Dr. Paul Mason – ”Is your cardiologist a clot? Bonus – death by seed oils’ (Lecture 3 of 3)

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This is the third and final lecture of a 3 part series delivered by Dr Mason at the Low Carb Down Under Gold Coast conference in October 2022.

The prevailing theory of atherosclerotic heart disease is demolished and Dr Mason carefully constructs a case, using peer reviewed science, that blood clots are in fact, the main source of atherosclerosis. The nexus between the triglyceride to HDL ratio and heart disease is examined with particular reference to the root causes of cardiovascular mortality.

As a bonus, Dr Mason lifts the lid on just what exactly makes seed oils so problematic…..and it comes down to much more than oxidation stress. The major issue in fact, is that seed oils contain phytosterols, or fake plant cholesterol, which interferes with the normal essential functions of cholesterol within the body.

Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney. He is also a fellow of the Australasian College of Sports and Exercise Physicians, holds a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy and a Masters degree in Occupational Health. He is currently Chief Medical Officer of the Defeat Diabetes program, an evidence-based program focussed on lifestyle management of metabolic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes.

Please consider supporting Low Carb Down Under via Patreon. A small monthly contribution will assist in the costs of filming and editing these presentations and will allow us to keep producing high quality content free from advertising. For further information visit;

If you would like more information on how the triglyceride to HDL ratio can be used to predict possible benefit from statin therapy, check out this article co-authored by Dr Mason, Prof Bikman and Prof Diamond. You might also consider sharing it with your doctor.

Dr Malcom Kendrick has authored an excellent book on the clotting theory of atherosclerosis, and it provided some of the material referenced within this lecture. Dr Mason highly recommends it.

Please consider supporting Low Carb Down Under via Patreon. A small monthly contribution will assist in the costs of filming and editing these presentations and will allow us to keep producing high quality content free from advertising. For further information visit;

20 responses to “Dr. Paul Mason – ”Is your cardiologist a clot? Bonus – death by seed oils’ (Lecture 3 of 3)”

  1. 3 minutes in & I know where you’re going…Thanks to all Good & Intelligent Scientists & Doctors.๐Ÿ‘

  2. One of the smartest and most insightful individuals I’ve come across. Wish I had him for my treating physician. Another great presentation, I learn something with each talk he gives. I’m reconsidering coconut oil.

  3. Thank you for these lectures. May I suggest adding the links to lectures 1 & 2 in the description box?

  4. Amazing presentation ๐Ÿ‘. I always like watching Dr. Paul Mason videos. The information provided is so powerful & well put together, the arguments of proving the real cause of heart disease is consuming vegetable/seed oil. I stopped eating seed oil for more than 1 year & have been eating saturated fat, & I feel fantastic. Thanks Dr. Mason. You are my hero. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฅฐ

  5. Fantastic lecture series! The quality and relevance of information this channel provides is second to none. Thank you!

  6. Excellent, well done Paul. Malcolm Kendrick will be pleased ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Especially with the mention at the end ๐Ÿ˜

  7. Dr. Paul Mason is amazing at presenting complex science so the lay person can understand. I ate low-fat for 20 years to avoid my dad’s heart disease. Lots of bran cereals and whole breads. Oops. That got me acute coronary artery disease in my 50s. So this info concerning plant sterols and seed oils in heart disease isn’t surprising me…..

  8. Again, so professional explanation on the real causes of heart disease. Thank you so much dr Paul Mason

  9. Brilliant presentation, Dr. Paul Mason. Keep up your ongoing investigation into the TRUE cause of atherosclerosis so that we patients can challenge our cardiologists on the dying “LIPID-HEART HYPOTHESIS”!

  10. Having lived trough overconsumption of seedoils, I am not surprised by these findings.
    For me, all it took was replacing canola (rapeseed) partly with sunflower.

    Half a year down the line I started experiencing heightened reactions to particulates as I have lived in a moldy house as a child and react to it if it is a high density, but this made me react to whatever was carried by the wind from local fields and farms.

    A year down the line It was so severe it also depleted my D storage and absorption as early as in November resulting in immune collapse as I live at 68 degree north.
    It was first when I got a negative on all allergy tests that I realized that it was “you become what you eat”.

    So I tried High fat keto and experienced a 180 turn within 2 weeks as I was “healthy” and skinny but sick on the inside.
    It was first a year later when I experimented with reintroducing some food groups that I realized it was not the unhealthy foods that made me sick but that they now contained seed oils in stead of plant oils or nut oils. Especially sunflower oil as it is replacing peanut and canola and palm oil in many cases.

    And while Sunflower oil is liquid,
    It is as terrible as cottonseed oil.
    You do not Need to harden seed oils to make them a problem.
    They are dangerous as they are all ultra processed and biochemically unstable.

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