The Best Time of the Day to Take Vitamins

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Find out when to take your vitamins to increase absorption and effectiveness.

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9 Unexpected Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):

0:00 Introduction: The best time to take vitamins
0:34 Water-soluble vitamins vs. fat-soluble vitamins
1:23 Cod liver oil
2:05 Vitamin D
2:20 Vitamin E
2:43 Phytonutrients
4:00 Betaine hydrochloride
4:12 Digestive enzymes
4:55 Bile salts
6:00 What vitamins to take on an empty stomach
8:27 What vitamins to take before bed
12:02 What vitamins to take in the morning
13:08 Find out what vitamins I take!

Today we’re going to talk about the best time of day to take vitamins. These results can vary from person to person, so overall, you’ll have to test things out and see what works best for you and your schedule. You’ll still notice plenty of benefits however you choose to take your vitamins.

There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins can be absorbed better if taken with fat or before a meal. But, if you’re fasting, you can take vitamins whenever.

Cod liver oil:
Cod liver oil is a great source of fat-soluble vitamins, and you can consume cod liver oil anytime. However, it may be best not to take it right before bed.

Vitamin E:
Vitamin E should be taken in the form of tocotrienols and is great to take with meals.

Many phytonutrients are fat soluble, and this is why it’s great to have olive oil on your salad because it will help extract more phytonutrients. Take phytonutrient supplements and wheatgrass juice with a meal for better extraction.

Betaine hydrochloride:
Betaine hydrochloride should be taken right before a meal.

Digestive enzymes:
Digestive enzymes should be taken before a meal.

Bile salts or products with bile:
Bile salts can be better taken right after a meal.

What to take on an empty stomach:
• Activated charcoal
• Bentonite clay
• Individual amino acids
• Trace minerals

What to take before bed:
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Probiotics
• Vitamin D3
• Vitamin B1
• Detox herbs
• Apple cider vinegar

What to take in the morning
• Electrolyte powder
• Vitamin B12
• Stimulatory herbs

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps give you a better idea of when to take your vitamins. I’ll see you in the next video.

46 responses to “The Best Time of the Day to Take Vitamins”

  1. I take the D3/K2 with Mg because this combo seems to help me sleep. So many of your videos have lifesaving information Dr. Berg. Thank you!! As a video suggestion how about more on sarcopenia. All of us who live long enough will deal with life-threatening frailty. Prior to my father’s death, at 79 he was stuck in his tub all day because he didn’t realize he wasn’t strong enough to pull himself out. So ideas on how to stay strong might interest your fans. I’ve started using your Keto Essentials Aminos for the leucine. To save muscle I am also taking creatine, lifting weights, and have decreased fat a bit to increase protein intake. Thinking about going from OMAD to TMAD for optimal protein absorption. In any event, thank you for all your help.

    • There are lots of women fitness experts doing videos on exercise after 50 – especially strength training with weights

    • @CuriousCat Thanks for the reply. Sarcopenia is more involved than that. It starts around 40 and (in my understanding) has a lot to do with increased protein need. I’ve been lifting and a fitness buff since I was 30 yet they’ll come a day when without a multifaceted approach involving protein and supplements I might not be strong enough to get out of a bathtub. That’s why I was wondering about adding an extra meal to increase protein absorption.

  2. Well this is spot on. Last night I laid out some Vits I want to start…but I also take Levo thyroxine just before bed…so I asked myself this very question…When is the best time to take the Vits?….Thank you Dr Berg. You read the room constantly. Greetings from London 😊

    • @GW wow, I’m sorry to hear that.. Iodine is still great for the body and cleans the blood.. Look up health benefits of lugol’s iodine.. It’s one of the lost medicines our grandparents used regularly to stay healthy. Big Harma puts out lots of fear about it to scare people away. Selenium is also great for the health, helps prevent cancer, can get it with just a few Brazil nuts (and they are delicious!) daily

    • @Mary Coleman Thank you, Mary. I’m glad to see there’s still some help after. You’re right, my grandmother had iodine for every scrape and bruise but not anymore. I’ll buy some. I love Brazil nuts. Do you ingest the iodine or just rub on the skin?

    • @Mary Coleman I’ll just add it to my tea! I’ve upped my Vitamin D as well. Thank you so much, Mary. 😊

  3. Mmmm. Always grateful Doc. Keep reading, fact finding, speaking, guiding, advising and coaching us. Blessings.

  4. Dr berg can you please make a video on weight gain? I’ve dealt with a fast metabolism all my life & I’m currently 10lbs underweight due to my job requiring miles of walking daily. You’ve helped me resolve many health complications therefore I know I can put my trust into your advice rather than the bodybuilders telling people drink sugar powder and buy as much of the cheapest unhealthiest foods they can find.

