Reversing Biological Aging and Extending Lifespan – Matt Kaeberlein PhD

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01:00 Changes in Aging Research Over the Past Decades
05:00 Is Aging a Modifiable Program
08:45 How Long Can Humans Live
11:13 Genetic Engineering for Longevity
13:03 Why Do Some People Live Over 100
18:20 Lifestyle Factors That Extend Lifespan
24:10 Calorie Restriction for Living Longer
28:22 Prolonged Calorie Restriction in Humans
30:39 Food Quality and Calorie Restriction Diet
34:05 Intermittent Fasting and Time Restricted Eating
40:12 Calorie Restriction Mimetics
43:00 Rapamycin Research
50:30 Dog Rapamycin Study
54:05 Are Biological Age Tests Accurate
01:02:40 Is Age Reversal Possible
01:11:25 Risk of Low Protein Diets

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26 responses to “Reversing Biological Aging and Extending Lifespan – Matt Kaeberlein PhD”

  1. Get Biohacking Stuff 10% OFF with Code SIIMLAND:
    01:00 Changes in Aging Research Over the Past Decades
    05:00 Is Aging a Modifiable Program
    08:45 How Long Can Humans Live
    11:13 Genetic Engineering for Longevity
    13:03 Why Do Some People Live Over 100
    18:20 Lifestyle Factors That Extend Lifespan
    24:10 Calorie Restriction for Living Longer
    28:22 Prolonged Calorie Restriction in Humans
    30:39 Food Quality and Calorie Restriction Diet
    34:05 Intermittent Fasting and Time Restricted Eating
    40:12 Calorie Restriction Mimetics
    43:00 Rapamycin Research
    50:30 Dog Rapamycin Study
    54:05 Are Biological Age Tests Accurate
    01:02:40 Is Age Reversal Possible
    01:11:25 Risk of Low Protein Diets

    Video Why You Should Take Glycine:
    Top 3 Best Longevity Supplements:
    Code SIIM for 10% OFF Collagen:

    GET MY COFFEE code SIIM10:
    OMAD 6 years:

    Intermittent Fasting Video Course:
    Metabolic Autophagy Master Class:
    Metabolic Autophagy 4 Week Meal Plan:

    Circadian NAD Activation System:
    My Supplement List:
    David Sinclair Supplement Stack Review:

    Metabolic Autophagy:
    Stronger by Stress:
    The Immunity Fix:
    The Mineral Fix:
    The Obesity Fix:
    The Collagen Cure:

    Get Creatine 10% OFF with code SIIM:
    Get Vitamin D +10% K2 OFF with code SIIM

    Intermittent Fasting Video Course:
    Metabolic Autophagy Master Class:
    Metabolic Autophagy 4 Week Meal Plan:

    Circadian NAD Activation System:
    My Supplement List:
    Code SIIM for 10% OFF:
    David Sinclair Supplement Stack Review:

  2. K, im 20min in and a bit annoyed with the title, “shocking truth revealed…” No mention of yamanaka factors, instead talking about morbidity. Yeah we know you wont push lifespan with these morbidities or while smoking. Ok, epigenetic reprogramming is mentioned at 1:02:40 but stated as there being no evidence it can reverse aging. Well that statement is a bit shocking. Now instead of looking for reasons why he says that, we can look elsewhere to try to justify this? Online: “the Yamanaka factors appear to have restored part of the animals’ epigenome, chemical modifications on DNA and proteins that help regulate gene activity, to a more youthful state.”

    Final thoughts, part of being happy is being optimistic, Matt.

    • I did not listen to the video other than the first minute. However, I find Matt’s views to be refreshing. He is clearly not overselling science and supplements, which has pretty much been done over and over. I remember ten years ago resveratrol was going to save us from the ravages of aging. Later, it was NMN / NR. Over time, we learned that it’s likely that these things either do not work or do not work very well to substantially reduce the impact of aging. For awhile it seemed to me that fasting looked promising. However, when I look at people that have regularly fastied over the last several decades, they pretty much look their age (albeit thinner than average) So when we hear about the latest substance, practice, or medical intervention being miraculous, skepticism is warranted. Perhaps it’s not a matter of being optimistic or pessimistic, but just being honest.

