The Hidden Cause of Anemia You’ve Never Heard About

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Learn more about an interesting hidden cause of H. pylori and discover the best natural alternatives to get rid of H. pylori.


0:00 Introduction: What causes anemia?
0:10 H. pylori explained
3:28 The treatment for H. pylori
4:52 Potential remedies for H. pylori
7:35 Learn more about the causes of anemia!

Did you know H. pylori is behind some cases of anemia? H. pylori is a type of bacteria that most of the population already has. When the timing and environment are just right, H. pylori can come out of remission and create all sorts of problems.

H. pylori primarily causes issues like gastritis, ulcers, and stomach atrophy. It typically comes out of remission when the stomach loses acidity. Some people are also more susceptible to getting an H. pylori infection.

H. pylori bacteria also have unique survival mechanisms that help them thrive. One of these mechanisms leads to iron and B12 deficiencies. If you’re taking vitamin B12 and iron for anemia and it’s not helping, it could be because the real problem is in the stomach.

The typical treatment for H. pylori is months of antibiotics. But, if you develop antibiotic resistance to H. pylori, they won’t work anymore. Antibiotics can also have side effects. We need to look at alternatives to get rid of H. pylori naturally.

The best natural alternatives:
1. Take natural antibiotics (sulforaphane and wormwood extract)
2. Support your stomach by taking zinc
3. Take betaine hydrochloride or apple cider vinegar (if gastritis, inflammation, and ulcers are non-existent)
4. Take a probiotic or consume probiotic foods (sauerkraut and pickles)

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness of a hidden cause of H. pylori and natural alternatives for getting rid of H. pylori. I’ll see you in the next video.

65 responses to “The Hidden Cause of Anemia You’ve Never Heard About”

  1. This explains why my Red Blood Count and Iron levels shot up after I was able to get rid of my H pylori. I always had low iron levels for a male and normal B12 levels. The doctor was confused why RBC and Iron was always low. Now I have an answer. Thank you !! In case anybody is wondering how I got rid of it. I took two weeks of antibiotics plus garlic, honey, NAC, mastic gum and broccoli sprouts. I threw everything at it. Been tested negative twice in last year.

  2. I had h. Pylori and was in 14 days antibiotics which was pathetic. This video helps a lot. Thank you Dr. For such a nice information

    • @Ranjan Joshi i did two antibiotic courses. But I am still positive. Just don’t know what should I do next.

    • @Ms. Janice Elaine don’t be scare if u diagnose with h.pylori immediate start combination antibiotic therapy otherwise one will develope ulcer or stomach cancer later on

    • @Shreerang Joshi have u go through endoscopy procedure after 14 days antibiotics treatment. I mean how u know u r still positive ?

    • @Ranjan Joshi i did breath test it came out positive. And currently i am suffering from gastritis and digestion issues.

  3. I remember a Middle Eastern celeb has passed away in the recent years from this bacteria. Luckily I don’t have it. Thanks for the info Dr Berg 😊

    • In the early 60’s my father was diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia but by the time they figured it out, it had affected his nervous system so he became somewhat crippled. He had to have monthly vitamin B 12 shots for the rest of his life.

  4. Thanks Dr Berg. I know right before my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer she did have h pylori . Thanks Dr Berg . 😊

    • For me also…I just came now after Dr consultation…I have iron deficiency and an anemia..Dr suggested to take ferrin test

  5. I combined fasting and raw garlic. Idk if it’s gone, but I went from a serious bleeding episode to asymptomatic now for years. DGL, deglyzerized licorice also has been helpful.

  6. I don’t know how this doctor does it but whatever health problem comes up in our family at the moment, I open up youtube and Dr. Berg has just posted about it… every time! 😂

  7. I had H pylori and then became anemic.
    My Dr., after almost a decade, still doesn’t know why I suddenly became anemic.
    After watching this video, I am 100 percent sure this is the cause of my anemia.
    I will do what you recommended.
    Thank you Dr. Berg!!
    I was starting to really just give up, after years of endless tests, and being totally frustrated by my Dr.
    Thank You !

  8. The best natural alternatives:
    1. Take natural antibiotics (sulforaphane and wormwood extract)
    2. Support your stomach by taking zinc
    3. Take betaine hydrochloride or apple cider vinegar (if gastritis, inflammation, and ulcers are non-existent)
    4. Take a probiotic or consume probiotic foods (sauerkraut and pickles)

    Thank you Dr Berg!🐱👍🏿

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC please tell exactly what probiotics should we take? And after the natural treatment how can be one sure that the bacteria will not create a problem As it will still come positive in the test being present in almost everybody.

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC I have hereditary hemachromatosis, my stomach bothers me…I am assuming it’s because of iron absorption in the intestines? I use a heating pad at night because of the pain, feels like I’ve been kicked! Do you have any videos on this disorder? (HCT)
      I’m in the process of looking for a good hematologist…

  9. Doc, what are your thoughts on PTSD? This isn’t typically seen as a matter of nutrition, but are there diet/nutritional changes that can help?

