Broccoli Sprouts for Genetic Breast Cancer (BRCA-1)

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Learn more about breast cancer and how to decrease the risk of breast cancer.

0:00 Introduction: Genetic mutations that increase the risk of breast cancer
0:20 Understanding genetic mutations linked to breast cancer
2:22 Lifestyle choices to avoid
2:50 How to lower your breast cancer risk
8:12 Learn more about fasting!

Let’s talk about the top things that decrease the risk of breast cancer.

There are many different genetic issues that can cause someone to be at risk for breast cancer. Mutations to the genes: BRCA1 and BRCA2 create the most significant risk of breast cancer.

One thing you need to know is that your genes don’t cause cancer. What can lead to cancer are epigenetic factors. These are lifestyle choices that control whether certain genes are turned on or off.

Things that can potentially increase your risk of breast cancer:
• Smoking
• Alcohol
• Pollution
• Toxins in the environment
• Heavy metals
• Nitrates in processed foods
• Birth control pills
• Hormone therapy
• Refined carbohydrates
• Stress

Ways to potentially decrease the risk of breast cancer:
1. Consume cruciferous vegetables
2. Consume sprouts and microgreens
3. Take DIM
4. Have a positive mindset
5. Exercise regularly
6. Do intermittent and prolonged fasting
7. Get on a low-carb diet
8. Consume organic foods
9. Reduce your stress

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of how to decrease the risk of breast cancer. I’ll see you in the next video.

45 responses to “Broccoli Sprouts for Genetic Breast Cancer (BRCA-1)”

  1. If you are reading this there’s a reason……No matter how good or bad you have it,wake up each day thankful for your life.Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs ❤️🇧🇸

  2. a positive mindset is the most important thing for all aspects of life. thank you Dr. Berg you are like an angel to us. STAY STRONG AND HEALTHY

    • Most important thing is knowing where you are going when this life is over. Heaven or hell? God loves you! Repent for sin in your life…and ask Jesus to be your Lord! Today…Read the Bible

  3. I don’t have it, but I’ve seen my uncle’s wife dying with it, and now her daughters at risk. Thanks for the info Dr Berg 🌸

  4. Unfortunately this hits too close to home. Genetic testing shows I don’t have the gene even though a sibling has the BRCII. Yeah men can have it too. She had a double mastectomy at 44 and is in her mid 50’s now. Another sister(don’t know if she had the gene) passed at 51 from a different cancer that due to her poverty level wasn’t treated very well. Her lifestyle and attitude didn’t help matters much. An older brother passed of lung cancer this past year and two other older brothers died from alcohol/ drug related tolls on the body. Both of them in their 40’s. Father was 54 with his throat cancer death. My maternal grandmother and her sister both passed from breast cancer. They never smoked or drank except maybe a beer during lunch when baling hay in the summers.
    I’ll pass this link and info along to the 5 sisters and brother I have left and my nieces that are nearing the ages that started affecting us but most of them might be set in their ways.

  5. My mom and 2 aunts had breast cancer twice. My mom died from vaginal cancer last year. So definitely runs in my family on both sides. And I was on birth control and many different hormone therapies for years unfortunately.

    • Have you been tested? Breast and ovarian ran on our paternal side. I never met my grandmother due to ovarian cancer.
      I tested positive for BRCA at 38 and went ahead and got a double mastectomy and full hysterectomy. I was thankful that I had the opportunity to be preventive where the other women in our family didn’t. 🤍

  6. My dad is almost 80 and a smoker since 19, he has always smoked outside and each night does a phlegm and sinus cleanse in the shower 😊must have helped him… also eats onions and garlic liberally 😂

    • That onion and garlic really helps when eaten raw.. same with my grandma she survived a stroke and they said she wouldn’t make it she got out of the paralysis and now she’s walking around still eating raw onion and garlic

  7. Well done Dr Berg for talking to the plants👍😊 As a true empath, you realise that everything around you has a soul, same thing I do with an injured dove nearby my window, which was constantly being attacked and pecked by other birds. When I started to talk to it on daily bases the dove started to heal and eventually learned how to defend itself against attackers. Same with narcs who attack or bully us on daily bases. That’s why people in stressful environments are more likely to develop cancer and other serious diseases, and we should keep a positive mindset no matter how negative our environments are.

