Fix Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar) with Only ONE Change

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


This one tiny simple change could help you get rid of hypoglycemia.


0:00 Introduction: Getting rid of hypoglycemia
0:10 What is hypoglycemia?
0:28 Hypoglycemia symptoms
0:37 Hypoglycemia explained
4:18 Hypoglycemia myths
5:25 Fix hypoglycemia
6:27 The benefits of running your body on fat
10:04 How to switch to fat fuel
11:20 Learn more about how to switch to fat fuel!

Let's talk about the best way to get rid of hypoglycemia naturally. Hypoglycemia is a condition where you have low blood sugar (below 70 mg/dl).

Common symptoms of hypoglycemia:
• Shakiness
• Irritability
• Anxiety
• Hunger
• Sweating
• Headaches
• Inability to concentrate
• Blurred vision

A person with hypoglycemia has insulin resistance. Chronic consumption of refined carbohydrates and frequent eating trigger spikes in insulin, which causes insulin resistance.

It's rare to have low blood sugar when experiencing hypoglycemic symptoms. With hypoglycemia, you may have normal blood sugar levels, but you also have high insulin.

Glucose absorption in the cells is also dependent on insulin. The more insulin resistance you have, the less glucose you'll have in the cells. This is why you might have normal amounts of glucose in the blood but low amounts of glucose in the cells. This type of hypoglycemia is called hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia.

The worst thing you can do for hypoglycemia is to consume frequent small meals or sugar. The best way to get rid of hypoglycemia is to run your body on fat (fatty acids and ketones) instead of sugar for fuel.

Switching the body's fuel source only takes a few days, and you don't need insulin to be involved in the process. Switching the body to fat fuel may also help with many other conditions associated with insulin resistance.

Fat fuel is much more efficient than sugar for energy, taking massive stress off the mitochondria. The majority of non-infectious diseases may be related to damaged mitochondria. Other organs like the thyroid, liver, heart, and brain can also function better on fat fuel.

There is only one thing you need to do to switch to fat fuel and get rid of hypoglycemia: lower your carbohydrates below 50 grams per day.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Try these tips to get rid of hypoglycemia. I'll see you in the next video.

38 responses to “Fix Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar) with Only ONE Change”

  1. I have a friend that’s hypoglycemic. She drinks orange juice when she feels shaky. Sending her this video Dr. Berg, thank you for posting! ❤

  2. Good morning Dr Berg and his team.Excellent explanation.Thank you so much and so much Doctor Berg..Have a good day 💕❤

  3. This makes sense. It’s sickening that the current practice is so off- I’m an RN (40 yrs) and first thing is STILL orange juice as first thing for low blood sugar….and the three meals and bedtime snacks….! No doubt diabetics never improve: the medical management is anything but.

    • Keeping them sick or making them sicker is the way the current medical system works. Helps all medical providers but not the patient. Very Sad.

    • So if were experiencing an episode and do not use orange juice, what can we take to feel better?

    • @Allison Welch according to what Dr Berg had to say, something other than carbs (orange juice would be in carb category) so something non-carb like a couple nuts, or a small piece of cheese; stop with the small/frequent meals

    • ​@Allison Welch full fat dairy or nut/seed butter. Fat bombs. I’m thinking that’s what he said.

  4. Insulin resistance seems to be the source of too many probs when it comes to hunger and appetite. Thanks for the info Dr Berg 🌸

  5. I remember when I was starving after 1:45 of studying, despite having eaten 3 plates of organic foods right before the course time… Until I understood your videos on using healthy fats for fuel… Now I can focus many hours in a row! Thank you so much!

  6. I had a different reason for switching to low carb. My BP was high and sodium shot it up. Trying to transition to low carb and “ketones” since sodium and sugar in the blood compete for the water causing higher BP readings also.

  7. About fifteen years ago I was out walking with my daughter. We went further than we had planned. 3/4 through it I got all sweaty and shaky and almost fainted. I could not take another step. I had to send my daughter back home to get some fruit to bring me so I could make it home. That was my wakeup call. I started to change my diet. For years I was eating Paleo, then Keto and six years ago changed to carnivore. Now, I eat 2 times a day, never ever snack, if something comes up and I can’t eat it’s not a problem at all. I swore to myself I would never feel like that episode again. It was scary.

