I Lost 90 Lbs in 5 Months | Dr. Berg Interview

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Get inspired by this incredible weight loss success story, and learn some tips and tricks along the way!

0:00 Welcome, Bart!
1:00 The fasting pattern Bart chose
1:53 Overcoming challenges on keto and fasting
4:20 Bart’s weight loss story
7:07 His current meals
11:55 Addressing social events on keto
14:40 Weight loss consistency
18:38 Bart’s biggest weight loss tips

Today, we have a special guest! Bart has an incredible success story—in only five months, he lost 90 pounds. He’s going to share with us what he did and how he overcame certain barriers on his weight loss journey.

When Bart started keto and fasting, he jumped right into only consuming one meal a day. The transition was difficult, but he persevered, knowing that it would pay off in the end—and it did.

For his meals, he focuses on grass-fed, grass-finished beef, wild-caught salmon, eggs, and large salads.

One of his biggest weight loss tips is to stay dialed in and understand why you want to move forward with your health transformation.

He also stresses the importance of educating yourself as much as you can on how to lose weight the healthy way. For more information on how to lose weight, check out my other videos!



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* At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which products are best for you and how to take them.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed this amazing weight loss success story. I’ll see you in the next video.

47 responses to “I Lost 90 Lbs in 5 Months | Dr. Berg Interview”

  1. This is a testimony of determination, and willpower! Helps me to stay focused I need help to get started! You are my inspiration I like to understand the why! I do the same in watching the videos every morning on waking up! And I ask the question and share with family… I will not give up! Thank you Bart

    • I’ve found the need for willpower (or “won’t” power – lol!) goes away once you break the carb addiction. You just eat and do what you know you gotta do. Make it thru that first week to ten days and then its pretty much clear sailing!

      Of course, like any addiction (or bad habit), it’s always lurking in the background waiting for a moment of weakness to comeback into your life. The cost of freedom (and good health) is eternal vigilance.

  2. I remember reading comments about how much weight people were losing and thought, “why isn’t it working for me”? (LOL I’m literally writing this while he started talking about the stress! Lol)
    Well I had started the intermittent fasting. It helped greatly with my blood sugar/pressure, and I was feeling better. Then I had a climax stress event with family, that ended up with me trying to figure out why I couldn’t sleep! For a month! In that time, I had already found Dr Berg when looking into the IF. He instantly popped up when I searched for help with the insomnia! I did what I could on the stress, but it took a long time to get that turned around. Well a year later, and I’m down about 35lbs! From growing out of my 36×30 pants, and now my old 34×30’s are loose! I’ve learned some amazing brain science related information I share with anyone interested, that has totally changed the emotional stress angle! I’m very excited, and would encourage anyone listing for answers, keep at it! It works and you will find answers!

  3. Congratulations Bart and thank you for sharing your journey. Very inspiring. Thank you Dr Berg for this interview.

  4. Very inspired, Bart. 😀 Both of you young men…..👍….walk that talk…and walk it so well that so many more will take that first step now towards betterment in their own lives. Both of you being from 2 different walks of life, but also being so relatable….and now, so many will follow in your inspiring footsteps simply from watching today and being inspired by this video. 3 free range eggs on the stove, as I type this, (yes, Doc, I went back to eating a few of them…lol) but am still eating 3 meals a day, no snacking, as well, but occasionally, and only occasionally…lol….and weight loss isn’t really my challenge anymore…j just want to stay healthy and happy, and most can relate to that. Have a fabulous weekend, Gentlemen, and thanks again for living as examples in this mad world. ✌️

  5. I think Bart being single is probably one of the greatest contributors to his success. I can remember how motivated I was when I was single and how easy it was to stick to my routines and new habits. I think the reason for this is 1. You’re motivated to look good for your future partner 2. It’s easier to stick to routines and habits without having anyone else around to tempt you at home and throw you off your routine 3. You have full control over groceries and what’s kept in the house. You don’t have to consider anyone else’s needs when grocery shopping or planning/preparing meals. I attribute more than half my struggles to weight loss with my social influences. I get tempted or thrown for a loop almost daily and in the beginning, it’s so hard to say no several times a day. Especially if I’m stressed or unprepared. And the majority of those influences are not relationships I can part with to make life easier, so I have to learn to manage them better (spouse, family, coworkers).

    • I came here to write exactly what you wrote!! Its so much easier to do this as a single person. Plus if he wants kids – well…..food wise that is going to be a tough one. Today my partner brought home a mega bag of cheese chips and declared “because I wanted to”. Its my weakness. I’d prefer it was out of the house. But I’m only part of this household. Its difficult.