  8. My mom died from cancer that started in her breastplate. The lil pill they gave her to stop it; excellerated it. Once it was all over her body, she was given months. With morphine to mask the pain, she only had 6 weeks. She thought she had to smash her breasts to stay on top of cancer, but she actually set it into motion. She could have changed her diet and stopped smoking to help but she was addicted to caffeine free diet Pepsi which has aspartame. She drank it daily. What we put in our bodies definitely impacts our lives. I love Dr. Berg and all of his videos. I wish he would make one on extra fat on one thigh versus the other.

  9. I saw that plant experiment in a school to teach the students about bullying. It was a powerful lesson for all of us.

  10. I have BRCA & had a terrible mindset despite healthy eating & exercise. Dx aggressive breast cancer at age 41 w 4 young kids ages 3 thru 11. Now a new lease on life…changed attitude, trying to find joy, keto, fasting. I’m almost 10 years out! Hoping for a long, fulfilling life! Trying to work on the alcohol that got away from me during COVID.

    • It’s really hard. Just starting my journey. I’m so glad you’re out of it and sending positive thoughts as I work on mine💚

  11. My mom always said that breast cancer reduces when you breastfeed a baby…of course that was in the 70’s. Now we have processed foods, etc that hurt our DNA as well as toxins.

  12. Great informative episode. Can you also do an episode on ‘dense breast tissue’ and whether that increases the chance of breast cancer?

    • After my first ever mammogram this year, I was told that I have dense breast tissue, so I’d like to know this as well.

    • @JillyBean860 I’m also curious to find out if diet/nutrition plays a role in dense breast tissue. I have not found any studies or info on it yet.

  13. Thank you Dr Berg.
    My sister had two different breast cancers. She went through chemo and radiation and it’s gone.
    I don’t think I would choose chemo though.

  14. Dr. Berg, I’m waiting on my BRCA results. My sister tested negative 4.5 years ago when she got breast cancer. Now I have a slightly different breast cancer (triple positive breast cancer). I’m the same age my sister was when she got it. Our mom got a slightly different breast cancer at age 70. I’ve followed you, Guy and Fred, Dr. Seyfried, and have the books Keto for Cancer and Busting Breast Cancer. I’ve done all the things you recommend. I eat so much cruciferous and my vitamin D is way too high😹 I take your DIM, iodine and many of your supplements that have improved my health greatly (the breast cancer diagnosis is a shock). I do your healthy keto, intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting. I’m starting another prolonged fast in a couple days. It seems my diet and fasting have slowed growth of my tumor but it isn’t shrinking. I do not want to do standard of care. I am very attached to my health and so upset at the hit I’m going to take after 1.5 years of chemo, surgery and radiation, and 5-10 years of hormone blocking drugs. Please can you recommend anything? Can you please do a video on the hormone blocking drugs? I saw one you did on tamoxifen. Can you please do more? I only just turned 45 a few days ago. I’m very physically active and have my own small farm. I want to stay strong for many years to come 🙏🏽

  15. Thank you Doctor.Such videos are a great help and nothing better than getting valuable info before time.

  16. I talk to my plant every morning and tell it that I love it and it grew so fast. I brought it to my plant l lady and she was shocked. She said this plant takes at least 2 years to grow a single leaf and others come to complain to her about how their plants arent growing. Mine has 3 giant ones in less than a year

  17. I was worrying about breast cancer a week ago and now Dr. Eric Berg uploaded about the topic as if he knew about my anxious thoughts. Great video Dr. Eric Berg!

  18. This was very interesting! BRCA1 is everywhere on my maternal side, and I have always been curiously fascinated by why some have gotten sick and others haven’t. This makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you!!

  19. Yep. The doctor told my friend with breast cancer that she would never get well unless she changed her outlook. She was very depressed upon diagnosis.
    To make a long story short, she moved away from her stressful environment and surrounded herself with happy people and animals. She began taking walks, on the farm, and getting more sunshine. Her chemo went well and she is now completely cancer free.

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