Health Supplements You Shouldn’t Take Every Day – Harmful Side-Effects

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42 responses to “Health Supplements You Shouldn’t Take Every Day – Harmful Side-Effects”

  1. 💯💯Subscribe for videos on becoming superhuman:
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  2. I understand your specific reason why you may not want to take melatonin on a daily basis. But as a 50yr old man, I do not see the downside of taking 10 or 15mg every night. My natural production of melatonin is dropping significantly at my age. Do you see a downside for older people taking higher doses.

    • Right there with you. People are more scared of melatonin than informed about the benefits. It’s never helped me sleep but my functional medicine doc thinks everyone over 40 should consider it. He also believes that certain health issues require high doses. I’m not there so my intake isn’t that high.

    • 10mg or more is quite a lot. i also fear you might treating some symptoms instead of solving the root cause.are you getting sunlight every morning? making sure your bedroom is cold and completly dark? you work out enough? have a regular bed time? use some technique daily to reduce stress (meditation, yoga, sauna, etc.)?

  3. I’ve been taking quercetin daily for over 16yrs (1000mg minimum daily). I’ve seen no negative effects. I take it daily for chronic fluid in my ears which is probably due to some environmental allergy. No dr can figure it out, so I just self treat.

    • By using that mast cell stabilizer, you might have also been incidentally suppressing other symptoms of MCAS, of which there are very many.

    • @Individualist I doubt it’s anything near as severe as that; I’ve never been anywhere remotely near anaphylaxis. I was on Allegra (fexofenadine) initially, but quercetin works much better. I have gone months without taking any & my ears will just become painfully congested occasionally. I certainly have never experienced any rebound effects when I’ve stopped taking quercetin.

      Pseudoephedrine also helps my ear pain, & weirdly, alcohol. I have been allergy tested, & nothing comes up, but allergy testing isn’t very reliable. My facial skin is quite sensitive, & I randomly developed a topical sensitivity to silver at 21, but quercetin doesn’t have any effects on my skin that I’ve noticed. I only use it for my ears, & when I had a cold many years ago, I found high dose quercetin (2000mg+) worked very well for all kinds of ENT congestion. Everyone I have recommended it to has found the same.

      When I’ve been exposed to poison oak or mango skin, I take the OTC anti-histamine chlorpheniramine for swelling & itching. Quercetin doesn’t seem to work for such reactions. But, these are sensitivities, not outright allergies.

    • @Maiden DE Hi, you might already know all this, but I’ll just spill it out anyway. It might spark something.

      From what you’ve replied, apparently it’s simply focal allergy. But it’s still MC->histamine dependent.

      MCs have membrane bound IgE, which of course explains how the intermittent presence of the allergen means you only sometimes need the quercetin. I’d thought you’d meant you took quercetin continuously.

      Allegra is a histamine receptor blocker, while pseudoephedrine as a constrictor is something like a physiologic antagonist to histamine’s vasodilation; and MC stabilizers such as quercetin and luteolin and fisetin inhibit local histamine release.

      Alcohol helps the pain from swelling? That is odd, since it’s a vasodilator. Maybe it’s something to do with ethanol’s metabolite acetaldehyde, or with acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.

      “but allergy testing isn’t very reliable”
      Yes, many allergists are skin-prick-test obsessed, and dismiss too readily more unusual cases.

      “all kinds of ENT congestion”
      MCs line all world facing tissue: skin, airways, GI, etc.

      “…sensitivities, not outright allergies”
      So then probably membrane bound IgG4 instead of IgE. As I recall, MC stabilizers work by interfering with signal transduction from Fc receptors on MC surface, to inside the cell. Maybe a different MC stabilizer would work for you on the skin allergies. It’s a chance.

      [And btw you would have necessarily ruled out the facial rash as being malar/butterfly, as lupus is the “great imitator” which can mimic many disparate things. And unrelated to that, you’ve also ruled out Lyme overall, since chronic Lyme can also cause many odd effects, including eventual deafness.]

    • @Individualist I normally take it continuously, 1-2x a day, because then I have no ear pain. But on occasion I’ve run out, because it was difficult to source where I live. My ears ALWAYS feel congested, they’re just not always PAINFULLY so. But, the discomfort alone is unpleasant. Prevention is just better, though I do respond very quickly to the quercetin if I wasn’t taking it, & I haven’t developed any tolerance ever.

      Definitely no lupus or Lyme’s. I don’t have any other symptoms beyond the clear, viscous fluid in my ears, & am otherwise in excellent health. When I put my pinkie finger in my ear, it comes out wet, & I do get a little relief that way. My fingers are very slim, & my ear opening is very large (ear buds fall out). So I suspect an anatomical issue too. But, problem appeared randomly at 24. My skin is usually excellent, now that I know what to avoid. I did abruptly develop rosacea within a couple weeks of my husband suddenly dying, I assume due to stress (though this was less than a year after my ears began bothering me) but I mostly cured that with low dose Accutane (isotretinoin). It wasn’t severe, but it REALLY annoyed me.

      My guess with the alcohol is that it’s dehydrating. I don’t normally drink, but even a glass of wine makes me feel like I’ve been in the desert without water for hours. But, I metabolise alcohol VERY efficiently…so who knows.

