Why Is Life Expectancy Decreasing – Everyone Living Shorter?

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50 responses to “Why Is Life Expectancy Decreasing – Everyone Living Shorter?”

    • The data I found suggests otherwise and suggests it extends life expectancy. See my comment in response to Zul O Curran’s question.

    • @Chlamy Gamine Chlamydia: Unless you edited your original comment, you stated, “on look we got one of those soyience people” The usage of “on look” might be indicative of your intellectual capacity. If people’s comments are respectful, I will be respectful back to them (even if they disagree with my findings or point of view).

      I am open to, and consider, different points of view. However, you’re correct with your implication. I am persuaded by science and data. I am not persuaded by name calling or bullying😀😀

  1. This time restricted fasting is not doable for many people i would have to eat such huge portions with 2 meals a day that would give me massive pain and bloating. When I eat 5 small meals I never feel hungry or have digestive upset

    • @Julieanne yeah of course because you automatically eat way less calories. You would achieve the same if you just ate overall less and used high quality natural ingredients.
      But for people who tend to be underweight its dangerous to eat OMAD.

    • I would never eat in 1500 calories in one sit down let alone 2000. So I personally eat within a time window rather than how many meals.

      But longevity is argued not just about how much calories you intake but the balance between the anabolic and catabolic states. Perhaps as a younger person you benefit from more growth, but the argument seems to be it become a problem as your body ages and you are constantly in the state of consumption and growth without enough rest time for breaking down and recycling.

    • Of course your never hungry, you are always eating! You are also never in a catabolic rest and repair state leading to accelerated aging

  2. Our dna was not designed/wired to live long 70 is average life expectancy …. doings of the outer worlds. Terra infinita and nos confunden explains this.

    • The data I found suggests otherwise and suggests it extends life expectancy. See my comment in response to Zul O Curran’s question.

    • @jack buaer I have about 200 clients I see as a hairstylist and the injuries from the inoculation is mind blowing. My clients are experiencing unexplained cancer in their 20s, heart issues, losing their hearing, getting lupus, hysterectomies in their 20s, 30s, etc. Obviously I’m not a doctor but they all have 1 thing in common.🤔

    • @Julieanne I have the opposite experience. Almost all of my friends, family are vaccinated. None experienced a problem. Likewise, I work for a fortune 500 company where everyone was required to be vaccinated. I have not heard of one disease issue yet among my colleagues. (I am sure some happen, but I have not heard of any)

      The gold standard proof is the U.S. military. Everyone was required to be vaccinated. They have not seen excess mortality as far as I know. The official stats are not out for 2022 as far as I know but the Marines have listed their leading causes of mortality: 1 car accidents, 2 mortorcycle accidents, 3 suicide (55 people committed suicide). Out of more than 200,000 marines, clearly less than 55 had fatalities for other reasons.

  3. The increasing consumption of seed oils, the more you consume the shorter your life will be, I cut them out completely 2 years ago, I lost a huge amount of weight, everything got better, not only am I no longer diabetic but I am not even pre-diabetic any more.
    Cut them all out, all oils extracted from seeds, grains and beans, and any foods that contain them, read the labels, you will be amazed at how many items in the supermarket contains these oils

    • What about cold pressed sunflower and canola oil in salads / not heated? Like pressed at below 29 degree celcius are they still rancid and bad?

    • @Intravenosus Inhalatio Oralis Proper risk management means you don’t eat that stuff. No way to REALLY know what is in there. Could just be repackaged dollar store vegetable oil.

    • Hi, check out these two videos on YT, there are many others but these will give you the basic information:

      on the ‘Chris Knobbe MD’ YT channel:
      “Obesity, Diabetes, and Chronic Disease: Is it the Sugar, ‘Carbs,’ Vegetable Oils, or All Three?”

      on the ‘Low Carb Down Under’ YT channel:
      Nina Teicholz – ‘Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story’

    • @Intravenosus Inhalatio Oralis If you look at the fat profile of sunflower and canola, they are quite higher in Omega 6 and this is the main argument against it. If you search the net for Doug Lucas Vegetable oils a cause of obesity and more, he goes into the mechanism of why lineloic fat is bad. Perhaps if you never heat your Omega 6 oil at all for consumption then it is less harmful than heating it. The oxidation causes the main problem, but I personally still fear at some level this oxidation will occur at a higher rate anyway within the body among less stable multiple double bonded fat molecules compared to single double bonded and saturated molecules. Many studies suggested it is the ratio of Omega 6 to 3 that caused problems and the need to reduce it, but it’s hard to quantify how much it can be improved if you retain the same ratio but only eat Omega 6 uncooked from manufacturing and into the mouth. I personally still not convinced enough to consume it regularly even uncooked. The pufa oil do get incorporated into your body and fat molecules in the body have a long half life, suggested at 2 years, and this is where I see the problem is, as you want to keep the most stable fat in your body for long term. Certainly if you have your own seed press and cold press your own oil and keep it refrigerated, maybe that will help reduce many of negative issues discussed, I can’t be sure.

