The Best Strategy for Detoxifying Heavy Metals (SAFELY)

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It's almost impossible to avoid heavy metals altogether. That's why it's crucial you know the best strategy for detoxifying heavy metals.


0:00 Introduction: Heavy metal detox remedies
0:25 Side effects of heavy metal toxicity
1:08 Understanding heavy metal detox
2:15 Natural detox remedies
4:50 How to avoid heavy metals
5:05 Learn more about mercury!

Unfortunately, our environment is very polluted, and we are bathed in toxins on a daily basis. Heavy metals are one type of these toxins. Today we're going to talk about the best strategy for detoxifying heavy metals.

Heavy metals can accumulate in our tissues and can cross the blood-brain barrier. Heavy metal poisoning can affect different parts of the body, including the heart, digestive system, neurons, red blood cells, and certain proteins.

Exposure to heavy metals also creates a lot of free radicals and oxidation and forces our antioxidants to work harder. Heavy metals even block our endogenous antioxidants.

Our bodies have a very powerful detoxification system, but heavy metals block this important system.

While you can avoid heavy metals to a certain degree, you really need to strengthen your detox enzymes: glutathione and SOD. These enzymes help break down chemicals and help prevent oxidation and free-radical damage.

The best foods to support heavy metal detoxification:
1. Sulforaphane (broccoli sprouts or broccoli microgreens)
2. Cilantro
3. Allicin (garlic)
4. Curcumin (turmeric)
5. Cruciferous vegetables

Two of the best ways to avoid heavy metals:
1. Consume organic foods
2. Get a water filter

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the best strategy for detoxifying heavy metals. I'll see you in the next video.

46 responses to “The Best Strategy for Detoxifying Heavy Metals (SAFELY)”

  1. Thankfully cilantro or kuzbara كزبرة in Arabic is one of the herbs I buy regularly. It’s very common in Egyptian and Middle Eastern cuisines in general. Thanks for the info Dr Berg 🌸

  2. Thank you again Dr Berg! You have definitely contributed to the success of my IF, longer fasting, keto and nutrition! I have never felt so good!

  3. Due to severe poisoning from urea formaldehyde as a young child I’ve been struggling to detox my entire life. Many of the foods you listed are huge no-no’s for me. High histamine reaction.
    I do have CIRS (non mold related) with a toxic and damaged vagus nerve. That has lead to many ICU stays for SIRS.
    Not 1 doctor has actually ever truly helped me. They don’t understand what is happening. Just scratched their heads and threw meds at me to suppress symptoms. I’ve outlived expections by 2 decades Despite their guidance.
    3yrs ago I was at my end. According to them. I was given weeks. Chronic organ failure and internal bleeding.
    My husband brought me to a tropical island in anticipation of my last days. In doing so he saved my life. I spent every day on the beach. In a week I just Felt better. In a month I started tossing pharmaceuticals I’d been on for decades. And I started researching….Im still working at getting better. But I’m still kicking against All odds.

    I do need some guidance still. If anyone has suggestions on who to contact I’d greatly appreciate it.

    • @Kelli Starman I live on Hutchinson island just off the Florida coast. We just rebuilt our life here instead of taking a chance on my life and going home to Missouri. I’ve been following Dr. Berg for a few years and his videos have invaluable on my path to health. There are some Naturopathic physicians here but none were knowledgeable enough about my type of situation to guide me.
      There are some things I’ve always done along with new methods that are helping. Milk thistle and Chanca Piedra to help my liver and kidneys. Castor oil packs 3x week for liver. Coffee enemas (😬 not pleasant but very effective). Zeolite and activated charcoal. NAC. At least 3 detox baths a week. Daily footsoaks. Using different things. Epsom salt, Hydrogen peroxide, bentonite clay, Borax etc. And daily saunas. That is a must. I also take sea moss and burdock root and dandelion extract daily….The list goes on for a while. My body doesn’t process food well so I stay on a four day fasting schedule so supplementation is paramount.
      I have found a great network of healers (many physicians) who have become wise to problems with the medical field and are working together to re-educate each other and ourselves about how the human body actually functions. Instead of how to medicate symptoms.
      If you like info on joining the group lmk. There are no fees or charges of any kind or anything. These people just genuinely want to help.

