The ONLY Sugar That Won’t Raise Your Blood Sugar

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


This is the only sugar that won’t raise your blood sugar levels. But is it healthy? Learn more!


0:00 Introduction: What is the best type of sugar?
0:10 Sugar explained
1:45 Is fructose bad?
4:02 Is fructose keto-friendly?
5:00 The problem with fructose
6:00 Learn more about alternative sugars!

Today, we’re going to talk about the only type of sugar that won’t raise your blood sugar: fructose.

Fructose doesn’t increase your blood sugar levels, at least initially. Fructose is often recommended to diabetics because it doesn’t increase blood sugar levels, but there is another side of this that’s important to look at.

Fructose follows a different biochemical pathway than glucose. Glucose is absorbed by all of the cells, but fructose is only absorbed by the liver. What’s not absorbed can end up in the colon, where your microbes consume it, which can lead to digestive problems.

Fructose absorbed in the liver can be converted to glucose and stored as glycogen. When glycogen is stored in the liver, the body will start making triglycerides and cholesterol. Fructose can potentially lead to a fatty liver very quickly, which can then lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.

Even though fructose is low on the glycemic index and won’t directly raise your blood sugar, it can indirectly raise your blood sugar and lead to various health problems.

The good news is that there are keto-friendly alternative sugars that you can consume. Learn more about these in my next video.

#sugar #fructose #bloodsugar

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Even though fructose won’t raise your blood sugar, you should avoid it at all costs. I’ll see you in the next video.

57 responses to “The ONLY Sugar That Won’t Raise Your Blood Sugar”

  1. Love your amazing dedication to your subscribers mate. I have learned so much from you. Even my own GP is useless 🤣. Thank you from Australia 🙌❤️

  2. What about polysaccharides in the form of healing mushrooms? Don’t they take away the urge to consume sugar? Thank you, Dr. Berg.

  3. For me, it’s difficult to calculate the right portion of everything I am consuming rationally. So, the best thing I assure myself that I do is to never take anything often nor in excess and always do fasting to not accumulating bad guys. This way, I give the body a chance to throw away what it doesn’t need to make me free.

  4. Correction: fructose does not convert to uric acid; it catalyzes the conversion of protein (the source of nitrogen) into uric acid. Perhaps you can clarify this pathway a bit more..

  5. It is important to limit intake of added sugars, such as those found in processed foods, and to consume fruits and other natural sources of fructose in moderation.👍

  6. Sugar alcohol mess up my stomach. Cruciferous veg give me a headache. So I’ve been on basically a carnivore diet for the last 7 years (with occasional cheat days to my own detriment). DB has helped me through this journey. I feel good…much better than before and I’ve been able to keep my weight controlled! I’ve lost 80lbs.

    • @Mary J I went to have blood work done, 4 years into Keto. My Cholesterol was was almost perfect with a remnant of 10. She said I had the best kidneys she’s seen in a while. I don’t know what that means…Haha!

    • Too bad the people in charge are being bribed with stock options on fake meat companies to try to get red meats banned. Now they even want to ban red meats from the SNAP/EBT program…. So it definitely must be the better food for us if its getting this much attention…. Some want us sick and diseased so they can make $$ off of us.

    • I can’t do sugar alcohols either – they make me so sick . Can’t do cruciferous veges either bc I have CBS mutation ( impaired sulfur metabolism)

  7. On November 10th of 2022, I reduced my sugar intake to zero. I have lost 35lbs so far. I haven’t even went full KETO and I STILL feel soooo much better. Inflammation has left my body!! Thanks Dr Berg! Fan for life. ❤

    • @Carol Dotterrer I would eat lots of green vegetables and salmon and bake chicken no cookie’s or donuts or ice cream and work out. Hope that helps.

    • That’s amazing. With you not being keto, but “reduced sugar intake to zero”, do you mean added sugars (like coffee) and obvious sweets (like cakes and cookies) – but maybe some bread and fruit still?

  8. Virtually removed processed sugars. Then I tried eating choc wafers over a few days to judge how sensitised body had become. Weight up 2lb in one day, then fluid retention next day more weight, upset stomach, then chronic inflammation and pain, whilst body started craving sugar when not hungry. Salutary lesson. Little as a treat, or fruit as safer option. Our body’s are always talking I’d we listen

    • Welcome to my world. After listening to the doc for a couple years and following his advice whenever I put ANY “poison” food in my body I feel it. A blessing in a way but wow I can`t even drink a beer without my body yelling at me. Amazing! 🙂

    • Wow all that from some chocolate wafers? Did you the entire package or just had a few?
      I do intermittent fasting 20:4 and low carb and on Saturday I push to do a 24 hr fast and just yesterday had 3 scoops of baskin robbins ice cream with cookie dough pieces and gummy bears and 4 slices of pizza and my weight has not gone up or am in pain. Incredible how people’s bodies react differently to certain things

  9. I just heard of Bochasweet sweetener today for the first time. Its supposed to taste exactly like cane sugar without the cooling effect. And its diabetic and keto friendly?!🤔 I would love your thoughts on this sweetener

    • It does taste like sugar. The only thing is there are pretty hefty gastric side effects. That said, you can de-sensitize yourself to them over time. If you can’t remain near a bathroom at all times, then you have to introduce it slowly.