    • Change to the old 1950s British diet in the prologue of Good Calories, Bad Calories over 12 years ago. Mostly meat based. Had what I called the hunger shakes since childhood. Low blood sugar.
      My father had them as well and was diabetic by age 34. He was not fat. 180 pound and had muscles when he left.
      He was stationed in Egypt. Back in the 60s you went for a year. He came back 8 months later weighing 120 pounds. He was told it was type 2, but my doctor told me it was likely type 1. He went straight to insulin.
      He always said I was the child he feared would be diabetic as well. So much like him.
      And this was when people ate much better than they do today.
      I spent decades starving myself fat and sick on 1200 low fat, high fibre calories a day. Ate small meals every two hours. Had an active job. Went to the gym daily. Barely fit a size 18. And was always getting the hunger shakes.
      I have not had it since changing my diet. Have been busy and have forgotten to eat all day, no problems. Also dropped to a size 6/8. No starvation involved.
      I tell people if you can eat an apple and are more hungry after you are carb sensitive. If you get the hunger shakes you are very carb sensitive. The advice to eat an apple to feel full always failed me. Hunger shakes.

    • Yes, it really is freeing to know that you’ll be fine with water until you can have a nutritious meal. I can go all day just with a tablespoon of coconut oil in the morning and a teaspoon of wheatgrass juice powder in a water bottle. But when I was hooked on coffee and pastries, I needed two cups of coffee just to function and a pastry to go with that, then I was hungry again at lunch, and craved snacks until late at night. I was never overweight but it’s a rollercoaster that wastes a lot of time, energy and resources. Keto is clean living, you get to eat what your body needs and be free from food addictions. I am so grateful to Dr. Berg for showing me the light!

  8. I find it fascinating how our bodies crave an ancestral diet.
    Modern processed foods and the over consumption of them has made a sick society.
    People are sick and don’t realize.
    Great video Doc.

  9. You’re doing a wonderful job. I have recently lost 75 lb. I cut down on my carbohydrates and sugar. I stopped eating carbohydrates and sugar. The one thing I found was my mental clarity. My brain fog went away. I’m not grumpy anymore or not dizzy my sight’s not blurry. My skin tags are going away. It’s amazing how the body works. My blood pressure went from 260 over 90 to 1 15/ 60. All because I started watching these YouTubers and doctors who are talking about low carb eating. Thank you and you are saving lives. Keep up the good work

    • I’m not sure it’s the carbs per say. They’ve been around a long time. It’s tye processing done to them. But fear not, they are pumping animals full of chemicals and finding ways to mess with vegetables too.

  10. I’ve been on keto since 2011. I sometimes get all those symptoms which are relieved by drinking Dr. Berg’s electrolyte powder rather than food. It’s an electrolyte problem for me, my a1C is 5.2 and my fasting blood sugar in the AM is between 82 and 89 and has been for many years.

  11. So this is where I say I have been struggling with this for years now. I’m sure part of this is fear of actually having diabetes or anything like this. I found if I am skipping a meal it’s always the next day I would have a hypoglycemic episode.

    And of course, I am eating sugar in massive quantities to counter that. A handful of M&M’s or soda, I’ve been doing everything wrong.

    I just need to check my blood. Cholesterol levels and make sure I am capable of a Keto diet. I am interested in moving forward with this

  12. “develop resistance against what is pushing the glucose down…” Dr. Berg and his team are a blessing. I love hearing more precise mechanisms of things I knew did things. Very clarifying. Knowing that the body’s preference is to resist low glucose is very key here.

  13. This is hilarious as my girlfriend complains of this list of symptoms and bashed me eating Keto for years. Now her blood tests aren’t so good and now she is interested in her health. Thank you Dr. Berg for all your input, you are the reason I tried changing my diet in the first place. I am now in better health than ever before in my life after years of soda and fast food.

  14. This was me 1.5 years ago and for years before that. I’d feel like absolute crap after not eating. Felt really moody mostly. After gradually shifting into into a lower carb diet, my physical and mental health has improved significantly. Plus my family has a history of diabetes.

  15. Dr. Berg you are the G.O.A.T! This is the video i needed to share with my mom and sister, they are hypoglycemic and BARELY function on eating all day, and cycling this terrible rat wheel.

  16. Every day, I learn more points to have a better life and also help my loved ones. Thanks to Dear Dr. Berg.

  17. Dr. Berg, my request is to put a translation into Portuguese. Thanks!

    Would also like to know if the parathyroid can trigger hypoglycemia, diabetes, and other diseases. I also read about methylation. I read that zinc + vitamin d3 + k2 + magnesium gives the body a “UP” and makes it more resistant, potent and healthy. Could you tell if this is real?

  18. I was told a few months ago to eat 30-45 grams of carbs three times a day, and two snacks of 15-30 grams of carbs. I was told to do that because my a1c was too low, but it was 5.5. 😂

    I fasted for 18 hours the other day, so I knew that carbs no longer controlled my life. This video is so encouraging. I am throwing my “glucose tabs” in the trash can. 😊

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