From Worst-Case CANCER to Best-Case Scenario (NO CANCER)

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Learn from someone who has been successful on their cancer journey—enjoy this interview with Guy Tenenbaum.

Check Out the Results of Our Cancer Study:




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Guy Tenenbaum English:
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From Stage 4 Cancer to CANCER-FREE: Guy Tenenbaum Success Story

0:00 Welcome, Guy Tenenbaum!
1:05 Guy Tenenbaum's cancer story
4:30 Prolonged fasting for cancer
6:30 Understanding SCOT inhibitors
14:12 What Guy ate during his cancer journey
18:33 Should lymph nodes be removed?
21:00 Guy Tenenbaum’s book
21:14 Learn more about our research!

Today, we're having a fascinating conversation with Guy Tenenbaum. This is an important video for those of you who have cancer or want to prevent cancer.

When learning how to combat a disease, you want to seek out people who have already been successful in their fight. Guy Tenenbaum is one of those people.

The main things Guy attributes his cancer success to are prolonged fasting, natural SCOT inhibitors, and anticancer foods. But check with your doctor before implementing any new regimen.

A few top foods Guy ate during his journey to overcoming cancer were broccoli, broccoli sprouts, garlic, and onion. He ate these vegetables raw, so he didn't destroy the nutrients. He also ate eggs, sardines, fish, and chicken.

Guy had stage four cancer, and despite the confusion and fear, he decided to try natural alternatives to fight cancer instead of the conventional route. Guy reports that he is now cancer free, and we have the honor of learning from his success.



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Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed this incredible interview with Guy Tenenbaum on his journey to becoming cancer free. I'll see you in the next video.

64 responses to “From Worst-Case CANCER to Best-Case Scenario (NO CANCER)”

  1. Wow! Incredible! 45 days! I don’t think I have cancer, but to protect my body I will do a 45 hour fast to start. I do have diabetes and IR and I need AUTOPHOGY to rebuild and repair my beta cells. Thank you Guy and Dr Berg!

    • @Big Galaxy you are correct diabetes type 2 is blockage in the pacreas in the lympatic system insuline resistance and weak adrenals also fruits are not bad especialy berries

      when cleaned properly as dr berg claims also fructose dont insuline to feed cells

    • @Big Galaxy but let me tell you its not secret combination or anything if you fasted with grapes and lemon you would had even better results

      if cutted out meat and fish you would do even better and take a adrenal formula a microbiom rebalance and so many other you can do

  2. Thank you , Guy!!! Such an inspiration and such a warrior and I will be storing these stories in my mind to keep me mindful and aware , once again thanks Dr Berg 😊

  3. What Guy did to cure his cancer:
    4:54 The first thing was doing some serious fasting (prolonged fasting): he did 5-day, 21-day, 45-day fasting. The fasting is hands down the most potent thing you can do to kill cancer, because it aligns all of your immune cells to fight it, it strengthens the system, ketones generated from fasting are very therapeutic. It’s literally almost impossible for a cancer cell to survive when you’re fasting.
    6:30 The second thing was having a very fascinating nutritional protocol: broccoli, broccoli sprout, garlic, onions, without cooking them so as to not kill their nutritional values. He had olive oil as well, balancing his omega-3 and omega-6 ratio. After two years he included eggs, fish
    13:30 Dr. Berg would do exactly what Guy did if he had cancer. He summarized all the things he did in his book: My Battle Against Cancer by Guy Tenenbaum
    17:30 If you’re fasting, make sure you take your omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamin D, electrolytes, B vitamins.
    18:34 Guy didn’t remove his lymph nodes because he realized they’re body’s filtering system. It would not be smart to remove body’s filters.

    Thank you Guy and Dr. Berg
    Sincerely, 11 : 11 Meditation Portal Channel

  4. My dad had stage 4 pancreatic cancer in 2016. He died a few months later. He also got necrotizing fasciitis. His doctor told me normally they try to starve the cancer. He said if they did that, the necrotizing facilities would take over and that would be a worse way to die. We basically had to choose how he would die. So they gave him IV bags because he couldn’t eat on his own.

    Having cancer several times in my family, I’ve wondered if the chemo killed the cancer or just the appetite. Each family member told me they wouldn’t do chemo a 2nd time. If the cancer doesn’t kill you, the chemo will…

  5. I feel that the issue is not finding something that is easier for people, it’s educating people and encouraging them to do the work. We always want to find the quickest, easiest way to accomplish things, when nature shows us time and time again that patience and persistence always prevails. Hard work and discipline bring true freedom and in-turn happiness.