    • I suffered from Crohn’s disease for 12 years. I lost a lot of weight and performed every diet under the sun. The only diet that has help and helped so much so that I’ve since reversed 12 years of suffering and 95% of other issues with Crohn’s by going carnivore. A parasite cleanse with garlic, clove, oil of oregano and coconut oil has helped relieve the remaining 5% of issues.

    • Reduce caffeine and do some intermittent fasting. If you drink coffee and have breakfast it revs your metabolism up.

  5. Is there a test you can do at home to see which vitamins, bio salts, ect you need? Is it possible to take too many vitamins if you’re also taking a multivitamin? Thank you for the great video Dr.Berg. your presentations are always amazing and very informative.

    • @Mama Lee good point. But, there are several nutrients and minerals that will or may not show up in a blood test. Example, magnesium supposedly like others are more so inside the cell and therefore can’t be measured with a blood test.
      There is some in the blood so You could appear deficient and really not be. Magnesium among others is need for the bones and are stored in bone.
      Yes body complex. Always exceptions and possibly no 2 people alike. Lots of variables. I think that’s what it’s critical to listen to your body. And that in itself is challenging.

    • I read that if you smell the vitamin in the container, if it smells horrible to you, you don’t need it, but if it smells good, you need it, so then take it.

    • @dontmesswiththemommabear I think the smell of brewers yeast for instance isn’t nice to everybody, but many would benefit from it!

    • It’s seems safer to assume that you are in deficit. The soil is almost useless in commercial food production. The majority of food has far less of its base level nutrition. We made organic soil us not the same.

    Sharing Dr Bergs notes here:

    There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins can be absorbed better if taken with fat or before a meal. But, if you’re fasting, you can take vitamins whenever.

    Cod liver oil:
    Cod liver oil is a great source of fat-soluble vitamins, and you can consume cod liver oil anytime. However, it may be best not to take it right before bed.

    Vitamin E:
    Vitamin E should be taken in the form of tocotrienols and is great to take with meals.

    Many phytonutrients are fat soluble, and this is why it’s great to have olive oil on your salad because it will help extract more phytonutrients. Take phytonutrient supplements and wheatgrass juice with a meal for better extraction.

    Betaine hydrochloride:
    Betaine hydrochloride should be taken right before a meal.

    Digestive enzymes:
    Digestive enzymes should be taken before a meal.

    Bile salts or products with bile:
    Bile salts can be better taken right after a meal.

    What to take on an empty stomach:
    • TUDCA
    • Activated charcoal
    • Bentonite clay
    • Individual amino acids
    • Trace minerals

    What to take before bed:
    • Calcium
    • Magnesium
    • Probiotics
    • Vitamin D3
    • Vitamin B1
    • Detox herbs
    • Apple cider vinegar

    What to take in the morning
    • Electrolyte powder
    • Vitamin B12
    • Stimulatory herbs

    Thank you Dr Berg! 🐱👍🏿

  7. So weird… I’d just bought a vitamin D3 just this morning since I’ve watched one of your video about always feeling tired and keep on thinking when is the best time to take it and then here it is just answered uploaded video ☺️🥰🙏 thanks Dr.

  8. My vitamin D3/K2 comes in a coconut oil capsule. (The brand I use just recently added turmeric.) I usually just take all my supplements together, but I see certain ones would be better at night. Great info. Thanks!

  9. Hello Dr Berg…thank you so much for all your “helpfull” and very interesting vlogs.
    I’ve sent a comment on 1 of your latest videos about vit. B12.
    My B12 is to high (>2000 without taking any supplements)
    Doctors are telling me it could be a warning sign of cancer, as high B12 is considered as a tumor marker. I got tested on leucemia but thanks God it came back negative. Further check up and blood tests will be done. I’ m so worried that it could be cancer. What would you advice me to do and what is your experience with high B 12?
    Thank you already so much for your answer and help.

  10. Thanks – this really answers my question about vitamins – I saw there were some others but this is a great synopsis.

  11. Thank you Dr. Berg! Your videos are always so helpful.
    I would like to know how many vitamins are okay to take at any given time. I see some of my vitamins have some of the same components. Most of my vitamins are from your store. They are wonderful. I’m just a little worried I might be taking too much. My heart seems to accelerate with some vitamins. I’m not sure which ones. Can you please help me?
    A video with a vitamin schedule would be great! Thank you!

  12. For me, taking betaine hydrochloride after I eat seems to work better, and I don’t have to take so much (usually just one capsule). Maybe that’s due to the capsule going through the stomach without breaking down on an empty stomach. On a full stomach it slows down it going through.

  13. This really helps. But can you take too many, does one neutralize another? So much to know! Thanks for helping us out Dr. Berg.

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