    • I agree, but what I have learned by looking at this in my life is that I needed to respect myself more. Choosing to eat healthy (presuming that poverty and education are not barriers) is fundamentally a decision to love oneself. Once I got a handle on that, I was centered and focused and it was easier to commit to MYSELF and MY OWN well being regardless of what the people around me choose for themselves. In my case, it was a boundary issue.

    • @Ponkelina Chips (‘crisps’ in UK) were my curse too. We would have family size bags in the house, the ones holding smaller bags of each flavour. I would grab a bag of each flavour and eat them all at once. Then do it a second time. Every day.

      The day I stopped eating them was the day I started getting healthier and losing weight. Best decision of my life. Those things really are crud. But SO tasty!

    • I am a widow and can attest that it is much easier to do OMAD intermittent fast/keto style eating with only me to deal with. I doubt I would have been able to stick with this plan if my husband was still alive. I would think it hard to convince a partner to do this big of a cultural change to their lifetime eating habits.

  6. I started Keto 3 weeks ago after starting to watch your channel and have lost 20 pounds! I was 195, down to 175. Now I like my new diet, eggs, salad, less carbs and sugar, and fasting for 16-18 hours every day. Thank you!

  7. Congratulations Bart. I caught Covid at the beginning of this year and probably lost about 20 pounds from not eating. When I got better my coworkers noticed that I lost weight and that was the swift kick in the butt that I needed to get healthier. Since then I’ve completely changed my diet and started exercising more and taking some supplements to help burn belly fat. Then I stumbled upon your channel on here and followed your advice with lemon water and apple cider vinegar and the weight has really come off the last 3 months since drinking the lemon water everyday. I’ve probably lost over 100 pounds since the beginning of the year.

  8. I myself lost 40 pounds in four months. I went from 180 to 140. I eat steamed vegetables, fish, eggs, nuts, banana, apple or grapes along with 8 cups of water per day. I started with only 700 calories per day and gradually went up to 1800. I also take extra vitamins, minerals and herbs. In the last month I also had cataract surgery on both eyes. I feel like a new man. I am 5ft. 10in. and 65 years old. When I started my triglycerides were at 576 and that dropped to normal after the second week. Then my bad cholesterol dropped too normal as well. I eliminated refined sugar and processed foods. Now my blood pressure is 108/64 with a pulse rate of 58. Good luck in your adventure to find good health.

    • @Peggy Genoway Thanks Peg. I don’t think anyone really knows. Some speculate it can be the result of the liver- things slowing down, creating sludge. There was no magical flush that was going to fix me. It was super inflamed and ruptured. I tried and gave it time. If you ignore and waste time playing around it can progress to worse, chronic issues. My biggest thing now is the weight loss and more important, the inability to gain.

    • @D G I am aware of the different nuts. I eat walnuts, Brazil, pecan. I only eat one banana more green than yellow per day. One apple and maybe half a cup of grapes. Most of my calories come from steamed vegetables, fish and nuts. I know about the gall bladder thing. My ex-wife gained fifty pounds towards the end of her second pregnancy and then lost it in less than three months. Then lost her gall bladder because of it. I did not gain my weight quick and then lose it quick. She had pain in her gall bladder while losing her weight. I never experienced any pain while losing my weight. Most of my sugar came from sodas. I quit them. I had a headache for about a week. As far as exercise goes. When I was 21 years old. I held world records in one arm pushups. I hold the record of 149 one arm pushups in 60 seconds on my right arm and 139 one arm pushups on my left arm in 60 seconds. When training I would do three thousand in three hours. Fifteen hundred on each arm. I took many breaks. I would average 50 to 100 at a time and take a quick break between sets. I started weight training when I was 13. By the time I was in Junior High I could beat most of the school’s football players at arm wrestling. And I only weighed about 130 pounds. Needless to say, I did not get along with the football players. I embarrassed them because of my size. They did not want me on the team. I did get into a few fights. None of them fair. When they gang up on you, it’s never fair. I considered most of them stuck up and selfish. After that, I never cared to be a team player. I am more into individual sports like body building and weight training or even gymnastics. When I was in my late thirties. I could still do 3000 one arm pushups in three hours. I will wait awhile longer and let my eyes heal. I will get back in shape and do 3000 one arm pushups in three hours. It’s something I can do. When I was 61 my weight was 145. I arm wrestled and beat a 25 yr. old ex-college football player and he weighed 280 at 6ft 4In. The biggest guy I ever arm wrestled weighed 300 pounds and I beat him. Records are broken when you mathematically break it down into steps of training. Never tell yourself you can’t do it. Set out with I already did it and I will do it again.

