The #1 Best Natural Cox-2 Inhibitor for Pain and Inflammation

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Common pain relievers come with side effects. Learn more about the best natural COX-2 inhibitor (natural pain reliever).


Omega-6 to omega-3 ratio:

Vitamin D and inflammation:

Cold water therapy:

0:00 Introduction: Natural pain relief
0:10 What are COX-2 inhibitors?
1:15 Is pain genetic?
2:45 The best remedy for pain
6:13 Natural things to try for a genetic pain issue
11:12 Other natural pain remedies
12:09 Learn more about natural pain relief!

Let’s talk about the best natural remedy for pain or inflammation. If you’re on a COX-2 inhibitor or another type of pain medication, this video is for you.

Many people take certain medications that are COX-2 inhibitors for pain relief, but these medications have a lot of potential side effects.

It turns out that there are genetic weaknesses for inflammation and pain. If you have a problem with certain genes and you also experience the right triggers, you may have more pain and inflammation than other people.

In my opinion, the #1 best natural COX-2 inhibitor is willow bark. Aspirin was actually discovered through this natural plant. It also contains incredible phytonutrients with additional benefits.

Other natural COX-2 inhibitors:
• Turmeric
• Bromelain
• Boswellia

Here are a few additional things you can try if you have a genetic weakness for pain and inflammation:
1. Omega-3 fatty acids (while avoiding omega-6 fatty acids)
2. Vitamin D
3. A low-carb diet
4. Magnesium
5. Vegetables
6. Folate, vitamin B12, choline, and vitamin B1
7. Intermittent fasting and periodic prolonged fasting
8. Infrared therapy
9. Probiotics
10. Cold water therapy
11. Avoid smoking and alcohol

#pain #painrelief #cox2 #inflammation #painremedy #naturalremedy #turmeric #cox2inhibitor

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the best natural COX-2 inhibitor. I’ll see you in the next video.

64 responses to “The #1 Best Natural Cox-2 Inhibitor for Pain and Inflammation”

  1. Doctor Berg ❤️your videos , A humble request ,please can you make a video on numbness in toes and feet .
    Post covid ,and in long covid many are suffering from this issue .
    Thanks in advance . 🙏🏿🙏🏿

    • My daughter is an RN, sees many pts in her office with that complaint.
      It’s been termed “covid toes”.
      I haven’t heard her say anything about how they treat it,
      But I’ll keep you in my prayers for a full recovery.

  2. Garlic reduces pain in the body , it’s also anti-inflammatory, strengthens the CNS – central nervous system.

    • @Zakaria Abderrahmane Sadelaoud I start taking garlic with ginger and lemon 🍋 mother in-law say my mouth smells pufff !!!mead

    • @zakariaabderrahmanesadelao3048 my research leads me to not cook it. I swallow some whole and then chew some. Whole in the morning, chew at lunch. Everyday.

    • ​@Sami Sam be careful not eat too much garlic. I know someone who was eating a lot broke out in rash on skin that cleared up when he eased up on garlic. FYI.

  3. Thank goodness for your consistent efforts to help us learn how to use food and supplements to heal. Exercise is a way of life. 💪💗💪

  4. Good Morning , Dr.Berg 🎑
    I sure do appreciate you , Thank you so much sharing this natural remedies with everyone , May God continue to bless you all ❤🌈💜
    🙏 1 / 6 / 2023 🙏

  5. I just settled on a fasting schedule monthly cycle. 1-3 weeks: 6 days OMAD, 1 day fast. Week 4: 4 days OMAD 3 days fast. I’m excited to see how much progress I can make this year! I lost 100lbs in 2022 and it’s mostly thanks to the things I’ve learned from this channel, so thanks!

  6. Hi Dr. Berg. Would Willow Bark still have the anti cancer properties as aspirin or was it the fact that it reduced inflammation that made it anti cancer? Great informative videos by the way. Top of my YouTube subscriptions!

