The 5 Signs and Symptoms of an Iodine Deficiency You’ve Never Heard

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Iodine has many different health benefits, but over two billion people have an iodine deficiency. Learn more about the signs and symptoms of an iodine deficiency.

Importance of iodine:

Iodine and skin tags:

0:00 Introduction: Iodine deficiency
0:19 Health benefits of iodine
1:33 Hypothyroidism
2:08 Iodine deficiency symptoms
8:57 Learn more about iodine!

Today, we're going to talk about the signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency.

Many people have low iodine. You're likely iodine deficient unless you consume shellfish, seaweed, sea kelp, or vegetables grown on the coast.

The level of iodine in your body really depends on the level of iodine in the food you eat and the soil it's grown in.

If you're deficient in iodine, you could end up with a hypothyroid condition.

The top symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
• Swelling in the lower part of the neck
• Difficulty losing weight
• Dry hair and dry skin
• Thinned hair
• Constipation

Overlooked signs of an iodine deficiency:
1. Estrogen dominance. Iodine helps regulate estrogen and helps prevent estrogen dominance. It also supports detoxification.

2. High cortisol levels. Iodine helps normalize cortisol levels.

3. A hypothyroid condition. Hypothyroidism can cause the cholesterol in your body to be elevated but unusable for making vitamin D, cell membranes, and bile.

4. Side effects when consuming soy products. Iodine helps buffer the estrogen effects of consuming soy products.

5. Hashimoto's. You still need iodine if you have Hashimoto's, but not excess iodine. You may also need selenium, zinc, vitamin D, and myo-inositol.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand the signs and symptoms of an iodine deficiency. I'll see you in the next video.

65 responses to “The 5 Signs and Symptoms of an Iodine Deficiency You’ve Never Heard”

  1. The top symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
    • Swelling in the lower part of the neck
    • Difficulty losing weight
    • Dry hair and dry skin
    • Thinned hair
    • Constipation

    Overlooked signs of an iodine deficiency:
    1. Estrogen dominance. Iodine helps regulate estrogen and helps prevent estrogen dominance. It also supports detoxification.

    2. High cortisol levels. Iodine helps normalize cortisol levels.

    3. A hypothyroid condition. Hypothyroidism can cause the cholesterol in your body to be elevated but unusable for making vitamin D, cell membranes, and bile.

    4. Side effects when consuming soy products. Iodine helps buffer the estrogen effects of consuming soy products.

    5. Hashimoto’s. You still need iodine if you have Hashimoto’s, but not excess iodine. You may also need selenium, zinc, vitamin D, and myo-inositol

    Thank you Dr Berg! 🐱👍🏿

  2. Doc, you are the only person in the world who does not have me second guessing what they stand for, who they are or what are their intentions.

  3. I have been taking sea kelp and selenium every day for about a year now and it has completely transformed my health.

    • @Julien – Shadow’s Swelling went down almost immediately and was completely gone in about 3 weeks. I’m sure results depend on the underlying cause. I was obviously just iodine deprived for years. I was shocked at how quickly my issues were corrected.

    • @Julien – Shadow’s Mine wasn’t that big, but was easily visible. I may have had it for a couple of months maybe.
      I got this info initially from a woman who wrote an article about healing her own thyroid naturally. She had a huge goiter and it took a long time to heal. I can’t remember how long. I wish I could remember the author.

    • @BlairDoesNotCare ok thanks mine has been getting bigger for about a dozen years little by little i have been deprived of iodine too for about five to six years i have been taking 100-200mcg of selenium for months 200-500mcg of iodine (iodized salt, fish, vitamin, kelp) but right now I’m increasing to 1000 mcg and up, not sure of the outcome. I had an ultrasound two months ago, she was a little bigger, but the strange thing is that she has shrunk a lot on one side, I hope it will be okay, thank you for your answers

  4. Iodine CHANGED MY LIFE… i’ve always had cold hands/feet and i used to feel tired allllll the time (and people were calling me lazy for years)… And i checked my hormones and i think they were normal… But since i tried kelp.. Now i can’t live without it (now i’m even getting pharmaceutical grade iodine which is faster acting than kelp). If i had to take just 1 vitamin/mineral for the rest of my life, it’d be iodine

    • @Pamela Cave I get it from the local pharmacy… It’s more expensive though..I think the molecule is called “potassium iodide”. Personally i’d recommand kelp: it’s natural and very affordable and they have the same effect, it’s just the synthetic one is a little faster acting

  5. It all makes sense now. A few months ago, my Dr increased my iodine because I was complaining about my hair falling out. That has stopped but the last week or so I noticed my pants are a little lose and my right neck doesn’t hurt even though I haven’t changed my eatting habits. I’m thinking that I am probably estrogen dominant with a bit of bile sludge. Hopefully he keeps me on this dose (2x/week) because it seems to be doing good things for me. Thanks for explaing iodine and sea kelp.

  6. Dr. Berg, your videos come in at the right time! I’ve just received my package yesterday and started this morning. I can already tell I’m more chilled out and not tired. No wonder you have almost 10 million subscribers!! Thank you!!

  7. I had my gall bladder out 9 years ago and now take bile salts. I also take kelp pills for iodine and have finally found sea salt with added iodine here in the Philippines. Thanks Dr Berg.

