Healthy Whole Grains Are a JOKE

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Are “healthy whole grains” actually healthy at all? Find out.


0:00 Introduction: The truth about grains
0:24 Whole grains vs. refined grains
3:15 A deeper look at whole grain bread
4:12 Are whole grains healthy?
6:02 Studies on whole grains
7:37 Whole grains and heart disease
8:24 Learn more about the benefits of consuming foods without grains!

Let’s talk about so-called “healthy whole grains.” Eating whole grains is a widespread diet recommendation, but for what reason?

Whole wheat bread, for example, is made from whole wheat flour, not refined flour. But, neither type of flour has much fiber, vitamins, phytonutrients, minerals, or protein. Whole grains also contain phytic acid, which blocks the absorption of minerals.

The majority of studies on grains compare whole grains to refined grains. Many people already know whole grains are healthier than refined grains. So, why aren’t we comparing the effects of consuming whole grains vs. not consuming whole grains or refined grains?

Aren't whole grains heart-healthy? The Cochrane group evaluated nine random-controlled trials and came to the conclusion that there isn’t enough evidence to say that consuming whole grains will reduce your risk of heart disease.

However, foods without grains are beneficial for your heart, liver, arteries, and blood sugar levels. Learn more about these foods in my other videos.



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Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain why so-called “healthy whole grains” aren’t really healthy. I’ll see you in the next video.

67 responses to “Healthy Whole Grains Are a JOKE”

  1. about 6 years ago I was working in dietetics in a hospital and was constantly arguing with dietitians and doctors about whole grains because they were telling all patients including diabetics to base their meals on wholegrains….back in the 60s or 70s they changed the way we process wheat in most western countries to make it so bad that rats wouldn’t go near it.

  2. For me it’s very easy. For most of human history we haven’t touched grain. When we started making bread, it was ground, baked and consumed within one or two days. Today’s wheat and white bread will last for weeks without molding. It comes from a totally different wheat stalk that was engineered to give the maximum yield. American culture revolves around grains and bread. This type of obsession didn’t happen until the great depression when people needed cheap calories. Grain is literally an emergency food to just get calories and feel full- yet it’s now the central part of our diet. Like most Americans I grew up thinking wheat bread was good for me. I read the Wheat Belly book and decided to give no wheat a try. I have suffered from constant allergies since I was about 5 years old, and after getting off wheat my allergy symptoms almost entirely went away. Same for eczema and dandruff/itchy scalp. Anymore I see wheat as basically a poison. If you take any of these symptoms to your physician, they will test and medicate you into oblivion. And I can guarantee if any of it works it won’t work for long, because I’ve been down that road. Not bashing physicians, but our medical system is extremely flawed in America. If people were just taught how to eat a nutritious diet the vast majority of this very expensive medical treatment would not even be necessary. Therein lies the rub.

    • @thewatcher sorry but the modern wheat is only a hybrid through selective breeding. Not genetically modified in any way. The same as all the old ancient grains. There currently is no GMO wheat market ready. None has been sold to consumers. There is round up ready (wheat spliced with fish) wheat being grown in experimental fields. There’s a good chance seed will be sold to farmers next year. A grain is a grain is a grain they are bad for you no matter the breeding. GMO just makes it a little worse.

    • Did you know the ancient Egyptians put molded bread on their wounds which is a naturally occurring penicillin

    • 🤔 Is anyone else getting weird twitches or pulses in their limbs frequently all of a sudden? It’s really bothering me.

    • @Pete Smith The same wheat seed for commercial purposes sold in the US are the same sold everywhere else. Companies like Monsanto are world wide.

    • in the future, all grains will be considered a scheduled 1 drug .. as that is what it is. metabolized as a mild opiate (there are all kinds of opiates).

      if you want bread, you will have to buy individual seeds and be limited to the number of plants per dwelling. just like cannabis in the different states or provinces in North America.

      even then .. with that reduction, I wouldn’t recommend any of my clients eat even that little per year.

      the current data + ancient data is fully damming in my research, but … humans like drugs. grains are metabolized as drugs. that’s why we like them. or think we like them.

      hence the term comfort foods.

      long ago I gave up buying bread (2008), recently decided to try a loaf of organic sourdough rye (due to all the buzz about sourdough / fermented foods) .. very clean ingredients list. seemed the least issues – out of all the kinds I used to eat growing up. figured I would give the rest of the loaf to a roommate that eats packaged nonsense.

