Why You Should Drink Carbonated Water

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I feel so much better when I drink carbonated water vs. regular water, and I think I know why. Check this out!

Video on CO2:


0:00 Introduction: Is carbonated water bad for you?
0:25 Carbonated water explained
0:50 Understanding carbon dioxide
2:57 Benefits of CO2
7:02 Learn more about the water you drink!

Let’s talk about carbonated water. Water is carbonated by adding CO2. This makes it bubbly and slightly acidic.

The body needs CO2 for oxygen to be absorbed into the cells. You can even put your body in a hypoxic state (low oxygen state) by depriving your tissues of CO2.

Carbonated spas or baths are used in some places for people with circulatory problems or diabetic wounds. It’s also used as a therapy for people after a stroke and to decrease the rate of amputation.

While I wasn’t able to find research on the health benefits of carbonated water, I did find some parallel research on CO2. CO2 is a potent anti-tumor, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory gas.

One study found a significant increase in the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system by increasing CO2. The parasympathetic nervous system counters fight or flight mode and supports healing, digestion, and sleep.

CO2 is a key factor we can’t ignore. You can increase your CO2 by breathing through your nose, especially while you sleep or exercise. Hot springs also have a significant amount of CO2. It’s even used in certain skin creams.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the interesting benefits of CO2. I’ll see you in the next video.

58 responses to “Why You Should Drink Carbonated Water”

  1. Your channel is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I love how you cover a variety of topics and always provide valuable insights. Thank you for creating such great content!

  2. Honest fact: I never miss a single video of your channel……thanks for your sincere content 👋

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC Since I am an ancient oriental Chi (氣) practitioner…There is always a mystery about the basic scientific evidence for such breathe related body and mind training…

      Your this video enlightening me and finally understand everything…

      In any Chi practice, the most basic is try to breathe as much air as possible in your lungs, than exheal very very slow to bring more Chi to your body…

      The scientific explanation for the training is focus not on O2 you but CO2 and it’s pressure in your body to force body tissues to be more anti-oxidation.

      There do have many methods of Chi or youga by focus the pressures to specific parts of our body or go through certain virtual routes on our body but for everyone here who is interested in improving yourself this way…Just in good natural environment breathe air deep and exhale CO2 very very slowly would be the most effective and safe way to achieve a much better body and mind.

      One more advanced way is when you enlonger your breathe seconds, you could combine this breath to most of you body relax and warm-up preparation exercises…And this is the origin of oriental Chi induction…氣功導引

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC Dr Berg pouvez vous s’il vous plaît faire une vidéo comment lutter contre l’inflammation des oesophage s’il vous plaît ainsi que comment guérir d’une toux sèche. Merci

    • @MauShingLee cool.. I learned very similar, inhaling deeply through the nose (like filling a bag from the bottom to the top) then breath slowly out of your mouth, reversing the process (breathing CO² out like emptying a bag from the top first, then gradually toward the bottom) feeling all your stress leave you on each exhale, more and more, until your body becomes completely relaxed. I do this to a relaxation CD on a yoga mat. I got some wild visualization of energy “strings” that come into my mind that I use to build chi.

    • @Paul Campbell Yes! If breathing without moving us kind of meditation style. Can be combine D with light moving or relax exercising. For intensive weight training or martial art, it is not recommended due to possible dangers and side effects.

  3. *It seems paradoxical to think your body needs MORE Co2 to help you absorb Oxygen* —- Yet there it is.
    I learn so many new & at times surprising things about how wonderfully our body works. So thanks Dr Berg. ❤

    • What if……. we have microorganisms that are like plants in us,like a mini garden that use the CO2?

  4. I absolutely love sparkling water, seltzer….all of it. I go through gallons of this stuff. It is refreshing and keeps me away from Diet Coke which I was addicted to for years. One of the best investments if you don’t want to lug around bottles and cans is a Soda Stream. You can pump lots of carbonation into your drink making it really “crispy” which I love. Cheers!

  5. No one ever advised me to drink carbonated water, opposite, they advised me against it…but lately I’m just feeling really better drinking it and now I don’t feel bad doing it.

    • I heard it neutralizes the acid in stomach. So dont drink it when eating. But now I guess not!

    • @Richard Bleiweiss Drinking any water gives your stomach new volume of liquid which happens to be less acidic than the HCl solution you use to digest. That way the volume increases but the molecules of acid stay the same (plus the much lesser quantity of carbonic acid from CO2).
      That’s why it disturbs digestion. Doesn’t really neutralize the acid, but it does dilute it.
      Still, the potential benefits discussed in the video are not relevant to that, of course then it’s better to drink when not eating. Although, in my experience, it doesn’t really make that much of a difference

    • Good morning Dr Berg and thankyou for another awesome video! I do not have any gallbladder and have digestive issues, like acid reflux silent gerd so I take Betaine HCL to help with digestion? I also have a lot of bloating and gas. Would carbonized water help or make it worst or help with everything? Love and may God keep blessing you❤🙏🏻

    • I drink a lot of San Pellegrino mineral water and I do feel better after drinking it.