    • @Keto Auntie Not so sure. I tried- lemons, oranges, even apple cider vinegar. Unless you had it, you really are only speculating. Even if you cleared a stone (not likely) 4 more will form right behind it. They form because a dysfunction in the system is happening- possibly even the liver. You can treat a drip but it’s better to fix the leak. I tried to avoid removing it- trust me. Nothing helped and it hurt- could not even eat a bite any longer. Weight loss, etc. Most people are only buying time with home remedies. If they can cure it- more power to them but I don’t think that is the norm once the disease progression has begun. If you delay too long you can developed chronic issues. I never rush to surgery but in this case making that very thoughtful decision saved my life.

    • @Don Juan That’s a lot of info. I get it- you have strong arms. Still, be careful with rapid weight loss my strong friend. Those extremes are also not safe- thousands of reps. One dude died after doing 500 squats. It aggravated his sickle cell trait. He had complications and died months later. Good that you are active and seem to eat OK. I’m sure you feel better being thinner as well so that is a bonus.

  9. Great success story, sounds a lot like mine but I’m 55 years old at 5’7 was 350 lbs and lost 125 lbs, had a 54″ waist now 40″ waist goal is to get to a 36″ waste. I started Dr Bergs healthy keto plan back in March of this year, I haven’t felt this good in years! Thank you Dr Berg!!!!

  10. Greetings Doctor Berg, and everyone,
    I have been on Ketogenic for a year and 10 months, and also adding OMD to my great life but OMD is not a stranger to me I use to fast a lot when I was in my teens and while I was in college, especially in my late twenties. I always fasted and I always felt amazing when fasting.

    Fasting has been in my life and I know the amazing feeling of a good fast and the benefits of fasting. The excess weight came on me after a broken marriage but it was not the marriage it was me who have to take the responsibility for my oneness with myself to understand that it’s up to me what I want out of weight loss and not temporary just to get in a swimsuit or a new dress but for the healthy lifestyle for a healthy body.

    Keto for me is taking every step with care while losing weight to avoid loose skin and majorly learning more about my lifestyle choices for the future because this is a lifestyle for me mentally and physically.

    I’m feeling great but knowledge is powerful to understand obesity to use our acknowledge to fight obesity, with respect and understanding that we must not make any excuses for our weight gain but take full responsibility to understand the cause of weight gain when it comes to our pass eating habits by eating an overwhelming amount of carbohydrate. This is a list of food I have eliminated from going into my body that causes health problems and especially foods that was processed and full of sugar and especially foods that has sugar. I don’t drink soda, eat bread, grits, rice, beans, pasta, pizza, fast food, ice cream, cakes, cookies, candies, no keto snacks filled with sugar substitutes, and no sugary fruits. I turned to whole food and my eyesight is amazing and my blood pressure was. I don’t have diabetes but I knew I had to do something before going down the road of disaster.

    This is a life changer for me. I have to use the slow and steady way of losing weight not rushing but doing it with my body adjusting to the new progress of losing weight naturally and safely. I love when you said Doctor Berg, that exercising is great while losing weight not to overdo the exercises while losing weight but do our exercises Moderately.

    I took the advice and I have lost 76 pounds. In one year and 10 months but I’m still losing weight and staying focused on my ketogenic lifestyle.

  11. Watching Dr. Berg’s daily videos definitely motivate me to stay the course. If I fall off, I get right back on. I will forever be grateful for his teachings on Keto, clean eating and intermittent fasting. 🙏

  12. I so much needed to hear this , this morning…I am at that crossroads in my life!

  13. Congratulations to Bart! I’m 42, lost around 80-100 by keto/IF. Started Oct 2nd 2021, lost around 100 by April 2022. After losing so much I had to gain back 20 to be able to have a little meat on me so overall, kept off 80. I quit drinking and cigarettes too but it all went hand in hand. I’m in better shape than I ever have been and happy to try to get out and date again. Thank you Dr. Berg!!

  14. I lost 90lbs in just over 2 months– but I started with a 6 day fast and lost 3 lbs per day, EVERYDAY during that first week. When I weight myself again on day 7, I was 22lbs down for the week. Pretty incredible way to start your weight loss. So I started at 285 and got down to 263 in that first week, and then went on to get down to 192 in about 2 more months, just by eating small portions, only once a day.

  15. It’s such an uplifting and brings such positivity to my day seeing these stories !! Wtg Bart , here’s to a healthy life !!! Thanks Dr. Berg , I signed up for your online liver course and I love the platform and I’ll be looking for more online courses in the future . Wish you and your wife a great weekend 😊

  16. 210 lbs in June, down to 177 lbs today. Intermittant fasting with one meal a day. I started Keto, then went to Carnivore because it was easier. I’m 66 feel like 46. I’m looking and feeling DAMN good. Thanks Dr. Berg!

    • @Keto AuntieI never count calories. I eat only when i am hungry, what ever time of day that is..as much beef butter bacon eggs ( pork chicken too sometimes) usually a 16 oz ribeye or more maybe some eggs until I am comfortably stuffed. That’s it.

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