    • @jack buaer maybe other things canceled out their fasting. Like they never wore sunscreen. Photoaging is like 90% of skin aging

      But yeah I think it’s refreshing to hear grounded reality about aging. I have tried pretty much every “anti-aging” supplement and now only take magnesium, and workout 2 hours a day lol

  3. Programmed aging makes no sense from an evolutionary point of view I think we just wear out within a similar time frame. There is no plan for us to have identical arms the two just grow independently and arrive at the same mirror image position in space.

    • It does make sense from an evolutionary point of view. Because mutations happen over generations. That’s why viruses mutate so quickly bc they have short lifespans.

  4. The paradox of life, as life gets better technology improved and essential life needs are met we start to worry about silly things
    I no longer care if I can age better or even reverse age
    If the facts that science may not be able to reverse aging shocks you are in that paradox
    We are programmed to worry whether we met our mates and food or not and as life improved we are worrying about aging

    • Why even watch the video then?
      The very act of even being on the channel contradicts what you’re saying.

  5. The easiest way to slowing down aging is staying active. I have trained people that have regained some of their youth through resistance training, diet, and rest. Their balance, strength, and over health improves along with their mental attitudes.

  6. The oldest confirmed person is still the woman in France who lived to 122 years , 5 months and 14 days and died in 1997. This life span tracks pretty much what the Bible states in Genesis 6:3:
    And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

    As far as the so called evolutionary natural selection (random chance), the only thing it produces is chaos and entropy. This process could only occur by mutation which always involve the dropping of genetic material, never adding more. No significant advancements in organisms can occur through this so called “evolutionary process” because it is random and only involves the loss of genes. As an example, there are ap. 5,000 mutations in the human genome. None of them are favorable, most are benign, many harmful and some fatal.

  7. I’m enjoying this new content. It is very nice to listen to and learn. Thank you, gentlemen.

  8. Even if you somehow would do everything perfect. You will not even come close age 130, naturally. If you’re male, make that 120. The fact that there are people in the top10 longest lived verified humans that died 25 years ago. Just shows how incredible rare they are. Think 1 in billions. You need to win the genetic lottery and win many more lotteries. Yes, most will be luck and you have no control over it. Don’t focus on lifespan, focus on healthspan. Lifestyle and diet do matter. But supercentenarians are outside that realm. Only future technology might get us there and beyond. And instead living like a monk with little effects. You can live life to the fullest, eat pizza, never fast or exercise, drink and smoke everyday and still get to age 120 relatively healthy. The proof is there that it’s humanly possible in real life people. Just a matter of time. I’m guessing alot of the health science today will be completely redundant in thext couple of centuries.

  9. As Mr Kaeberlein suggests, it is very hard to understand how the mechanics of natural selection can inform us on longevity, given that selection is about successful reproduction and raising of children. Diet which was optimal for healthy hunter gatherers may well have been animal protein and fat, but could it be that a diet of lentils could extend life beyond 50?

  10. Keep up the good work, I look forward to your videos as part of my longevity news.
    I’ve been taking 30grams of hydrolyzed collagen everyday because of one of your videos. I’ve been thinking of increasing my glycine from the 9 grams within that collagen

  11. I don’t get why more researchers don’t focus on membrane characteristics regarding aging. It is believed one of the reasons small birds live longer than similar metabolism mammals is due to more oxidation resistant membranes. Simillar is seen in longer lived clams the longer the lifespan the more oxidation resistant the membrane is.

  12. Regards caloric restriction mimetics, iirc it has been shown that in the heart resveratrol replicates all the gene expression changes of calorie restriction and does additional ones. Calorie restriction impedes part of the aging changes in gene expression but resveratrol impedes even more changes. But this is in the heart for some reason it is less effective in other organs.

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