Use Your EAR to Predict a Heart Attack

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Check for this interesting predictor of a heart attack right now—it’s as easy as looking in the mirror.


0:00 Introduction: A good predictor of heart attack
2:40 Heart attack prevention
4:38 Learn more about the worst food for the cardiovascular system (it’s not sugar)!

There is an interesting predictor of a heart attack that you can look for right now. Go to the mirror and look for a crease on your ear lobe, starting where the hole is and coming out 45 degrees.

Coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease causes you to lose blood flow to the heart muscle.

A chronic lack of blood flow to the heart causes the loss of circulation in the peripheral parts of the body first, like the ear lobes. Without this blood supply to the ear lobes, you can develop this crease.

This crease shows up in about 71% of people with heart disease. However, it has also been found to appear in other health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure.

People who smoke may also notice this crease, but it’s most commonly seen in people with heart problems.

It’s important to act now to support a healthy heart:
1. Get on the Healthy Keto® diet and do intermittent fasting
2. Exercise regularly
3. Take tocotrienols
4. Consume omega-3 fatty acids (cod live oil)
5. Take vitamin K2 with vitamin D3

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness of heart attack prevention. I’ll see you in the next video.

56 responses to “Use Your EAR to Predict a Heart Attack”

  1. I had that crease for a long time and actually had a Dr tell me that I was not going to be one of those people who live a long life. I’ve been carnivore for over 3 yrs and in the last yr started IF (18 HR/ day) and lately have been doing OMAD. I am trying to get to a 36 hr fast. Hopefully this helps.

  2. My husband has that. His heart is fine, but he has had strokes. We also found out he was diabetic. I learnt about the earlobe shortly after.

    • That was 13 years ago. After watching him get worse for 8 months on the diet from the hospital I changed us both to the old British diet in the prologue of Good Calories. I also removed seed oils and replaced them with real fats. We both take cod liver oil.
      Don’t throw out seed oil if you own property. Put it in a spray bottle. Tentsworms in your trees. Spray the outside of the tent. Break tent. Spray the inside. Dead in seconds. Do not worry about birds like I did the first time. They do not attempt to eat them. Works on other insect problems as well.

    • @Kash Korazon Hello! I use codliver oil from Norsan and I take the oil from canned codliver (and give the liver to my dog).

  3. I’ve had this crease in my ears since my 20s. I’m now 70 with good blood pressure, no diabetes and my heart feels fine.

  4. Just found out about the ear crease – mind blown! 🤯 Thank you, Dr. Berg, for always sharing such valuable information. Time to level up our heart health game, everyone! Let’s inspire and encourage each other to live our healthiest lives. ❤🌟💪


  5. This one is controversial. I heard about this many years ago and even brought it up during a routine exam with my doctor at one time. I have creases in both ears and have had them for at least 15 to 20 years. I sleep on my side and some people say that could be a cause of them. When I hear that someone has had heart issues I often look at that their lobes and more often than not I don’t see creases in their ears. I still try to do what I can to minimize risks with my own health though so I am appreciative of any potential indicators that something is not right. I’d like more scientific evidence though before I’m completely convinced that this is an actual indicator of advanced heart disease.

    • Right? My husband has had them since I met him in his 20’s and he was athletic, his mom kept sugar and processed food out of the house and he had an old school doctor woman who lived to be 114, who gave amazing advice from what I heard. I wonder if there is a genetic predisposition to them?

  6. I’m 78 and have had the crease for years now. I exercise 30 minutes a day (walking) and have done so for 40 years and take vitamin supplements. My GP says I’m healthy by every test he knows, no sign of cardio problems.