  6. One of the biggest problems is the Google algorithm doesn’t allow us to publish medical content because we’re not doctors. Therefore our content will not rank. However, I’m still embedding these cancer videos into a web page because they’re just too important to ignore. Having been aware of these success stories for some time, I’m hearing more and more stories of people coming down with terminal cancer and unless they stumble onto this information, they’re going to give up and die.
    Obviously as individuals, we must spread the word. But there is an awful lot of fear to overcome first.

    • Yes this is similar to my findings. Every Google question answers according to the paradigm, trapping the seekers thinking. After three years seeking I was the same and only stumbled on the truth two months too late after my wife passed away. I try to spread the information whenever I can hoping it might save someone.

    • @rg camgb I’m glad to hear that you found the truth, albeit a bit late. But this awesome community has a duty to spread the word and I am updating a blog right now, highlighting this and other Dr Berg videos. Keep up the good work 🙏

  7. Wonderful to hear this successful heartwarming story. Also for cancer I did a supervised prolonged fast along with detoxing (which seemed necessary as many toxins came about with the fasting) for over forty days. There are two fuels as I understand it used by cancer.

  8. What an absolutely wonderful man. So glad he is with us. Thank you Dr. Berg for introducing him to us and for bringing this information to us. God Bless you both 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  9. I remember Guy’s first interview with Dr Berg, and it actually inspired me to take garlic supplement for life, thankfully it did actually prevented cancer , after a recent cancer scare, and it turned out that I don’t have it. Thanks for the info Dr Berg 😊

    • HI,glad to hear you had some success. Can I ask you wouldn’t it be even more effective to take raw or natural Garlic rather than Garlic supplement?
      I’ve heard Turmeric, Ginger and Chilli are also cancer fighting foods along with Kaleand Capsicums?

    • @Gary Newton yes they’re all in my daily foods anyway, apart from fresh kale, which my husband brings occasionally from a far supermarket, cause it’s not usually available everywhere in the UK, but I’ve never tried kale supplement before. Thanks for letting me know.

    • @Sabrina and husband If you take live, fresh garlic, smash it, WAIT 10 minutes for it to ‘activate’. I had a health scar and I was taking it 3X’s daily, raw. Now I make my own concoction with raw honey, and garlic from our garden. tastes so much better! ; )

  10. I believe him. Been on the journey to healing myself from chronic pain, after doing medication only for many, many years. Dr. Phil just did a show on Medical Gaslighting and one of the doctors spoke about how in medical school doctors are not taught about healing the whole body, prevention, etc..
    Sometimes you have to take your health in your hands, with the aid of your doctor.
    (meaning don’t be a backseat driver to your health- be pro active)
    Don’t experiment alone, or be Dr. Google, still have to be very careful.

  11. Just had to add a comment just to bump your viewership. You are changing the world’s paradigm over time for sure. I’ve been watching, learning, and improving my health and life along the way. You and others who are looking at these healthy approaches to healing are a blessing to the world! Thanks for your continued crusade to teach the alternatives!

  12. This is treasure. True story, I had a uncle who passed on with prostate cancer and the doctors told him not to eat garlic and onions. He also took part in all the treatments by the matrix. I really wish I knew this information which I could have passed on. Thank you Dr and Guy♥️🙏🏼

    • Garlic and onions are contraindicated with some medications. Just like grapefruit. My advice for folks is to not take the meds but take the foods that you aren’t supposed to eat with those meds.

    • When my mother was diagnosed with cancer her chemo place served donuts, pretzels and junk food for the patients. I was floored……carbs and sugar feed the cancer!!!!! How did that make any sense????

    • I tried to help my dad too, he won’t take any natural advise. Only advise from his Military doctor. But he drinks green tea.

  13. I personally know two people who are cancer free using alternative methods. One had stage 4 colon cancer. The other uterine cancer, though not sure what stage. But her doctor said she had to have a hysterectomy immediately. She refused, and went on to become cancer free and has had three children post cancer. I know a lot of raw food was involved. Essential oils. Infrared sauna. And other things as well. I don’t remember either of them mentioning fasting, but they probably did. It’s been years, so I’ll have to ask them.