  6. I love carbonated water (it is called sparkling water here in England). I also love your channel and learn so much from the information you provide. Thank you.

    • The US also calls it both carbonated and sparkling water. It’s like pop/soda, where it depends on location or the person.

    • They are not the same thing as one is natural and the other artificially created with some added elements.

  7. Good morning Dr.Berg. You are making my day! I have been watching your videos recently on the subject of getting more oxygen into my cells. I have mild asthma and a slight inverted septum, which restricts my lungs. I am happy to heat you use a device to carbonate.

    • Do mean nasal septum? I have a deviated septum and have diminished lung capacity in one lung. I have wondered about whether I should get it repaired.

    • Caryn Dalton- Sorry my error. Not enough coffee! My mother had a deviated septum and repaired so she could finally breathe through her nose. I was born with an inverted septum, where my rib cage is not fully expanded. Now they can correct this . Not in my day.

  8. Once in awhile my body craves carbonated drinks. Now I know why. Thanks, Doc! I drink lemon and salt water every day so pH should remain balanced.

    • To whoever is reading this keep going,you’re doing fine! No matter how slow your progress each new week is filled with tiny steps forward. Be proud of yourself you got this!

  9. To whoever is reading this keep going,you’re doing fine! No matter how slow your progress each new week is filled with tiny steps forward. Be proud of yourself you got this!

  10. One of the best things about this dude is that he never takes credit for himself when he uploads something. He always respects us, the audience, and he is always full of energy in his videos. Keep up the hard work!!

  11. Please don’t ever stop making videos Dr. Berg, even when your hairs will all turn grey, we will keep on watching your videos, coz we love you Dr. Berg and all the things we learn from you to help keep us healthy. I never knew about Nutritional Yeast until I watched your videos, and it becomes a staple now, and I eat Kimchi and Sauerkraut regularly now because of you. And many many more 🤩

  12. I knew it!! I replaced the occasional soda with flavored non sweetened carbonated water about a decade ago. Some people said the carbonation was still bad for you but I always felt great after drinking them. Confirmation I needed, thank you! 🙏🏻😎

    • You can buy a machine that changes transform plain water to carbonated water why on earth would you buy these thing. Do you know how they make these artificial flavour, I wouldn’t dare.

    • @Maximus “Pure Blood” Muchimus looks like people and plants have something in common.

    • @Bearmcquade284 Aaaaah, gotcha. Yes we do! I’ve been learning lately how to safely sun gaze and you can feel the energy going deep into you. Just like you can visually see a plant move towards the sun, it’s another thing that lifts us up but they tell us is bad for us.

    • @Queen Nzinga I agree but it’s a lot less poisonous than soda and I personally feel the good it does with the carbonation out weighs the negative effect of any “natural flavoring”. And the ones I get have very light flavor added.

  13. I’ve switched from sodas to sparkling water 15+ years ago. It quenches my thirst minus the sugar of soda much better than regular water.

  14. Took a drink from my bottle of carbonated water, opened YouTube to check notifications and once again found a new video of Dr. Berg talking about something that directly relates to me. It’s uncanny.

    • it’s synchronicity. Carl Jung came up with the term. I’ve had some really weird ones over the years.

  15. The advice on your channel has been immensely helpful and my chronic urinary condition has all but disappeared. However, I was under the impression that it is advisable to avoid carbonated water as it stimulates the bladder which does seem to be the case in my experience. I have it very occasionally but it really has a negative impact if I drink it every day even though I prefer it to still water. Thanks for all your videos, they are fantastic. 😊

  16. I had some bloodwork come back a few months ago showing elevated A1C, blood glucose, triglycerides, and HDL – just short of being pre-diabetic. I found this channel five weeks ago and since I’ve dropped 20lbs, down to 180 now and all my readings ARE NORMAL!

    Thank you doc!

  17. I love this Doctor. He respects the patient and educates them instead of talking down to them. It’s like sitting in a classroom with a REAL teacher that loves the subject and wants to share it. You know what teachers use to be! I’m 65 and HAD very high BP until I followed his advice. My doctor cleared me and it was done with NO medication. Diet only. Thank you Doctor

  18. I live in Italy and while still water is available most people opt for acqua frizzante/acqua gassata which are the two names for carbonated water. It really is incredibly refreshing, has natural minerals, and definitely feels more hydrating. It’s also good for people trying to wean themselves off soda and drink more H2O.

    • Makes me wonder if that’s an overlooked aspect of diets worldwide. Could explain why folks who imbibe are able to counteract the effects of pasta.

    • Oh maybe that is the reason why Argentinas drink carbonated water with their coffee… Italian influence.

  19. Dr Berg is an amazing researcher. Thank you for every video posted! Imagine having tones of doctors and fighting with them over basic biochemistry. Oh- going crazy.. Yes, you are right about cabronated water. It used to be almost a “national drink” in ex-Yugoslavia, especially the natural one. It is good for hydration, full of electrolytes, for cell repair, new cells, even natural baths from the source of this water were very popular- an early kind of health spa….Thanks again, you are so thorough and always going to the bottom of each topic.

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