The Best Diet for Familial Hypercholesterolemia

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Many people have a genetic cholesterol problem and don’t even know it. Discover the best diet for familial hypercholesterolemia.



0:00 Introduction: The best diet for familial hypercholesterolemia
0:10 What is familial hypercholesterolemia?
2:58 Key points from an important study
5:30 Natural ways to lower cholesterol
7:45 Things to avoid to help lower cholesterol
8:08 Signs of familial hypercholesterolemia
8:52 Learn more about niacin!

Today we’re going to talk about the best diet for familial hypercholesterolemia.

With this condition, a person has 50 percent of the LDL receptors than usual, which means they have a higher risk of a buildup of LDL.

The top signs of familial hypercholesterolemia are fat deposits on the Achilles tendons, wrists, or eyelids and a condition called arcus senilis, which is whitening around the iris.

Key points from an important study:
• The current dietary guidelines for the management of coronary heart disease in familial hypercholesterolemia are based on outdated and unsupported information.

• There’s no evidence to support the recommendations of consuming a low saturated fat diet or low cholesterol diet, which are given to individuals with a genetic cholesterol problem.

• A low-carb diet was found to significantly improve cardiovascular disease biomarkers.

• There is sufficient rationale for conducting clinical trials to assess the effects of a low-carb diet on familial hypercholesterolemia individuals with insulin resistance.

It may be good to question if lowering the cholesterol and saturated fats in your diet is the best strategy to focus on. But talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or medications.

In my opinion, people with high cholesterol should focus more on lowering their carbs rather than saturated fat or cholesterol.

Natural remedies for cholesterol problems:
1. Get on the Healthy Keto® diet
2. Do intermittent fasting
3. Take red yeast extract
4. Take policosanol
5. Take niacin
6. Exercise
7. Consume garlic
8. Consume tocotrienols

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the best diet for familial hypercholesterolemia. I’ll see you in the next video.

54 responses to “The Best Diet for Familial Hypercholesterolemia”

  1. I’m a pretty skinny dude. 6’1 183 pounds. My ldl is high, blood pressure is normal and my ac1 5.7 I’ve doing low carbs but I guess I can drop off a little of the rice

  2. My late dad, my brother and I have this Familial …we have never taken any statins, my dad
    did not die from it, at age 85, I am 76 and my brother 73, we don’t even thing about it
    I use naturopathy and homeopathy.

  3. I have FH and I could eat grass and it makes no difference. My LDL was 390 Total over 500. I did have to go on a Double dose of a PCSK9 Inhibitor as my only way to reduce in the face of heart and vascular disease. If cholesterol were the MAIN problem with heart disease I would already be dead. I’m 61. Statins did about kill me and affected my brain badly. So listen to this advice I’ve lived it. I’m working on low-carb diet and insulin resistance as best course of action. I also have high Lp(a) that does not get reduced with anything.

  4. I did have very high cholesterol and I did follow a diet within 3 months my cholesterol dropped so what you are saying really does work because I did it myself even before you started talking about this so it really does work

    • Thank you so much doctor for bringing that to the surface Lots of exercise plenty of rest lots of blueberries lots of fruit and fresh vegetables and spinach shakes And my cholesterol dropped So it’s very possible if you’re committed I had more energy I was able to sleep better I was able to move around better it really does work I know I lived it and it really does work

    • ​@Charityhope amenn I have real high cholesterol and am very worried and scared about it, as mine is genetic

    • @Scroobius Pip Change your diet. Doctors like scared people! They can put people on powerful meds and then get big Kickback from the pharmaceutical companies…!

  5. After taking antibiotics, one year, I became hyper sensitive to grain. I spent over a year being so sick and losing so much weight, people were startled. No docs could diagnose, I just stopped eating wheat and grains and switched to nuts. Not keto, just no grains at all, except white rice on occasion. I don’t worry about my BP, cholesterol or weight anymore. Yes, it’s the carbs. In particular all the carbs we eat that are breads which also contain sugar. They have GMO’d grains to death. No pun intended.

    • Its not the grains.its the poison they spray on the grains.they spray the grain with weed killer to make them ripen are probably very sensitive to work on building up your gut biome and taking extra glycine.

    • This is me as well. Once I stopped grains my cholesterol dropped nearly 100 points back to where low high cholesterol use to be. Drs don’t harass me anymore.

  6. My dad had hghi cholesterol his whole life. They wanted to put him on a statin. I told him not to take it so he didn’t. When I was young I also had extremely high cholesterol of 250. But I was very healthy. My little girl when she was about 12 was tested and she had really high cholesterol as well. They wanted to put her on something and I said heck no. Even back then I knew that having a high cholesterol didn’t mean you were an unhealthy person

    • @Larry C my dad was super healthy. My daughter is 20 and very healthy and eats low carb and healthy as do I. While you can be unhealthy and have high cholesterol, it is not a marker for health. Each has to do what is best for their body…

    • Same. The “normal” range for cholesterol has obviously not been taken from a large enough sample of the human population.

    • The medical industry has, IMO, purposely kept moving the “goalpost” on what our BP and cholesterol numbers should be. Dr’s will state, it’s because of the ongoing studies through the years. I do not believe any hoopla they spew. The real purpose is to have everyone on these drugs to make Big ‘Harma’ ceo’s richer, and that is the only reason. And to cause more illnesses from these drugs, so they can peddle even more drugs to harm you! Its a neverending cycle.

  7. I got called in for Familial… test because some of my first cousins had it, thankfully i dont have it but im grateful for all Dr Berg’s videos, so that i can adjust my diet to healthy eating.