    • @G. Dixon I know that, sorry. My question was that since Aspirin had been mooted as anti-cancer, would willow bark be more or less effective given it was the more complete set of compounds, including salicylic acid.

    • @Rob Gardner truly speaking extracts have a greater potency and are more complex than a derivative. But I’m sure you can find that on a reputable herbal site or a record bowl medical site.

  7. Hello Dr.Berg, I have a question regarding the joints in the knees. Majority of the elder people(60+) around me are have knee pain due to cartilage erosion. I was wondering what could be the reason. And most importantly, how can I take care of the issue so that I don’t have any problems in future. Thanks

  8. The other thing is nigella or black seed oil, if added as drops to any daily hot drink; like tea or coffee. It’s helping with recent cold I have. Thanks for the info Dr Berg 🌸

  9. Your efforts for sharing your knowledge with so many people globally is so highly appreciated Dr. Berg..

    • Indeed, Dr. Berg is outstanding. His knowledge has helped me so much to clean up my food. I’ve also learned about the benefits of including fasting and started doing it some last year – 25 lbs released.

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC hi Dr Berg am ur New Subiscribed, my concern is ,my Doughter has Stomuch prblm ,like crumping Nauseous most of de Time and she can’t eat well ,pls if you can help ,her and she is 25 yrs Old she feels weak all the time thanks again .waiting ur answer.

  10. I’m sure I speak for many when I say, I appreciate your candid honesty and dry sense of humor (“my diet has sucked for over half my life”😆) , as nothing is quite so convincing as people who are willing to share experiences of personal screw ups! Thank you!

  11. My Mom was terminally ill with multiple tumors and she could only tolerate White Willow Bark for months until it got really bad of course.
    Thanks for this info. I take curcumin everyday but have white willow bark on my list to grab this month so this video came at the right time

  12. I have experience with Cox-2 inhibitors. And most potent natural is Davil’s clow. The one mentioned here are mild especially for decreasing pain and inflammation. I have AS and Davil’s clow works well with Biocalin and Chinese Skullcap. Do research on that .

    • I have had good results with Devil’s claw for pain relief. Curcumin and black seed oil would come in a close second.

  13. Hi Doctor Berg.

    Could you please research on Covid vaccine triggered (autoimmune disease) inflammation? I thought I was the only one and I was suffering for almost 2 years now. Health care worker here. Your videos helped me a lot controlling my pain and I thank you for that.

    I recently researched online on who else was affected and it pointed me to reddit and there I read that a lot of people, mostly health care workers (because we are the first ones needed to get vaccinated), who needed to have the first vaccine in order to continue working and helping people during the pandemic. They were all fine at first and then after the vaccines they all have arthritis related diseases.

    Now, my big question is: how did it affect the people who are not health care workers and are wondering why they have autoimmune disease all of a sudden?

    The first (pfizer) vaccine triggered a carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) on my right hand and an inflammation of both my knees. Then after a few months and 2nd vaccine later, both my hands have CTS and they are swelling and inflammation including my feet, my ankle and my knees. My doctor said it was from gout (which I have and was under control until the first vaccine).

    I started keto and it was very helpful in getting the pain away. I am also taking turmeric and vit d3/k2.

    I was 185lbs last year and now I am constant 150lbs. Got rid of the swelling but didn’t help my joints because I can’t do squats now – my knees can’t take it anymore and I have pain on my left foot still. The CTS now crept up on my elbows up to my shoulders (that dull pain is really scary) and recently the joints in my jaws.

    My doctor prescribed methotrexate which I only took 1 dose and stopped altogether when I read the side effects. Every time I have blood test my doctor said I have a high C Reactive Protein hence the methotrexate – which is a chemotherapy drug.

    • I also got everything you said, but I was working at Macy’s during the day, then caretaker at night.
      I read an article caregiver burnout.
      Still was caretaking until I couldn’t.