    • A healthy mind will only exist within a healthy body, it’s no great surprise that more leafy-green vegetables and a good biome will help most disorders.

    • Eat a diet that helps balance the adrenal system – he has videos on adrenal fatigue that have helped me immensely!

    • I have ptsd. It made it easier to eat mostly a whole food diet. I try and eat almost my body weight in protein and moderate carbs. Carbs are energy. Ptsd can drain you and burn out.your adrenals. I took b vitimines, minerals, ashwaganda, and high dose.good quality fish oil. Remember, ptsd is not a mental illness, like depression or anxiety. It can have side effects of depression and it itself is a natural response to really messed up situations. It needs to be treated differently. Suport the body with health and plenty of calories. EMDR worked wonders for me to heal it, along with counseling and meditation and yoga. Along either taking radical responsibility for my life.

  10. Wow! This is something I must explore further. I had suffered with iron deficiency anemia. In 2017 it was “decided” my uterine fibroids were causing this condition. A complete hysterectomy and guess what… it’s BACK! Along with stomach issues… I am going to try your natural remedies for 6 months and if no relief Ill ask my internal medicine physician about this. THANK YOU! As always you bring us the information our Doctors we see do NOT. 🙏♥

    • I had the same issue, uterine fibroids in 2018. My anemia was bad. My hemoglobin level was a 6 and my ferritin level was lower. I found a hematologist who put my Venofore infusions once a week for 2 months. I felt great. I went into menopause a year and a half later.

  11. I’ve always tested anemic until in my ’50s that it wasn’t anything into really shout about because it wasn’t up much but it was overly line of calling it the name it. My doctor’s always brushed it off as being a woman. Yep , copped out. One physician get put me on iron in my 40s non-flushing niacin and that was a disaster. It wasn’t the lack of eating red meat or organ meat because my dad was a butcher and I ordered me regular. It’s that I’ve always had an upset stomach because I’m allergic to bread or we I should say I didn’t know it back then and wasn’t diagnosed with diabetes until my 30s I’m in my ’60s. I would test it 28 which is way too low. Why do I have to be in my ’60s for someone on the internet that is a physician to give me the information I need. 🤦🤦🤦🤦 Some of you are reading stating the fact that there are decent doctors out there but I am so disappointed and disgusted why so many that don’t give a flip to get to the bottom of anything. Currently it’s hit 35 which is above the mark still it’s not enough and always explains why I’m so damn tired. Ugh.

  12. H. Pylori literally almost killed me. It was excruciating and the doctors were completely inept about it.
    I had to go to the ER from Gastritis.
    After a blood test they determined it was H Pylori.

  13. Thank you Dr Berg! This was very helpful. Although I love my Dr she had not given me any information on H-pylori. I’ve had to do my own research.

  14. Yes Doc. My G. I. deduced this after my blood work evaluation. I was floored when he explained how I could have gotten it ( as a child) and how long it’s been doing it’s thing. Amazing.

  15. Morning Dr. Berg. This video has given me hope again. I had an endoscopy back in the summer 7/22 and was diagnosed with H-Pylori. The treatment was 14 days triple therapy 2 antibiotics and a ppi. After so much research regarding the drugs prescribed. I refused the therapy to this day. I just knew I could get rid of HP the natural way. I’m over 55 and has never had a health issue. I’ve lost so much weight and muscle mass. I didn’t even notice the weight loss as if it happened over night. I look so sickly😔. I’m a naturalist, fantastic health I thought. I simply have a difficult time mentally taking pharmaceutical drugs. I did most of the aforementioned for 2 months, even a spoonful of disgusting horseradish a day. I felt really fine😊 no more dull aching feeling in my tummy. I just knew I eradicated the bacteria. Tested again after many months later. H-Pylori is still hanging around. I felt awesome for several weeks. I felt normal again my appetite was increasing then the dull aching feeling in my stomach came back to this day. I keep starring at these bottles still refusing to give in(Metronidazole, Omeprazole along with either Doxycycline or Tetracycline). I’m going back to Natural Grocers this morning 1/23. I’m going to give it a helluva shot this time around for a longer period of time as you mentioned, for four solid months. Wish me luck this go around.

    • @D I will certainly oblige. I’m starting another natural round today with vengeance. Per Dr.Berg instructions to the letter.

    • @Ms. Janice Elaine check out my comment above about Nigella sativa (black cumin seed oil). I hope it can help!

    • @Torill Contos I have plenty on hand. Black cumin seed oil was also part of my regimen. I will resume taking it along with everything else Dr. Berg has mentioned and anything natural aimed to combat Hpylori. Thanks 😊

    • Some people develop long lasting lower abdomen digestive issues after using antibiotics and PPIs to eradicate H.pylori in the upper abdomen.

  16. I’m so iron deficient (with anemia) that I’m having to take iron infusions 2-3 times per year. I’m just not absorbing the iron. I’m going to try your advice on this, Dr. Berg.

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