  4. 1. Sulforaphane (broccoli sprouts)
    2. Coriander
    3. Garlic
    4. Tumeric
    5. Cruciferous vege
    6. Water filter

    • ​@Lesseirg Papers Parsley will work but isn’t as a great a chelator as cilantro. For some people cilantro taste like soap,…I’d substitute parsley in this case.

    • Hmm, i’ve heard coriander coupled with the algae chlorella, in partic. vs. mercury, but that may be cuz it was the topic (villain) of the moment, so it may help with other villainous heavy metals.

  5. What I love most about this community is the fact that we are accountable for our OWN health. Way to go gang!

  6. I want to grow sprouts and microgreens!!! Every time I reach for them in the grocery store, I hesitate due to a lack of knowledge of how they are grown, how old are they, distrust of our food supply, etc. Super excited for a tutorial so I can grow them at home where I know exactly the conditions under which they have been grown. Thank you ❤

    • Experiment. But consider that the nutrition in the plant does not magically appear, needs nutrient rich soil, enough not too much water and sunlight. Try it then improve the process as you learn.

    • Growing your own sprouts is super easy! No light or soil required, just get some seeds and a container. Tip: A little Hydrogen peroxide will help prevent mold. 🌱💕

    • @SpamMouse  that’s for micro greens: sprouts don’t need soil – the seed contains everything it needs to grow initially.

  7. Such a smart guy and most of all – goes about his informative sharing of science and knowledge without the sense of ego . Nice one ☝🏼

  8. I absolutely love your channel
    I’ve been following you for so long
    And I just want to say
    I really appreciate you making videos for free with lots of non-bias knowledge

  9. Dr. Berg,
    I am so grateful that you do this wonderful service you do for us. The time you take to help us without expecting anything. We are blessed to have you. THANK YOU for all the research you do!

  10. Hi Dr. Berg. I just read about Nattokinase for use for a certain illness that has been going around the past few years. Could you do a video about that research? Thank you!

  11. As a professional painter for most of my life I’m sure I’ve come into my share of chemicals.
    Now for the last couple years I’ve lived under major flight path for the evil Jets that don’t care about
    Noise ordinance or the chemicals that they dumped over us.
    I went for a high colonic on Saturday and must say that I feel better this morning.

    • Also thanks to dr. Berg, I have been eating some of the 🥑 foods he mentioned here🙏👍

  12. Any opinions on the metals in tattoo ink (especially black)? I’m about to finish the rest of my sleeve….😅
    Thank you for the video! ❤
    Edit: only have the 1st 1/4 of my sleeve finished

  13. Hello Dr. Berg,
    Thank you for the amazing tips as always. May you live a long and healthy and happy life for all your great works helping others. I have hyperthyroid and goitre. Can I consume cruciferous vegetables? I was told it may enlarge the goitre. Thank you very much.

  14. Great video! Would love to see one about reversing the damages of ingesting microplastics and preventing further ingestion. I’ve tried to do the research myself but everything I come across seems to tell a different story!

  15. Turmeric , Coriander (actually we INDIANs use coriander seeds as well), Garlic, Ginger are part of our regular diet for millennia. Thanks Dr Berg for highlighting FOOD as medicine concept in every video of yours.

  16. Thanks Doc! I have been able to reduce six of seven meds that were making me sick. BP, Cholesterol and plavix meds all forced upon me by my cardiologist who stated I would be on them for the rest of my life. I asked about garlic and turmeric and extra virgin olive oil and supplements and he acted like so was an idiot. You are what you eat. God Bless you Sir.

  17. I am an Indian and a lot of herbs he recommended are very common in Indian cuisine like cillantro, turmeric and ginger used in everyday food. I never knew they are so important for our body.

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