Dr. Anthony Chaffee – ‘Plants are trying to kill you!’

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

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Dr Anthony Chaffee is an American medical doctor specialising in Neurosurgery who over a span of 20 years has researched the optimal nutritional habits for athletic performance and health. It is his assertion that most of the so-called chronic diseases that doctors treat these days are actually caused by the food we eat, or don’t eat, and can in many cases be reversed easily with dietary changes.

Dr. Chaffee began his University education studying Molecular & Cellular Biology with a Minor in Chemistry at the University of Washington in Seattle at the age of 15, which culminated in attaining his MD from the Royal College of Surgeons.

Dr. Chaffee is an All-American rugby player and a former professional athlete in England and America, having taken several years off from his education for the pursuit of sports between his undergraduate degree and medical school. Throughout his athletic career he saw first hand the monumental difference that diet makes to performance and recovery.

Dr. Chaffee almost accidentally came across and practiced a fully carnivorous diet from age 20 to 25, having first learned of the toxic nature of plants during his University education. Since then he has rediscovered this truth and more and has dedicated many years and a large part of his professional practice to the study and education of diet and nutrition. He personally practices a fully carnivorous diet and currently resides in Perth, Australia where he does private consultations and clinics in functional medicine and nutrition.

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39 responses to “Dr. Anthony Chaffee – ‘Plants are trying to kill you!’”

  1. Brilliant presentation. Been carnivore for almost 2 years and these sorts of presentations are reassuring that only eating meat is the proper human diet (as Dr. Ken Berry would say 😁). I’m fortunate enough to be able to eat mostly beef which is grass fed from a farm 10 minutes away. Along with some bacon, eggs and butter.

  2. Thank you for featuring Dr. Anthony Chaffee on the channel! Among the pantheon of great doctors in the low carb arena, he has quickly emerged to be one of my favorites because of two reasons. First, he really embodies the efficacy of this way of eating. The guy looks like something out of a comic book. If the arguments for carnivore don’t convince you, this man’s impressive physique certainly will. Secondly, Dr. Chaffee has a talent for getting to – if you will excuse the play on words – the meat of the argument. He doesn’t overcomplicate things. For someone unfamiliar with these concepts, Dr. Chaffee provides a very accessible primer on all things carnivore and low carb. I highly recommend his podcast – The Plant Free MD.

  3. I have noticed that the more I stop eating plants the better I feel. And lately in USA most of our plants and grains have been genetically altered to have more oxalates, phylates and chemicals in them and on them. I used to eat vegetables. I simply cannot eat most anymore. GMOs, roundup, pesticides, and our country has allowed triple the amount that was stopped just 5 years ago. I am no longer diabetic, lower blood pressure. I am off my medication too. Carnivore was a crazy idea to try . Now I am happily staying this way. Thank you Dr Chaffee

  4. Great insight into a very peculiar topic. In a world where we are about to be forced to eat mostly plant-based foods l am grateful to all the carnivore advocats like Dr. Chaffee, who are not afraid to speak the truth. Meat is essential for human health, plants can keep you from starving, but they will make you sick in the long run.

  5. Thanks Dr. Chaffee! I’ve been strict carnivore for eight months. No cheating. I used to eat a lot of dark chocolate every day. A couple weeks ago I saw and bought a bar of 100-percent chocolate. No sugar, no dairy, no soy, nothing but chocolate. I ate two squares. Within an hour every joint in my body hurt and muscles felt sprained. This lasted for three days. That’s enough proof for me to never try this again! I’m 74 and have no time for aches and pains.

    • Some just have built up a higher tolerance to the toxins in different foods. Some would argue this is good so that you can have more variety in the diet which is what I have a hard time believing. It has toxins but as long as I continue to include it in my diet then I do fine with it. Street drugs work the same way.

    • The diversity of your gut microbiome is probably severely diminished by eating only animal products and no fiber for such a long time. You don’t have the bacteria needed to digest the chocolate.

    • Hey Panama Fred I remember you from the comments section of another carnivore video. Keep sharing your inspirational story friend ✌️🙏🙌🏽

    • @Julz Cali Thanks Julz. I’ve had many, many years of poor health. It feels so good to not be sick all the time. I owe a debt of gratitude to the Carnivore community. Thanks for your comment!

