The Best Remedy for ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

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Check out the best remedy for ADD or ADHD, and find out how to improve attention.


0:00 Introduction: How to improve attention
0:38 How ADHD is diagnosed
4:55 Understanding ADD or ADHD
9:38 How gluten affects your brain
10:06 Other things that can affect the brain
10:18 The most important nutrients for ADD or ADHD
12:42 The best remedy for ADHD or ADD
14:30 Learn how to do keto and fasting!

Let’s talk about attention deficit disorder and what I consider the best remedy for ADD or ADHD.

Some people may have a difficult time transitioning from their medication to this natural remedy for ADD. This transition should be done gradually and with the help of a doctor.

ADD, or ADHD, has nothing to do with someone’s intelligence—we’re talking about a lack of attention and, in some cases, hyperactivity.

Many different things can play into someone having problems with attention, like overstimulation or difficulty in school. There is also a physical component involved when someone has ADD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The brain hogs energy, and it takes a lot of energy in the brain for someone to pay attention to something. If your brain is tired, you won’t be able to concentrate for very long.

Running your brain on ketones can give you energy. Ketones are a cleaner, more efficient fuel source for the brain. The way to feed your brain ketones is to lower your carbohydrates.

Cutting grains out of your diet is essential. Gluten can affect your gut, which could then affect your brain, leading to brain fog.

Here are a few more things that can affect your brain and may cause a short attention span:
• Allergies
• Lack of sleep
• Too much caffeine
• Nutrient deficiencies

The best ways to improve your attention naturally:
1. Take DMAE
2. Get on the ketogenic diet and do intermittent fasting
3. Consume plenty of vitamin B1, magnesium, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the best remedy for ADD or ADHD. I’ll see you in the next video.

59 responses to “The Best Remedy for ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder)”

  1. I’ve been watching your videos for several years now. My family and I (6 of us) done Keto for 18 months and lost a total of 750lbs and for the most part most of us is keeping it off. Thank you!! Yes, it was your videos that motivated us and kept us going!! Keep up your amazing research!!! Watching from somerset KY

    • I really struggle with keto as I find meals without rice or potatoes or bread really nauseating. If you have a moment I would be so grateful if you could tell me a few of the things you prepare for your family to achieve the miracle of having six people on keto. Congratulations, You are an inspiration! Namaste 🙏💜🙏

    • @Tumbleweed UK Dr. Berg reccommends having a hugh salad with lots of greens and avocado. Why not have that with your meat dish? I even have a salad with my scrambled eggs!

  2. Thank you for discussing this topic. The long-term negative side effects of these medication‘s are devastating. Unfortunately, parents are not educated prior to medicating their children, but there are healthier alternatives.

    • Doctors and Teachers: Drugs can harm a child’s developing brain. 🤓

      Also Doctors and Teachers: Here’s some amphetamines! 🤪

    • @Dakoder II True. I wrote my Master’s Thesis on this topic. You can locate it on my channel, reading it out loud. Medicating Children Diagnosed with ADHD and The Negative Side Effects.

  3. Wow. Dr Berg, this is probably the most important video for parents today. Get kids, and their parents on the healthy ketogenic diet, and avoid the tyranny of school nurses and teachers getting kids hooked on drugs they don’t need.

    • Stop. You don’t get hooked on Ritalin. And parents, doctors, & teachers are not racing to put kids on drugs. If you don’t have the condition you have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s complicated, sometimes devastating, and there is no single solution for everyone.

    • @S N did you even watch the video. The best solution for everyone is the healthy ketogenic diet. Not drugs and their side effects, especially not school nurses being allowed to give ritalin without parental consent.

  4. My doctor whenever I was around 12 told my parents that he wouldn’t prescribe it to me anymore, Ritalin. That was the best thing my family practice doctor could do for me because I had to learn to cope/adapt.

    • What most of the doctors don’t understand is we are not sick, we are just different. I am a math teacher, a software engineer, i have realty license in 2 states, i bake cakes, i am a mom. We are hunters, not farmers. We are busy people. Our life is all about creativity. If you can manage, you’ll see how rewarding adhd is. It is not a curse, it’s a gift & you need to learn how to manage it.

  5. Sending this video to every person in my family, including friends. Dr Berg thank you for your care, knowledge and medical advice. It means the world to all of us! Blessings ✝️❤

  6. I resonated with your comments about “learning the basics”. The only D grade I received in school was in geometry. I was lost from day 1 so never did get it.