      I toasted it. and had half a slice.
      had to stop. felt weird.

      put the remainder out for the birds.
      but don’t feel right about that either.

      sorry to say. grains are a huge failure (but a tasty way to diminish your lifespan)

      can no longer be considered a food source for humanity.

      I have seen it ruin all of my ancestors going on 40 years now. hairloss, hair color, eyesight, teeth, bones, heart arrhythmia … all affected negatively.

      the zinc blockage needs to be heavily considered. lots and lots of papers yet to read in my files. probably never get to them.

      foods high in zinc was where I would often start clients to refine their diets (that are carb heavy) .. wish I would have known more .. way back. would have helped the vast majority of elder issues. significantly. oats are particularly bad .. leads to cataracts when limiting healthy fats.

      should need a license +/- prescription just to be able to buy a loaf of it, but only after you have read a library of books and papers on the harms (like I have).

      my ancestors farmed wheat + other grains.

      rampant health issues. all died early.

      thankfully there are other things I love even more than bread products.

      grains and epilepsy has been linked since forever ago. one day the rest of the globe will ponder that, get mad .. and revolt .. incredible how regular folks would still think it was safe to consume, when small amounts are enough to induce an epileptic seizure is beyond me.

      took me the longest time to isolate that in my first daughter.

      no one should have to be in that position.

      the world just likes to throw pills at any malady .. and move on tho.

  3. If anything is a ‘widespread recommendation’, that is a huge red flag right there. Be autodidatic. Narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Gratitude, Dr Berg, for sharing your priceless wealth of knowledge and wisdom.

  4. I have not eaten bread since the 1990’s due to the yeast😂I don’t miss it at all. I am very content with my grain free diet it has been about two years now I can’t say I am a slow learner but as I learned more about grains the easier it was to wean them out of personal healthy diet the last one to go was oatmeal groats😊and I also tossed the almost full bottle of maple syrup 😮😮. Thank you for spreading the information helping others to make an informed decision ❤🎉❤live long and prosper

    • Hi!
      So do you make your sandwich with lettuce?
      What do you use for speghetti etc in place of breads and pastas?♥️

    • @Elazar quick oats are highly processed not any difference than eating straight from the sugar bowl. My healthy diet is personal it took some time to develop I am still working on it to make the best choices for me myself and I. I don’t have the qualifications the knowledge as to what is best for you. Some people do good with grains but I lost the last twenty pounds when I gave them up and have kept my excess weight off my body so I am not tempted to use the groats again

  5. i love your sea of knowledge/info, how specific, real and ‘to the point’ that you are AND your delivery with a touch of underlying humour is brilliant❤️🤗🙏
    If only you could do the same for a bag of dry ‘kibble’ dog food and open everyones eyes to how bad that is to feed your pets.
    Bless you & all that you share🤗

    • How right you are, kibble is so unatural, made from floor sweepings full of mycotoxins. it’s a silent killer. I’ve fed raw, (wild game too when I can get it) for 20 years now,

    • @Manders Only a RAW balanced diet never any dry kibble!
      as all them dry dog food bags write on their packaging how amazing the product is but in actual fact there is zero nutrients inside. No different to what DrBerg was saying about the bread etc

  6. I believe both of those flours are refined grains. The whole wheat flour means that company started with the whole grain before they cut it up and refined it themselves. So as long as they start with the whole seed they can label it as that.

  7. Dr. Berg never mentioned “sprouted grain bread” or some people call it “Ezekiel bread”. That is what I buy and eat. The grains are sprouted (the seeds are germinated) first, then the bread is made from this. No flour, no grinding any dry grain but rather instead mashing the wet pre-sprouted grain. It has MORE NUTRITION & unlocks nutrition, easier to digest, and sprouted whole grains offer a healthy slow release carb as compared to refined carbs. I eat silverhillsbakery

    • That’s my bread if I am going to eat bread. It would be good to hear a comparison vs whole grain for the nutrient profile.

    • @Boney Bone I believe that you can order the bread on Amazon and get it delivered. Just freeze it so it can stay fresh longer. Ezekiel bread 🥪 is amazing.