    • Thank you❤ I had my gallbladder out almost 2 years ago roughly and ever since I believe my thyroid was the culprit for me having my gallbladder out They said they never saw a patient with so many goals stones in my gallbladder in the entire life along with other doctors that were looking at me. I’m just learning about Dr Berg and his amazing notes on how deficiencies on different things He is amazing doctor so far I’d just started to follow him about 3 months ago roughly and loving his videos🎉 He is a true blessing

    • Wow didn’t know you could buy sea salt with added idoine x Tsk you and I also had my gall bladder out over 10yrs ago… x

  8. Dr Berg , you videos are super amazing and easy to understand the health topic. You perfectly break down the lessons in such a way I can still keenly follow you while doing my chores and don’t loose out on anything. I celebrate you sir👏👏👏

  9. I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 12 and have struggled with all these symtoms my whole life. I thought it was all just the PCOS but now I’m wondering if it’s the iodine. Especially since I found out I’m estrogen dominant when taking a questionnaire for a new weight loss program

  10. Today, an influencer who I admire, confessed to YouTube followers about a health update. She was diagnosed with Hashimoto disease. She’s a fitness influencer and I was wondering if her high carb diet and consumption of pre workouts and whey protein may have caused or triggered this disease. I keep going back and forth in my mind as to whether the keto diet is healthy for women. I tried it once and suddenly I started bleeding during ovulation which has never happened. Now I’m back to eating regularly, which is a high carb diet. I’m torn to what lifestyle diet , since I am searching for health more than as to loosing weight 😕

    • I would try intermittent fasting and get many of the benefits that it shares with keto. Then when you do eat, don’t be afraid of having some carbs. You’d be surprised how fat adapted your body can become with fasting alone (as long as you’re not going crazy on carbs). You don’t have to go high carb or full on keto. There’s a middle ground that most fit people live in and fasting helps bridge the gap. Keto is not required to lose weight. It can help, but controlling how much you eat is the driving force (which fasting helps with tremendously). Or even just cut back on the carbs, up the fat and protein, and otherwise eat normally. Maybe see how your body responds to that. No need to go to the extremes right away. Experiment with things gradually and just see how you respond.

  11. For anyone growing their own veg and fruit, there are ways of adding iodine to the soil. Some will take seaweed from the beach and use it but it can be bought in a dried form too. I think it can be given to the hens too.

    • that’s what I was wondering for my garden. Don’t live by the beach to get seaweed. And wondered how much to put on. What would be too much.
      I put dried milk down for calcium. Miracle grow potting soil has none. just sayin

    • Where I live it is illegal to remove seaweed from the beaches . There are companies that have the rights.

  12. I went to GP last week to understand what’s wrong with my body. But this one video just simply explained it all 😮 Thanks Doc.

    • I’ve begged 2 GPs to help figure out specific problems. They wouldn’t/couldn’t help. I asked for referrals to specialists. Nope, couldn’t do that either. As always I’m on my own. Dr. Berg has at least helped.

    • GP’s in my experience are for the large part of the time worthless.. they do do a few things to help

  13. Dr Berg. In Mexico, decades ago, the government decided to supplement the “table salt” with iodine, because the mexican population had deficiency. I moved to Canada over 20 years ago and I check the table salt in Canada and it doesn’t have iodine added, so I was wondering if the health problems I’m having are coming from iodine deficiency. I have the problems you mention in the video. Thank you for your video

    • @D J R. Oh yeah! I bough a next box of table salt and it is, the one I was using is sea salt and coarse salt after, but I see my new box of table salt it does have iodine. Thanks for your comment!

    • @Ruby Cat i know, it’s so stressful to feel sick and try to figure out where the heck is coming from, I did notice, thanks to the previous comment, that regular salt has iodine, I was buying coarse salt and sea salt, but I will use now table salt. So I recommend you to check if there are different types of salt, perhaps you can find it on a different type. Best wishes!

  14. Only 3 weeks in and I’m down 23lbs from the 100lbs i need to lose. OMAD and keto combined is truly amazing. Give this man a Nobel Prize ❤❤❤

    • Rapid weightloss will give you gallbladder stones. So, start taking Tudca right away if you haven’t already. And good luck with your journey.

    • @Bigfoot wow, thanks for the info, I didnt know that. I thought I was protecting myself from gallbladder stones by drinking apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. I have heard Dr, Berg talking about Tudca but I never really looked into it. I am positive the bulk of my weight loss is water weight as it is slowing down a little now. Thanks again 😀

    • Agree!!! Dr Berg deserves some sort of prize. He is able to explain from root cause all problems so we can actually heal instead of getting tons of painkillers and other medicines that fight just symptoms and not the root cause

  15. It also helps with myoma, I used my sister as my guinea pig and told her to start using two drops of lugol daily, after a month I doubled this amount for another month and then returned back to the initial levels. She did an exam before and after, and it reduced like 40% the size of the myomas. (Worth mentioning that she also stopped eating refined sugar and milk)

  16. WoW thank you, this is exactly what I had on my list of things to get. Iodine defficiency is the cause for my yellow toe nails, my daughter’s digestion pain. Dr. Berg can this be a cause of mild scoliosis? Thank you for your great videos

  17. This doctor saved my life! I thought I was dying and what I had was iodine deficiency. I found another video about iodine from him and weeks later I felt healthy again. What he is doing is a godsend for those of us that don’t have health insurance . 🌻

  18. I am having all of these symptoms and none of my doctors have been connecting the dots. I’ve been to a dermatologist, cardiologist and PCP with no answers. Thank you so much for this video!

  19. Doc I have thanked you before but i can’t thank you enough for all the wonderful medical expertise and education about our health. You have helped me and my family get healthy. Blessings to you always and your family and team !!

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