    • Right, it would have helped if someone told me the word means the study of spheres or cycles. That was my missing piece.

    • I had to retake Algebra because I was so lost the first go round. Went from struggling to understand anything to almost 100%. The difference for me was the teacher and teaching method. Many people struggle in school because the teacher teaches in a way that does not work with how they are brain processes things. So many of us would do much better in school and actually find it interesting if we were able to learn the way our brain learns.

  7. I always thought that I had some undiagnosed ADHD. I never checked it by a doctor and after going on a ketogenic diet I’m really thankful to you to teach me what’s actually going wrong in my body. I had the brain fog and low attention span, was overweight and I was often in a bad mood. I was really bad in School, but I trained myself to be highly reflective. My conclusion now: it wasn’t because I was dumb or lazy. It was because everyone told me how I have to be and everything I did was wrong in their eyes. I was constantly stressed out.

  8. My daughter was diagnosed with ADD while in grade 5 and we tried different things, including private tutors and meds off and on because I didn’t ĺike her taking them. What made a major difference for her was attending a high school in Montreal which specializes in teaching children with ADD, ADHD and other mild forms of learning disabilities. This one of a kind school is recognized for their highly successful teaching methods which are recommended for all children, not just those with learning disabilities. My daughter will be graduating from college in a few months.

  9. How many of us with ADHD actually skipped to 12:42 to find the solution, and then later watched the video from the beginning?🙂
    Thanks, Dr. Berg! You are a national treasure.

  10. I don’t let my ADD or ADHD slow me down but I have become more aware of how to manage situation‘s which I am a fan of and situation in which I do not like, for example it took me a few decades to realize that things like waiting in line traffic being an airplane for hours are just not my favorite thing in the world so I try to avoid that stuff. Fortunately I have a job that requires me to be very active and not sit in front of a computer all day which would be absolute torture for me. Getting through my bachelors degree was challenging but I was working so I didn’t have time to really stress and getting through my masters degree was difficult but it was my lifelong dream to get that degree so I just forced myself to do all the work and all the tests and all the projects and God just so much work but I didn’t give up. ADD and ADHD are absolutely things that some people struggle with more than others but you can’t use it as a crutch to say that you’re not accomplishing your goals because of it

    • Please keep in mind their are different degrees of ADHD. Some people are much more affected than others, so we don’t want to make judgments.

  11. Very difficult to get help from school, does not qualify for I E P (individuals educational plan) but does for 504 Plan (certain accommodations, like taking more time on tests etc.). “Medication makes me feel like I’m inside looking through a think glass” that’s what my son said at age twelve. I tried to educate my self as much as possible (chadd* parenting classes, school ) became very involved in volunteering in his school, with teachers, took him to counseling, tried keeping him from food additives and sugars,. I had three others that I neglect because my focusing was one the one with ADHD the others have ADD, so do I, they are adults now, continue to have their struggles, and each one deals with it on their own, medicine, no medicine. I wish could of done more. Keeping them from getting in trouble with the law became my priority. Now I hope they find understanding supportive life companionship. Education can be expensive but price to pay in life could be worst. I will definitely share this video with them. Thank you. (I read the report Dr Berg mention about medication)

  12. Thanks Dr Berg! IMO, the subject of mental disorders and nutrition is let me just say it this way; not where it needs to be!

  13. So agreed, a good teacher is essential. I flunked a Biology class in college, well I withdrew before I got the bad grade because the teacher spoke poor English and was all over the place. I retook the course with another professor and graduated with honors. So important to have a teacher who can actually teach.

  14. I have always struggled with all of these. I have a medical condition called, ADHD, aka, I don’t have great attention for things that don’t interest me, aka, I’m a human. I was diagnosed with adhd in highschool and I remember the test my doctor had me take said stupid questions like, 1. I have difficulty waking up in the morning 2. I am more a night owl 3. I struggle to focus on tasks that I don’t find interesting… This was obvious to me then, the weirdos are people who wake up in the morning like psychopaths ready to go to the reeducation camps called highschool lol. And people who enjoy doing things they aren’t interested in… seriously turns out I’m a normal human male and that is fine, you have to do what you love, and also don’t be a baby and do things that are hard sometimes because people depend on you and it actually is healing to push through and accomplish something. They pushed meds on me right away, luckily I got off them immediately, not for me!

    • Stop with your cope. You dont have ADHD. Its perfectly normal to not be interested in things they aren’t interested in.