    • @Maiden Minnesota Gotcha! So it has the same effects as Erythritol basically. Erythritol gives me the worst gas but its my favorite sweetener to bake with.
      Stevia for smoothies, homemade lemon berry fruit juice, homemade popsicles,and flavored carbonated water. The only way i can enjoy the taste of Stevia is with fruit. Im excited to taste/use Bochasweet in moderation. Sounds 😋

  10. Thank you Dr Berg for your clear explanations and nuances to navigate between the tsunami of different sugars invading our lives!

  11. Thank you so much! This is the answer to the mystery of why HFCS lays down fat in the liver. I always knew it had an effect on the liver but I never knew the science. Very valuable info here.

  12. Just been diagnosed with Insulin Resistance after a long trial of discovering what is wrong. Also fatty liver, which made no sense since I don’t eat fried foods but thank to Dr. Berg and his videos I know understand it better. I was exercising daily until the tiredness got to me. Now I have to start from scratch. I feel best when doing Keto even though I just started. Too much stress, coffee and eating incorrectly (not eating at all and then just grabbing something easy) because of long days at work led to this. It’s a process. Cutting out all fruit aside for one cup of blue berries and decreasing coffee is probably the hardest.

    • This isn’t surprising. Anytime you’re eating too much or too frequently and preventing the body from tapping the reserves in the liver, you’re going to have a build up of fat over time.

    • I was diagnosed some years ago with a fatty liver as well. To heal it I’ve been taking 1,000mg supplements of milk thistle fortified with dandelion root ever since. Just one a day. I had a sonogram done a few months ago, no more fatty liver, it’s all healed. Milk thistle is excellent for your liver and can heal it and it’s an affordable supplement.

  13. Thank you for giving us the information we should be given, but aren’t given because it doesn’t make the industry billions of dollars.

  14. So it turned out that i’m lactose intollerant, lost 6kg after stopping with all the milk products and now weighing 60-62 kgs being 181 cm and 23 yrs old. It is extremely hard for me to keep on this weight, I eat twice the amount of food then my father atm but still not gaining anything. 2300-2500 kcal everyday. I feel completely fine everyday but like to get to my old form.

    Not eating any junk food, 2 pieces of fruit everyday, taking some natural multi vitamin supplements everyday. I take some products with high sugar but not everyday. Can you give some advice about what to do to gain the weight I lost Dr. Berg?

  15. Yikes I was getting worried for a minute!

    I remember my high school biology teacher talking about the dangers of fructose but it’s a good refresher.

  16. Dr. Berg, what is your view on stevia as a sugar substitute? Being a super taster, I use it in my coffee and strong teas to offset the bitterness. Thanks, love your channel.

    • Don’t know about stevia, but try just a very tiny pinch of salt in coffee, it should noticeably reduce the bitterness and you might not need sweetners at all

    • Stevia may help in weight loss since it has lesser amounts of carbs as compared to sugar. But it’s use must be restricted to 4mg per kg of body wt. Hope this helps 🙂

    • Stevia messes with my liver. All artificial sweeteners messes with my liver by making me deathfully nauseous. Cane sugar does too. My body can tolerate honey … I only take a teaspoon occasionally of raw unfiltered local honey for its benefits or a drop or two to tone down bitterness.

  17. I knew a lady whose doctors thought she was an alcoholic because of the condition of her liver. It turned out that it was because of the amount of fruit she ate every day.

  18. I have an iron stomach. I’m 51 and besides the flu once in 1996, and food poisoning in 2008, I’ve never thrown up from anything after 1981 (age of 10). I’ve been very strict carnivore for 60 days (beef, bacon, eggs, chicken (all from a farm), water, salt, tallow, ghee, butter). A few days ago I purchased triple filtered bacon fat online (called Bacon Up). When it arrived I saw that it said off to the side that the bacon used might have sugar, brown sugar or maltodextrin. I decided it was probably minimal and used a tablespoon full on my ribeye at dinner. It tasted great…smoky bacon ribeye flavor with extra animal fat. 6 hours later I woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous. After a minute if trying to fight it, I could tell it was past the point of no return. I’ll spare you the details….but sugar is the devil. Especially after you’ve reset your body. I’ve reached the point where even a splurge or cheat meal might now be something I not only won’t do….but probably won’t ever even crave anymore. Blessing or curse? Not sure, but nothing tastes as good as having my full health back feels. So my answer is obvious…it’s a blessing. Good luck to everybody fighting this battle of regaining your health.

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