  6. Finally, someone bold enough to state the truth about plants and not sugar coat it! Lol- but seriously, thank you Dr. Chaffee for speaking about this important topic. Now, time to go grill a ribeye! Meat heals !!!!

    • Plants are cooked in human Diets for one, that needs to be examined with regards to nutrition etc.
      Then there’s the individual differences

    • @Kekkai I would say that people in the first place tried to domesticate their food which was animals. For that they need it to provide vegetables for them. From curiosity, they started to consume some of them and here we are today.

    • @Kekkai have to tell you this but your MANTRA that TRUTH IS SOMEWHERE BETWEEN THE EXTREMES is just a lie you fall for.

    • If you need more convincing…..try giving up plants and see how you feel. I truly believed that eating plants was the only way to get vits and mins and the ‘essential fibre’. Had gut issues for over 30 years and tried many things. Giving up plants and eating non processed animal foods has transformed my life.

  7. After Dr Berry and Dr Baker …. Dr Chaffee helped my family with his scientific expertise and easy to digest (on purpose) lectures on why species specific diet is carnivore!

  8. 🏆👍That was fantastic video on several levels Dr. Chaffee. I learn a bit more than was aware already and plan to offer thisYouTube video link to a few I know and care about personally (distant family) …but only when they are ready to hear more from me.
    Sad to say knowing and learning as even I have in only 8 short months and the people closest to me who have seen miraculous changes in me as I have done a near complete 180° turnaround in my own health and physical abilities which seem steadily and consistently bettering by the passing week seem to think I am out of my mind to do this carnivore lifestyle, while theirs physical health in the same eight months has actually gotten significantly worse…ie., more medical treatment try’s, more medicine Rx’s, and more thick rich “green” nutritious “smoothies”, and more nut milks, and cereals honey and fruits, sweet potatoes and so on….loosing weight brain fogged more etc..I am waiting and hoping for the walls to come down, to give me a sign they want to know more of how I made this turnabout in my own physical health, so I can let them do as I have done and likewise with a hopeful ear the “what if” it works give it a try…to grow from this information as well get an honestly healthier life for whatever time they may still have… but at their pace. And they have the advantage of me having filtered through several hundreds of YouTube videos to sort through the hype to those speaking wisely and professionally stuff that matters that will help them know why I select some over others. Excellent video Dr. Chaffee.👍🏆 seriously said.

  9. Dr. Chaffee, it would be great to see you on Dr. Kiltz’s channel again for a discussion on this topic. He constantly drives this very point home. Great presentation. Thank you!

  10. Great stuff. I started Keto over 5 years ago and now have been carnivore for a few years. I lost 50 lb in the very first two months and have kept it off. I will never go back to carbs and most plants don’t even interest me as in vegetables. A word to the wise, this is information that the WEF I’m sure doesn’t want you to hear. This whole topic of Keto and more specifically carnivore will be on the chopping block, literally, soon. I predict this will be the next censorship if this type of Lifestyle if it gains traction to the masses. So what I say to that, keep spreading the good news this needs to get out.

  11. Just like the proper human diet, this presentation is nutrient dense. No roughage, no fillers, just straight to the meat of it! 😉

  12. I try to not eat things that want to do me harm, regardless of how successful they are. Thanks for the talk, doc.

  13. I was very ill for thirteen years from vegetables and when I asked my doctor if my sickness could be something I was eating, he laughed his head off.
    An immunologist saw immediately what all my problems added up to and took me off almost everything except plain meat, white fish and eggs. Salt of course is absolutely necessary, you can’t live without that. My ills vanished in a few days.

  14. I completely agree with everything Dr. Chaffee has said. Vegetables, food additives, nuts and grains made me really ill. You may be able to cope with most but eventually some will damage you. Look out.

  15. My grandmother was an Edwardian woman, born in 1906, she used to boil Brussel Sprouts for over an hour – maybe she was right. Been carnivore for a few months – great results, no plants for me.

  16. Would have been really great if he had included stats on how the toxin content changes by cooking / heating, and for which toxins that applies to. For a lot of people, a blanket ban on veggies just isn’t feasible, so it would help in making better decisions.

  17. One theory that we need more research on is that plants are very likely a survival food, and as such these compounds act as signals to the body at the cellular level to “hunker down”, slow growth, and upregulate defenses. So maybe a cycling application of plants, maybe right before a fast, would be beneficial.

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