Guide to Exercise for Longevity – New Study Outlines

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00:38 Moderate vs Vigorous Physical Activity
05:23 Cardiorespiratory Fitness and VO2 Max
07:14 Strength Training
10:28 Balance and Flexibility
11:07 Team Sports and Life Expectancy
12:20 Nature Therapy
12:44 Dog Ownership
14:42 Takeaway

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41 responses to “Guide to Exercise for Longevity – New Study Outlines”

  1. Video Why You Should Take Glycine:
    00:38 Moderate vs Vigorous Physical Activity
    05:23 Cardiorespiratory Fitness and VO2 Max
    07:14 Strength Training
    10:28 Balance and Flexibility
    11:07 Team Sports and Life Expectancy
    12:20 Nature Therapy
    12:44 Dog Ownership
    14:42 Takeaway

    Top 3 Best Longevity Supplements:
    Code SIIM for 10% OFF Collagen:

    Get My Plant-Based Protein:
    GET MY COFFEE code SIIM10:
    OMAD 6 years:

    Intermittent Fasting Video Course:
    Metabolic Autophagy Master Class:
    Metabolic Autophagy 4 Week Meal Plan:

    Circadian NAD Activation System:
    My Supplement List:
    David Sinclair Supplement Stack Review:

    Metabolic Autophagy:
    Stronger by Stress:
    The Immunity Fix:
    The Mineral Fix:
    The Obesity Fix:
    The Collagen Cure:

    Get Creatine 10% OFF with code SIIM:
    Get Vitamin D +10% K2 OFF with code SIIM

    Intermittent Fasting Video Course:
    Metabolic Autophagy Master Class:
    Metabolic Autophagy 4 Week Meal Plan:

    • Muscle fiber hyperplasia works the best to diminish muscle senescence cells and to increase satelite cells and pluripotent stem cells (how do train….you go to the gym unnacoustumed and 1 day per week do full upper body and the other day you do legs you do 5-15 sets of 10 reps on each muscle group to cause microtears you lift 65-75 max weight and rest 5 days don t run or use your muscles because you will force your muscles to regenerate faster and you will not experience the whole benefits just walk at a faster pace or walk on inclined treadmill !

  2. I think you meant time of exercise per week not per day at the beginning of the video.

  3. Thanks to help popularize good studies, probably you had made more people healthy than several senior doctors combined. 👏

  4. Btw, with too much vigorous activity IL-6 breaks intestinal barrier and inflamed the body. 🔥

  5. Thank you , working on all this healthy lifestyle 67 years. Aways helps to fine tune sleep, exercise, diet. 3 years subscription

  6. guess the term “sedentary athlete” is becoming more significant to my lifestyle (do 40min intense gym and rest of the day just sitting down :S)

  7. A bit uncertain on the guidance here. In the table you show ‘zone 2’ as including jogging, but then you speak mostly about hiking walking – which according to the table is actually zone 1. . So which is it for zone 2 – hiking or jogging? Thanks

    • Both zone 1 and zone 2 contribute to the moderate physical activity per week. Zone 2 generally requires some aspect of faster pace than hiking although if the hike is tremendous it will put you into zone 2. Walking on flat surface is zone 1

  8. Question – So I typically do between 1000 and 1300 minutes of activity per week. 80 percent is spent in zone 1/2 and 20 percent is spent in higher more vigorous zones. Does the impact of the extra minutes of low intensity offset the vigorous in terms of longevity?

    • Not sure. I think just maxxing out your recovery and rest/sleep when not exercising is the only way to offset it

  9. This was a pretty good video on the subject. I think that many of the other youtube fitness longevity videos get it wrong, typically exclusively pushing HIIT and / or resistance training. While those should be components of a fitness program, (and I like doing them more than moderate activity) it appears that lots of moderate activity should be the foundation for longevity.

  10. Quick correction: you don’t “build VO2 mostly with Zone 2 cardio.” You build it with very high intensity cardio. If you upgrade from couch potato to zone 2 cardio fanatic, yes, you will increase VO2 some. But those initial gains plateau very quickly. For somebody who is already reasonably fit, the way to increase VO2 max is with very high intensity cardio (sprints, intervals, etc…)

    • Both high intensity and zone 2 will improve VO2 max. Zone 2 lays the foundation to most of your aerobic capacity. And if you get fitter i.e. your VO2 max increases then you would be able to do zone 2 cardio at an increasingly faster pace while staying in zone 2. That’s the hallmark of having good cardio – being able to travel at a faster pace while still maintaining lower heart rate. If you do zone 2 cardio always at the same pace then yes it will plateau. If you are trying to increase the ceiling of your zone 2 then you will keep getting gains

      I’m not the expert on VO2 max but people like Peter Attia also says that 80% of your VO2 max training is done with zone 2 cardio and the 20% with different intervals and HIIT workouts

  11. I think one thing many people struggle with especially under calorie restriction is the problem of waking up in the middle of the night at like 3:00am or so and not being able to go back to sleep for hours. It makes for a horrible day. I have yet to see a real solution to this problem.

  12. For the last two years I have walked around 4 miles in one hour outside in the fresh air early in the morning, then in early afternoon I do 10 minutes on my rowing machine at a fairly intense anaerobic speed to warm my muscles before 10 to 15 minutes of, squats pushups sit-ups etc and some moderate weight raining.
    none of this is crazy intense, but I do it consistently every day apart from Monday and Thursday which are my rest days
    I am 58 years old Male, I am a completely different person physically from 2 years ago, having a consistent exercise routine has changed my life, maybe even saved my life

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