  14. Thanks for sharing this Dr Berg. I have even heard of people who were diagnosed with cancer, prescribed surgery and chemo, then went on to get a second opinion only to discover there was NO cancer!

  15. I have a similar experience. In 2017 I was diagnosed with Metastasized Malignant Melanoma. From what I witnessed with my mother dying from that same disease, and what I read/researched about it, it was a death sentence. I already was IF/OMAD and had ditched most processes foods decades before. The medical community was swift in doing surgery to remove the visible Melanoma and the lymph nodes (4 in my right armpit, as revealed by the radioactive tracing dye). Meanwhile, I had a number of dear friends who warned me against traditional western medicine. I listened to them and when my oncologist began to gravely talk of chemo/radiation protocols, I politely declined. I figured two things. One, if I was going to die from this, I was going with dignity, on my own terms, not a hairless waste of a human. Two, I would do my best to fight this thing using natural methods. My friends told me about the sugar fueling cancer, and that while I was already IF, I needed to looking into longer term fasting. And one friend recommended I increase anti-oxidants and to consume Chaga mushroom as it was the highest form of naturally occurring anti-oxidant. Being a “Mycologist” he brought me literally pounds of Chaga for making teas. I then went on a series of 3 and 4 day fasts over the next year. Daily IF and a longer fast once a month. My primary care physician, lectured me on why I needed to “Stick with the program” of chemo/radiation, I asked why? If traditional protocols were only going to extend my life “A few months”. Survival rates for my Metastatic Melanoma were a dismal 5% at 11 months. My diet now is primarily KETO and IF. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Arugula, Mushrooms, Radishes, all homemade dressings, natural unprocessed cheeses, nuts, sardines, oysters, non farm raised fish, pastured eggs, grass fed beef. I visit my Oncologist twice a year for follow-ups and complete bloodwork. To this day I remain cancer free. I still do 3 day fasts, but only twice a year. Oh, and I was 61 at my diagnosis, and am a healthy 66. Things that may have also helped were that I was a lifelong athlete, never going above 17% body fat (now it’s lower) and always avoiding processed foods. I am 6’ tall, weigh about 180 pounds give or take, and excersize regularly (primarily bicycle, due to other health concerns). My current health heroes are Dr. Eric Berg, Dr. Sten Ekberg and Dr. Ken Berry.

    • Wow, thanks for your story. The protocols the Drs and hospitals push will kill you. I wish I had this info when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and later with uterine cancer.

    • Way to go! Congrats on your healing journey! May your story reach and inspire countless others who are in need of hope. Dr. Berg ough to schedule an interview with you. 😊

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to tell your story. It’s very empowering. Years ago I witnessed what chemo/radiation did to my friend. It was terrible and he died badly. I said to myself that I wouldn’t allow myself to be put through what he endured. Reading your story, along with Guy’s account, fortifies my resolve should the need arise. Thank you again.

  16. I just found out I have cancer and I’m on day two of my water fast. This video came at the perfect time and your other video on cancer and fasting was the boost I needed. I can’t thank you enough!

    Dr. Berg, have you heard of any cancer success stories with the use of aloe arborescens? My dad had esophageal cancer and used this to boost his immune system.

    To everyone fighting cancer, we’re all in this together. ❤️

  17. My Dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma and basically told to get his affairs in order, back in 2003. There’s another part of the story about a delayed diagnosis, and very flippant comments from a few doctors that could have ended up in a lawsuit, but that’s for another day. My Dad is alive and well now, in his 80’s he’s being successfully treated for prostate cancer and doing just fine. He refused chemo back in 2003 and ended up going to Mexico to the Hoxey Clinic (Dr. Hoxey originally was treating people in the US and curing them, so of course was forced to stop and even received death threats, so he moved his clinic to Mexico- I’ll be shocked if my comment doesn’t get blocked from yt for mentioning this). My dad was placed on an alkaline diet, told to avoid anything in his body or on his skin that was unnatural as best he could, told to avoid stress, and given a completely natural plant/herbal tonic. His next US body scan and bloodwork a year later (at the VA) showed he was cancer free. He met many people over the years at the clinic with similar stories, as they continue to treat and monitor you. I’m sure you know there are so many stories from around the world of doctors curing cancer- in other countries. It sounds like the doctor’s here have their hands tied. So sad. Thank you so much for telling Guy’s story and for all you do.

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