    • My own doctor told me the following story. When she was going residency with a team of other doctors in the hospital. They had a patient who insisted he was perfectly healthy. No pain, fully independent looking healthy aware awake. The doctor team ran all physical exam tests and all came back bad. They gave him all kind of drugs as per standard of care and told him to take it even though he kept saying he was just fine. He took them as doctors orders. Came back for a follow up in few months. They ran tye same tests again. All came back perfect and normal. They found him dead in the waiting room. Lesson learned TESTS ARE D8NE ONLY FOR BILLING PURPOSES. 🤐🤫🤑

  7. I noticed i developed a crease on my earlobe and I went in to my doctor. Turned out I had dilated cardiomyopathy with a 30% heart function. I felt really weird telling my doctor why I had come in for a check up, but I was glad i did! I was only 46 at the time.

    • What tests did they do to determine that? I have a crease and have had various tests but say all is well, but still I’m concerned mostly about my arteries.

    • @Imperfect Christian Woman Generally an echocardiogram, CT and MRI. I was diagnosed with DCM too, I got pneumonia which put me in hospital and DCM was diagnosed. I now have an ICD, implanted cardiac defibrillator, similar to a pacemaker with the ability to jumpstart me!

    • ​@Imperfect Christian Woman They did an EkG which showed a problem, and then they did an echocardiogram and a heart cath.

  8. I love seeing all my elders on here in their 70s talkin about how healthy they are. Thats amazing and i am glad you are all healthy. 😎

    • Nice!

      I’m an elder Gen Xer.
      I’m no longer looking forward to aging.

      What, with all that Benjamin Buttons rewind to go through?
      Humans wore diapers immediately after being bourn, and eventually, many of us will die wearing them?

      Mayhaps experience aphasia, dementia, alzheimer diseases and other types of degenerative diseases that affects bone, muscle, et. al.?


      Not for me.

      I’ll be okay if I goeth however my destined demise is to be.
      Let it be, let it be.

      (the only fear I have left is…
      I just don’t want to wear diapers and being spoon-fed and abused on my way out the proverbial door)

    • @Lush Kitty To each his/her own. Lol. I am 38. Getting old just means i aint dying young. I myself have kids and want to be around as long as possible.

  9. My creases appeared about 7 years ago. 😥 I have really high blood pressure but on BP meds now. My dad just had to have a quadruple bypass open heart surgery but thankfully before any heart attacks. I’ll have to check his earlobes for creases! Thanks for the info and instructions doc!

  10. I’ve had this crease in my ear for at least 10 years, I don’t remember before that. I’m 53 now. My mom and grandma also had it.

  11. My late husband had that crease and it was such a crease his ear lobes almost folded. He had FTD but was on every heart med chemical they gave him. Because his heart doctor treated him for heart disease when IMO that quack’s chemicals caused his dementia.

    • I’m so sorry 😞 a lot of these drs just prescribe toxic chemicals. It’s horrible. That’s why there’s so many side effects. It’s up to us to take care of ourselves.

  12. I heard this years ago. A few years ago, I noticed a crease in my ear lobes. So I made a few adjustments (Diet,exercise) and it faded away.
    Another general indicator I heard about around the same time is a streak of grey hair at the front of your head

  13. I have the crease and not sure for how long. I’m thankful for the information, since I’ve also been having other sensations that have me questioning my heart health. Thank you 💖✨

  14. I am 74. About 30 years ago, a co-worker notice the creases in my ears and told me about this possibility. I laughed and accused him of spreading old wives tales and forgot about it. After watching the video, I went to look for my boot camp portrait, age 20. Creases were already there. I am in good health, not taking any meds, but I have always been active. Not going to worry about it.

  15. Hats off to you dr.
    Berg 👏👏👏variety of topics and so much valuable data for divergent class of medically unaware people

  16. I’m 75. I’ve lifted weights and done cardio for many decades.

    I’ve avoided too much alcohol; no smoking.

    I limit junk food and added sugar.

    I’ve had ear love creases for as long as I can recall.

    I’m 6’, 180 lbs..

    I’ve had an annual physical exam for many years.

    I’m fit and feel great.

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