    • Ezekiel also makes a low glycemic bread. It comes in a green pkg. That’s the one I buy. Try not to overdo it though! I think that could be an issue because when toasted with , of course, grass fed butter, it is so good! Sorry but I have to have toast with coffee in the morning. Love Dr Berg though! Very dedicated guy! 😘

  8. A family member with allergy to nuts and I am sensitive to nightshade foods and legumes, peas. I had episode of candida about 10 years ago ( I am now 70). I love nuts and almond bread, but I am a bit cautious having nut foods around.

  9. I’m from Kansas, wheat country, and my childhood memories bring me back to when my German grandmother would come to visit and would make her bread, from her own memory, kneading it lovingly, covering it, letting it rise, then baking it in our oven, there in the kitchen. We would then eagerly eat a freshly cut warm slice of her “secret family” bread recipe, dripping with butter, chomping down in thanks that she visited, but after…..I writhed in pain on the floor with gas that I never associated with her baked gift, ya know? Bread is biblical, in a way, and sandwiches have become the go-to for so many, since a person can drive back to work while gobbling down a sandwich….lol…..and it is so easy to get all the food groups in a “Dagwood”, for lunch usually. Bread seems like the optimal “convenience food”, and I came so close that day at the store, when I bought all those mark-down veggies and such, glancing at the Ezekiel sprouted Bread and remembering how much I loved some buttered toast in the morning…but I resisted, and stayed strong, but that comfort food of bread is sometimes equally as strong to draw some back in. It is also in the way that it is processed. Here in the Heartland, I have heard that they will spray the grains numerous times before it goes out from the elevator, and some opt to use smaller family processors because of that very reason and the lack of that spraying that occurs for our betterment, they say. Nice topic, Doc. 🤔 Extremely relevant here in the bread basket of America. Peace out, Doc. ✌️(just not a piece of that bread, don’t ya know?…lol)

    • @Smile Awhile thanks .. that’s what I thought..but people constantly bring it up when I say I am grain free

    • @Smile Awhile

      I eat the Ezekiel sprouted muffins as a big part of my diet. I love ‘em, but won’t touch any other grain products. Only organic and only sprouted. It’s from a Biblical recipe, so I know the good LORD wouldn’t steer me wrong.

      I read the book “wheat belly” years ago, and it opened my eyes,

    • @Mona Wolters I hear ya! I think some people are more attached to bread than drug addicts are to their stuff!
      My neighbor almost tries to shame me into eating poorly when she offers me unhealthy food and I say no thank you. As I was visiting, she insisted I eat a piece of take-out pizza then gave me a hard time for eating the toppings and leaving the crust. LOL All this despite they see me getting healthier & healthier while they gain weight, complain about how horrible they feel & have a whole cabinet for their growing prescription collection??? Go figure.

    • @Smile Awhile yes.. some people say they feel sorry for me not eating sweets.. I say..well don’t worry cuz I ate plenty in my day and it’s better when I dont….

    • @Robert Mac I’ve never read the book but I agree. I don’t think most grains today are even close to what our great grand-parents ate. It sounds like you’re very aware of what you’re putting into your body and making conscious decisions to eat healthy and I think that’s the most important of all, don’t you? I felt soo much better when I switched to sprouted grains but for me, I felt even better still when I just stopped eating bread altogether.
      Our bodies are all so different and I think eating consciously and not eating junk is the most important of all

  10. Thankful for all the important information & education Dr. Berg is providing. But I have an urgent question which I haven’t seen anyone address yet: Beginning 2023 they want to start giving the m-rn@ j a b to animals… this applies to grass-fed cows, too! Farmers are being forced to do this – I am worried bc I am switching to keto & healthy animal fat is helping me recover from a long time being vegan (even through breastfeeding time). But I am afraid I will have to avoid meat if this evil plan is to be realized. Where can we get “pure” meat than? Very concerning!

  11. Hi Dr. Berg, thanks for your knowledge, I enjoy your research/Video. I am a Baker and worked with fresh “Stonemill” ground grain, what a difference in taste. Bless you!

  12. Thanks Dr Berg, what about grinding your own wheat berries using what’s termed ancient grains , not as a daily bread but maybe a few times over the coarse of a year after one reaches there healthy weight. ?