  8. This post is of high interest since I have all the FH markers. After 200+ days IF & OMAD the BMI is now just over 22 and T2D is in remission with HbA1C at 5.1%. BP is significantly lower by keeping strictly to healthy Keto and using all the recommended nutrients listed here except for policosanols 🧐 As expected my MD recommends statins, however these play havoc on balance, strength & endurance. I will be reviewing the supplied links here and the summary information is much appreciated as always! Thanks for raising awareness 😉

  9. Dr. Berg you’re the best! Thank you for these incredible, informative daily videos! You keep us healthy, happy and we appreciate you. ❤✝️

  10. This popped up at the most opportune moment. Thank you for addressing diet and FH. I have FH, originally diagnosed when my cholesterol was over 500 at the age of 32. I maxed out dosing on statins with no benefit. Moved to Vytorin with great decrease in overall numbers but I feel like garbage most of the time (brain fog, muscle aches, low stamina ect). Started with PCSK9 in combo with Vytorin and numbers are now at the low side of “normal”. As a result my hormomes are disregulqted, libido has tanked and and I still don’t feel great. Learning the importance of cholesterol in the body, Keto, and IF. I am now going AMA off some of my meds because I believe most of my problems are as a direct result of the meds. My HGbA1C is 4.8%, so no issues there. I have also been studying the Keto lifestyle and OMAD (as Keto has knocked out my appetite completely). Educating myself because the cardiac professional community refuses to look at modern evidence and facts.

  11. Hello Doctor, can we talk in detail about the various types of nanohydrogen treatment and ozone treatment, and which one is stronger, faster, and better in treatment? Thank you for the valuable information.🌷

  12. This is me. I was put on statins from the age of 18 because of my family history. I stopped taking them about 10 years ago because I was convinced they were causing me more issues that they were stopping and my cholesterol levels were only slightly higher than the average anyway. Luckily, I had already found your channel a few years back too so I already do keto & fasting, I take Niacin as you’ve recommended it before and I take wheatgerm oil as my vitamin E supplement. Honestly, I’ve never been in better health than I am now and I’m 39. Just goes to show, you don’t need to be an ‘expert’ to take in information and apply it to your own needs. Your videos have been a massive help to me. Keep up the great work Doc 👍

    • Excellent True Story! That’s criminal imho to put an 18 year old on Statins! Those S_O_B doctors know diet can improve things.

    • @Aravind P the statins made no difference. My levels were always pretty much the same. I haven’t had them checked since stopping though as I have no interest in visiting my NHS GP. I also have a hereditary colitis issue that they couldn’t even diagnose after 4 years of going back and forth and having tests etc despite my brother & father having the exact same issues… so I zero faith that they can do anything for me anymore. I look after my own health now and I’m doing better for it. I’m not concerned whatsoever about cholesterol levels. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  13. I’ve had high cholesterol for decades. I also have MS. The myelin shield that is attacked by MS is made of cholesterol and taking statins further causes increased problems with that. My understanding is that coronary plaques are made from calcium, not cholesterol. If so, we should be taking Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2, because K helps D to steer calcium into your bones, not your arteries or kidneys. And carbohydrates cause a multitude of health problems including heart attacks. Cutting out gluten entirely and lowering carbohydrates has fantastic health benefits.

  14. My PCP started caring for me in 2008. I had a 73 GFA at that point. Within 18 months he managed to destroy my kidneys with crestor to the tune of getting my GFR down to 42. He lowered my cholesterol from 160 to under 100 at the cost of catastrophic kidney function loss to me. We argued about it and he denied statins were the cause of the catastrophic kidney function reduction. I decided to ignore him and have stopped all statins ever since. The result was that my kidney function slowly increased from 42 back up to 59 but that took 7 years. I may have FH. I have rare AB+ blood (2% of population) so that may be a factor. To his surprise, I chose to risk dying from a heart attack over being on dialysis by my mid fifties. All I really needed to be told was to stop all sugar!!!

    • Yes David. Crestor is so bad for the kidneys. My pcp did the same thing to me My kidney Dr. Freaked. Emailed her. She still didn’t believe him. She is not credible. I switched drs.

  15. Could you please talk about drinking distilled water, baking soda, and sea salt to detox? Thank you! Love your channel!❤️

  16. I have this and so do my children. My sister and brother also have it. I had another sister who developed early onset dementia and vascular dementia and died a few years later in her early fifties, then another brother had a massive heart attack at 54. Now my youngest brother has just had a heart attack, luckily he survived, and another sister is in a home with dementia. So this will be interesting to listen to.

  17. I always had high cholesterol so the doctor talked me into taking statins and I stopped eating eggs, butter, & saturated fat. My cholesterol was now low, but my triglycerides shot up to 269. I started feeling miserable and had no energy at all. I could not run 50 feet and wanted to sleep all the time. I developed glaucoma and lost half my vision in one eye.

    A year ago I stopped taking statins and went on the Keto Diet with intermittent fasting. I now eat 4 eggs a day, lots of butter, and saturated fat. I lost 55 pounds and feel great! My cholesterol is back to being high but my triglycerides are now down to 64. My Tri/HDL ratio is now 1.1/1. I can now run 2 miles a day and have lots of energy.

    The only negative is that I have recently developed Raynaud’s phenomenon in my fingers. Could this be because I am now lifting weights?

  18. Would love to see you do video on hereditary hemachromatosis, I was diagnosed with it around 3 years ago. I cannot take certain supplements, like vitamin C as it helps me to store more iron which I certainly DON’T need… anyway, it would be helpful to learn more about this disorder. Thanks Dr Berg!

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