      I should add that I’m somewhat of an anomaly with 3x the normal number of nerves & general hyper metaboliser both in terms of liver enzymes & hyperactive cell pumps. Most drugs don’t stay in my system nearly as long as they should, & many drugs have no apparent effect at any dose. Then there are a few drugs that I’m very sensitive to: cyclobenzaprine which can knock me unconscious for 16hrs but has zero therapeutic effects, MDA is crazy overstimulating (but no other phenethylamines are), alprazolam gives me a near panic attack (but all other benzos work normally), & sildenafil caused extremely painful clitoral swelling (a tiny smidgen of a 50mg pill, most definitely less than 1mg).

  4. I didn’t realize NAC breaks down DAO enzyme which would interfere with histamine breakdown thereby causing a histamine buildup in the body. This could explain some rashes I’ve had lately. Thanks for the info, Siim. Also, I didn’t realize NAC interferes with muscle growth due to its anti inflammatory effects post workout. Good information to know, Siim! Thank you.

    • @Cat Man Do Yep, HNMT works in the bloodstream.

      But I’d think the better strategy is to inhibit histamine release from Mast Cells with MC stabilizers like quercetin, luteolin and fisetin.

      Or… people with the MTHFR snp (mutation) tend to not break down histamine very well, so TMG would help to lower histamine everywhere.

      MCs are paracrine, so while they are the prime source of histamine, each MC is also more likely to get set off and release (degranulate) its own store of histamine if its receptors detect high background levels of histamine around it. Sort of like a chain reaction.

      Let’s say you consume histamine i food, it travels in the bloodstream to a spot on the skin where MCs are on a hair trigger and ready to go off. Then boom, there’s a rash at that spot.

      MCs are immune cells with over 100 different types of receptors and over 200 biochemicals that they secrete. So they can be involved in many inflammation symptoms.

    • Try this test: see if you can draw a line with a fingernail across your sternum and get a mark that is pronounced and doesn’t go away quickly. That’s called dermographia. Mechanical pressure sets off MCs to release their histamine, in people with overactive MCs.

    • @Individualist For sure I have overactive MC’s and dermographia. And thank you for the detailed explanation about how high histamine foods travel to where my overactive MC are in my skin. That sounds exactly like what is happening with me, Siim. Yeah, quercetin and luteolin and Vit. C, I heard, are great for stabilizing mast cells. Thanks much for the insight and suggestions. You’re a wealth of helpful health and nutrition knowledge! Have a good one bro!

    • @Cat Man Do Glad to be of some help. If you don’t mind, let me know how it turns out. Good luck.

  5. Wow! Another eye opening video, thanks Siim. I’m going to stop taking daily NAC at 500mg and find either a super low dose or intermittent time to take it. Similarly from taking quercetin every other day, I might push that together with fisetin only monthly or even reduce that to bimonthly. Sure do like the idea of increased glutathione, p53, sirtuins though.

    There’s something in the research that suggests low dose NAC is inflammatory while high dose is anti-inflammatory, I’m not sure about how or what doses exactly. When I’ve combined a bunch of apigenin, I wonder if that double whammy of shutting down cd38 and boosting p53 with NAC will have some side effects. Who knows if you should combine or separate those effects?

  6. I wouldn’t take anything daily over a long period. Even if valid studies show that a given dose is not harmful on *average*, you can’t know if you as an individual might be an outlier.

  7. As you age, your Glutathione level drops significantly so if you supplement with NAC on a daily basis you just bring your glutathione levels back to normal. Would it therefore not harm muscle synthesis for older people over 55?

    • I’m 47 and for the first time since I was in my 20’s, I’ve been working my arms with pull ups and dips. So I’ve been taking NAC daily at 500mg and quercetin every other day at 500mg, both at night. Somewhere halfway in the 1 year now of doing all these I switched from daily quercetin to bi-daily. Anyway, I don’t know how much muscle mass I should expect to have gained going from 130lbs, given I’ve also always been a “hard gainer”, but, I do see notable consistent gains, especially lately and I’m up to 145lbs. The “lately” being most likely a focus on deep sleep or slow wave sleep.

      However, I’m going to try reducing these to see the effect for a bit just to see. I think the level is probably low enough given it’s equivalent (correct me if I’m wrong) to a couple of slices of beef liver, according to the internet.

    • I take 1,200mg NAC with an equivalent amount of Glycine in the morning and then again at night (so 2.4g of both NAC and Glycine daily). Both times on an empty stomach. These are the dosages used in one of the clinical studies. I have lifted weights for 10 years prior to taking GlyNAC but have noticed notable strength gains after starting. I work out in the mornings on an empty stomach and then take my first dose of GlyNAC immediately after. Anyway just my experience. I am 57 years old.

  8. i take NAC and melatonin everyday. I’m 44 years old, I’ve been working at night for 18 years. every day I do my strength training for an hour and then I go for a 45 minute run. and I manage to do all this thanks to taking NAC and melatonin every day.

  9. There are some supplements I’ve never heard of before in this video, but I’m welling to try them. Thank you for the valuable information.
    Much love from Montreal, Canada.🙏🏻💐

  10. I live in Poland, recently bought NAC from a sports supplement store. Brand name is SFD. It comes in 150mg tablets. I see most brands are from 500mg. Do I need to double/ triple up. Recommended dosage is one tablet a day to be taken 3 times a day in 1/4 sizes

  11. Last week I was feeling with flu sintoms , maybe sore throat or dengue.
    I used a lot of quercetin and NAC.

  12. Hi Siim. I see resarches about both nac and glycine promotes cancer cell growth. And naturally never take them. My biohacking courage isnt so great 🙂

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