  13. I remember doing grain research awhile back. I was surprised at the lack of nutrients and the diseased “enrichments”.
    Now I enjoy homemade sourdough spelt or kamut breads in moderation. I can control the fat, sweetness and yeast that does in my breads.

    • I made the mistake of making sourdough bread again after a long break. I’m not good at the eating in moderation part, lol.

      I only use flour, water, salt and starter, but I’m not kidding myself that it’s a health food. (Does keep you ‘regular’ though!)

  14. In Europe, we still have some bakeries making ancient whole grains “real bread” from Einkorn, buckwheat and that’s healthy if in small amount. It is very different from America industrial sliced bread.

  15. We need to hear this! We need to KNOW this vital information is a fundamental problem and reason why we are becoming so OVERWEIGHT and SICK! Thank you Dr Berg for being our health advocate and VOICE in our process to learn about healthy food choices❤🙏🙏🙏

    • They want us all sick, weak, and dependent upon the system for our wellbeing. That is why they promote the things that weaken us. Don’t fall for their programming.

  16. Another day, another eye opener. Even though I heard it from you before, doctor, it is great to have some of those myths of ‘healthy eating’ being questioned again and again and then properly explained. Thank you, so much, Doctor Berg !

    • They want us all sick, weak, and dependent upon the system for our wellbeing. That is why they promote the things that weaken us. Don’t fall for their programming..

    • @Milton Bates Indeed. For that reason I have ditched doctors from my surgery a long time ago and gave priority to Dr Berg. It has been paying back ever since …

  17. Recently I’ve been in doctors’ offices and hospitals with my father who is having heart issues. It is amazing to me how many nurses are putting forth their “learned” knowledge of the benefit of eating grains and other foods that we know are harmful. The one statement that really astonished me was the vitamin D3 levels in a 2,000 IU pill was toxic. Is this what is being taught in medical schools? Unbelievable. All doctors and health care providers need extensive training in nutrition in addition to normal medical protocol.

  18. Grains , sugar , carbs , stress , not enough sleep , sedinary lifestyle all contribute to disease aging ( in a bad way ) and pretty much lead to ones demise. Watching the bullet proof your immune system course and it’s so informative , thanks for all the knowledge Dr. Berg 😊

    • They want us all sick, weak, and dependent upon the system for our wellbeing. That is why they promote the things that weaken us. Don’t fall for their programming.

    • Carbs and sugar arent bad at all, they only become a problem when you over eat and dont move much, same can be said for eating too much fat, thats why people are unhealthy they are too sedentary.

    • @Montreal Taylor there are no essential carbs or sugars. Your body does not need them. It can create all that it needs. All those sugars do is create inflammation in the body. I use to think like you and over the course of 40 years I put on about a pound a year. Until I realized at 50 I was fat. It was well distributed and I just looked muscular but I was fat. Did I lead a sedimentary life? Well I run a manual sawmill requiring me to lift 100 to 200lbs about every 5 to 10 minutes for 8 hours a day. Then for the next 5 hours I’m splitting wood or running a 15 pound chainsaw. Then I have farm chores. So yea maybe a little lazy. There are a few more hours I could get some work done so you may be right.

    • @Montreal Taylor Your body is fully built with protein and fat. You store only like 600grams of carbs in form of glycogen. Carbs are survival food, otherwise – if they’re not disposed to create energy, they’re harmful. One thing has to be said – they are not as harmful when you also fast. But modern people forgot what fasting is, living in a society of abundancy, in a delusion of MUST having 3 meals, or more, a day.
      Nevertheless – carbs are basically useless on a daily basis.

  19. I felt really bad anxiety that overwhelmed me, after I researched that gluten was linked to anxiety and depression, that’s when I questioned how healthy it actually is.

  20. I remember reading a fascinating article on the life of a Roman soldier. It included what they ate which was mostly wheat mixed with a little bacon and fat. They added to the diet from nature, but the main diet was easily transported. Roman soldiers were a big asset. They needed them to be as strong and healthy as possible. I have to assume that the old wheat was much more nutritious.

    • They needed as many of them as possible. Their size and strength in my honest opinion has been exaggerated in movies. Lol nobody looked like they do in movies until steroids came on the market.

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