      Sunflower and canola are among two crops sprayed with the most glyphosate, this poses other problems, the main one is what it does to gut health. The canola from various sources suggest they can hybridized or gmo from rapeseed. So this depends on how much you believe in conclusion on gmo or if it has any negative effects. Despite the law that says USDA organic labeled foods can’t be gmo, I personally can’t trust a compromised organization like USDA to the fullest extent. To me organic canola could very well be derived from gmo plants and simply not sprayed with certain chemicals in the not allowed list, although chemical drifts can still happen.

    • @Grug Notice I am not anti or pro. I am just interested in what data tends to show.

      When people are ignorant, uneducated and cannot make a coherent argument, they tend to resort to name calling.

    • @Grug Notice LOL. There is nothing wrong with being uneducated, so I don’t fault you for that. People can still be kind, good-hearted and uneducated. Unfortunately, you don’t fall within that category of people. You fall within the nasty, evil class of the uneducated.

    • @jack buaer You must have been living under a rock or you have shares of Pharma in the stockmarket ! 😵‍💫

  4. Healthcare isn’t care: most illnesses, conditions are found after it’s too late to reverse or modern medicine applies methods to live with illness but not eliminate it.

    • Health care is designed to maintain problems or the symptoms, it was never designed to cure or fix the root of the symptoms.

  5. Fast food, poorly processed food, restaurant food, etc are eaten in huge quantities.
    I think those foods and large portions in general are a problem.

  6. My man, it was just covid, and the ancillary effects of covid. All these other factors you’re talking about have been factors for decades, and yet, we didn’t see any big drops in LE until 2019/2020. It was just covid.

  7. The decrease in longevity in humans (and also non-human animals?) is connected to the larger issue of what I call the devolution of humanity. That is, everyone and everything are in a continuous process of decline, including, but by no means limited to, longevity. Just look around: we are not only unhealthier, physically and mentally, compared to our predecessors, but we are more stupid and even uglier. Needless to say, our political leadership is inferior to what it once was, our moral and ethical values have diminshed, the food we eat is less healthy, more processed, the soil in which it is grown is more polluted, the air and water are less pure, the clothes we wear, including our shoes, are manufactured with less care and skill, there is in general hardly any craftsmanship in our world compared to the craftsmanship of yesteryear, our academic institutions, including students, faculty, and administrators are less competent, our religious institutions are more corrupt, there are more wars, crime, and terrorism in the world, technology, while more sophisticated, is controlling our everyday lives and robbing us of the ability to think things through on our own, medicine and physicians, while more efficient, are less personal and human, we are less civil toward one another, and our culture, arts, and entertainment industry are on a lower level compared to what they were in past generations. This list is just for starters.

    • Untested vaccines
      Geo-engineering toxic chemicals
      Sodium fluoride
      Food dyes and preservatives
      Drag queens for halftime shows
      Planned inflation and supply chain disruption of food
      The FBI at parents, teachers meetings to shut up the parents concerned about their kids
      Totalitarian governments in the making at Davos

  8. In my opinion it’s multifactorial. We live in a toxic automated world with sedentary lifestyles. Always having ultra processed food around us. People tend to eat like a olympic athlete, but never do the exercise to burn those calories. The main thing for longevity and just being a functional human being is to be physical active all day long. Science already says that simply sitting for a few hours can already be compared to smoking.

    Sadly, it’s not just lifespan, but also healthspan. Because of medical science and technology, they can keep a person alive with tubes up the nose and needles sticking in your arm for many months longer. People live with very poor life quality for many years with pill subscriptions and all kinds of aids. I always like to remind people we’re still in the 21st century. Science and technology will not save you yet. If anything it will degenerate you faster. You will still have to do the hard work and make consious food choices, if you value health and longevity.

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