    • @Jeremy Lee mine too, it makes us think out of the box! And in the same regard, we’re not mere people…that’s s h e e p l e lol talk texting doesn’t do it, hahaha Anyway, if you listen to Einstein, he said, “you can’t judge a fish because he can’t climb a tree!” So obviously, Einstein had some kind of a learning disability as well. Isn’t it great, that we call can learn some wonderful things. But it is hard, when you can’t keep up with others, especially when they make you share a book in school. That’s really humiliating, and it’s hard. Back then, they didn’t diagnose it, not at Catholic school. They couldn’t afford it. You just are made to feel stupid, and you get your C’s and you try your best to keep up. I’m so glad, that they helped you guys. God bless everybody. Keep up the good work. 😉 And I’m soooo glad Dr B. is covering this. Thank you all for your positive comments.

  15. It is very common for people, including doctors, to dismiss the significance of invisible disorders that they themselves have never suffered from. I was diagnosed in my 40s, over ten years ago, because I was on the verge of losing my livelihood, and it wasn’t simply based on an office visit. I had to be interviewed by a specialist in learning disabilities. Then I had to go through a three hour battery of tests to determine not only if I had a learning disability, but which type. And since insurance companies only cover this issue for children, I had to pay $1,200 out-of-pocket. I was diagnosed with ADHD (minus the H). This not only saved my job, it also helped me to understand myself better as it explained my academic and relationship failures. Since then I’ve developed my own solutions without the need for medication, like taking care of tasks when they cross my desk instead of putting them off in a pile; and putting other projects on the backburner so I can complete one. However, L-Tyrosine supplementation does help! Medications for ADHD deplete this amino acid, supplementing with it brings the desired results, without side effects.

  16. My brother had ADD. What helped him the most in his life was being around supportive, nurturing, and loving people. What harmed him the most was taking the prescribed drugs from his doctor which may have caused heart problems as an adult. He figured out for himself that he needed more B vitamins and to be on a Keto diet.

    • Too bad I didn’t have that growing up. Everybody just calls you stupid…And looks down at you. I like exactly what he’s saying, teach people HOW to learn. I was just thrown under the rug, and made look like I was dumb, as barely a C student, Even though I was trying my hardest!. But like he said a GOOD teacher, could help me really learn, & bring out the best in me!… Learning HOW to learn and having the patience with somebody to diagnose you when you’re young, and to help you, It’s definitely key, and obviously, you guys were THAT supportive for your brother.💞 God bless you. I wish my siblings were as supportive, instead of looking down on me & mocking me, for being slow or substandard. Obviously when a person talks too much, because they’re trying to compensate, for their lack of an anchor I guess you could say, I don’t know how to put it any other way. Maybe it’s a nervousness I have, but I have so much to say, trying to focus it and staying balanced, has always been a chore. And I’m 63. Life is really really hard, to try to constantly stay balanced on that tight rope, high up in the air. And falling off of it, always hurts. God bless you again.👍🏾🕊️💝🏆✌️🌹

    • @JD Gatlin And then, find out you have the MTHFR gene, and it’s even worse. You find out that you don’t even absorb the vitamins that’s supposedly comes in processed food and other fake supplements that you’re given growing up. Cuz we know that the supplements at the store, most of them are chemical, and they actually do people like us even MORE damage, than they do good. 🧐🤨😔And all the junk they add to the ennriched so-called enriched grains etc. Man, the stuff we have stacked up against us. Thank God for people like Dr Berg, and others who go through what we go through, and look for the real cause and the positive solutions! Don’t you get tired of hearing people just yell at you, like “just get with it, & do what you’re told & YOU DON’T LISTEN…etc, 😢when you’re trying your hardest, but you just CAN’T keep up. It’s exhausting, really exhausting. So when you find things like this, it’s like a breath of fresh air! God bless you Dr Berg. Keep up the good work. At all the positive people giving good comments here, I appreciate it. Thank you guys. 👍🏾💞🤝🏽

  17. I usually love Dr Bergs work, but if you don’t think ADHD is a real condition just because it not detectable by a blood test..! It’s a pattern of behaviour / cognition of things experienced to a much higher degree than other people experience, and it has a huge impact of people lives. Yes a negative label also has a negative impact. Like dementia there are probably a great many factors in this, not a single cause.

    If you ever had day to day experience with people with brain injuries and / or personality disorders you will see impulsivity, attention issues and lack of self insight are a huge factor.

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