      I actually got a ‘flu’ 2019 and a month later and I had text book trigger fingers both hands, and carpel tunnel in my right.
      Then they gave me the kill pills and inflammation hit everything even behind my eyes.
      Started paying more attention to Others, and Dr Berg. Changing diet. Coffee is going to be hard. But I have to.
      I’ve had zero inflammation for over a week now. Omega 3, and something avacados have helped me more a lot. I was trying different foods for a week, got to avacado and I couldn’t believe the difference.
      Plus mag zinc, and B’s, C.
      Just taking the vits he explains.
      I was drinking a pot of coffee to stay awake, or energy, and now I understand what I did and why I’m stuck with the pain at the moment.
      Tannins- vit b suckers.

    • @Ms. K I got to all those supplements and natural food as well including avocado and 2 liters of lemon/water per day. pain is a bit gone but you know it is still in your joints and the C Reactive Protein is what stumps me the most since it indicates inflammation.

      just had a carpal tunnel release on my left hand last week and my right hand in about six weeks. I hope it works coz I can’t close my hands to a fist. I’ll see what happens to my left hand as weeks come.

      I’m in my late 40s and those healthcare workers on reddit were as young as early 20s…but still, this might be for life.

    • It’s quite unbelievable just how many people are being diag w/ multiple AI disorders. It is blowing my mind.
      I have noticed that people who eat more spicy foods/ Mediterranean diets like, don’t get it. Just what I have seen in in my circle.
      And yes especially the younger ones, with kids. Heart breaking.

    • @Ned Dumaua my related family have sem problem who get vaccine lucky i did not get that vaccine my husband against this vaccine he said there is no covid vaccine all is lies….dont drink to much lemon water not good for joint lemon my old grandma said

    • @Ned Dumaua my Dr said if I wanted my hands to work, it’d be a cosmetic procedure. I looked at her dumb founded. She herself said I was deformed.

      I was in tears, I sent an email to her and said, my right hand is numb, since August. , like the carpel tunnel fingers. She said just take more of the same.
      I can’t make a fist in either hand. I can’t feel with my right.
      But I’m a fighter, cancer survivor, walked around with my gallbladder exploding crystals internally for 6 days, was carrying 2-5 gals then turned yellow. Went to ER.
      Drs don’t seem to believe me when I say something, and I only go if I run out of what I know.

      The cretin is still in us!?!😭 Well we will find something out to get it out.

      Hum, you know, through out my years of blood tests, drs would always say my white blood cells were high, no reason why they could see.

      Saying a prayer for your procedure.
      My mom and a friend both had it done, no issues.
      Both in 50’s. It will be a breeze. Mom 80.
      Ohh yeah, I started the lemon water as well to mention that.
      And this started for me at 55.
      It’s been 2yrs. Strange is if I can get to a pool or jacuzzi, or both I am pain free.
      I can still do squats, and don’t want to lose what I call my lazy chair.

  14. This came just in time. I’ve had persistent back ache and pelvic pain and doctors don’t seem to care. And I didn’t know what to do. Thank you Dr Berg.

  15. Thank you Dr. Berg! In 2018 my husband flared up with a rare life threatening autoimmune disorder called Granulomatosis with Polyangitis after taking Levaquin. He nearly died causing systemic inflammation and damage to his organs and nerves. Previously a very healthy athlete, he became bedridden and had to learn to walk again and now on
    Rituximab for life. The neuropathy in his feet has been the hardest part as he refuses pharmaceutical drugs of any kind now. I will try willow bark to help him with his chronic pain. Thank you!

  16. I have EDS so there’s quite a lot of weakness and pain to deal with. But I study the Bible to find strength. That, and learn from people like this wise Doctor. I’m doing time restricted eating, take supplements and exercise so I’m in far better shape than my doctors expect.

    There’s a lot you can do about your bad genes if you use your intelligence, be willing to learn and just try. Happy 2023 and God bless you all! 😘

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