me feel sick.

    • @Metal runner Can you cite that? On reading Teicholz book we learn just how useless and didgy most of these studies are; often funded by the food companies most likley to benefit from the results.

    • @Tyler H when we eat in a restaurant we cook the same foods we eat at home and feel disgusting and bloated out of the time. The only difference i can point to is they cook in veggie out, we do not.

  12. I was taught by my mother who grew up on a farm to fry foods in bacon fat. It makes everything delicious, comes free with bacon and cleans up easily.
    She also used vinegar to clean the whole house. Cheap and healthy.

  13. Loved the video! I threw out my margarine and vegetable oils last night (only use butter and olive oil now) and coincidentally came across this video today… I feel good… I knew that I would! 😋

    • If you want to cook something that needs high heat, I like to make my own chicken tenders, there’s a great blend of avocado oil and olive oil that is wonderful! Clean taste and doesn’t break down and oxidize at higher heat. Look for it, and plain olive oil, in dark bottles.

    • @Elizabeth White olive oil doesn’t break down that quickly, if it’s real extra virgin olive oil it can be heated for hours before any oxidization occurs

  14. This video should be pinned to youtube’s home page forever. This lecture teaches better about how our evil society works than any professor or family member has ever taught me, and teaches more about health than any doctor has ever talked to me about.

  15. I just came across this video and think about what I was told growing up. We tried to consume “low fat” foods that were high in sugar or artificial sweeteners. We changed the types of fats, used to “vegetable oil” as this video describes. As a nation, we can see the deleterious effects this had had on the population. Fast forward to today, and we have a pandemic with higher death rates due to obesity amount other health conditions. I wonder if all this past guidance from government “health experts” has lead to greater distrust. A growing “hesitancy” if you will.

  16. I have lost 25 lbs in the last 2.5 months just by switching to low net carb diet that’s completely vegetarian (grass fed dairy and eggs ok). Switched to cooking with butter and ghee. It has been life changing in terms of increased mobility and lower inflammation. I would have done this years ago but the hardest part was getting my spouse on board who was so completely sold on “low fat” and said I was making stuff up as excuses to eat what I liked 🙄. It was easy for him to say that because I was a little chubby and turned out he is a TOFI. I was never able to convince him to stop cooking with the bad stuff whenever it was his turn. After his diabetes diagnosis and his doctor now telling him the same things I was, he finally stopped questioning evvvverything I was saying. I switched us completely to low net carb diet and now both of us are better for it including my own appearance. It’s a shame this issue with the food industry didn’t become more popular earlier. It would have saved him a diabetes diagnosis 😒.

  17. My grandparents used to feed their kids dripping, basically meat fat. When I was younger we were in disbelief at how ‘unhealthy’ this was. How wrong was I.

  18. As a perfectly healthy 25 year old in the mid 90’s, the company I worked for sent us for annual medical check ups. I remember very clearly the doctor at the time telling me I should switch the butter I was using for margarine. Lucky I didn’t listen to him then and I’m here now as a perfectly healthy 55 year old. Thanks to my wife who saw through the BS very early on and stayed away from seed oils.

    • Props to your wife sir! And good on you for making that decision. It’s not easy when you’ve got a so called professional looking you in the eyes and telling you that. We just need to stand on our own two.

  19. That was an excellent presentation. Crucial, lifesaving information. Thanks LCDU and Nina Teicholz. I’m ordering your book now.👍🏾❤😊💚

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