The REAL Reason You Can’t Fall Asleep At Night #shorts

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Many of us believe that the blue light emitted by screens is the sole culprit behind our disrupted sleep patterns. While it's true that blue light suppresses melatonin production, recent research has shed light on a more significant factor.

A fascinating study divided participants into two groups, both of which used their phones before bedtime. The twist? One group wore blue blocking glasses while staring at the bright screen. Surprisingly, both groups experienced a negative impact on their sleep.

So, what's the real issue here? It's not solely about the light itself, but rather how we interact with our phones before sleep. Engaging in work-related tasks or scrolling through social media stimulates the brain, keeping us awake and alert.

If your goal is to establish healthier sleep habits, it's crucial to reconsider your phone usage habits. Save the scrolling for a later time and focus on creating a wind-down routine that promotes relaxation and prepares your mind for a restful sleep.

Remember, building better sleep habits isn't just about minimizing blue light exposure. It's about actively disconnecting from the stimulating nature of our devices and prioritizing our sleep and well-being.
#deepsleep #remsleep #goodsleep #sleepbetter

11 responses to “The REAL Reason You Can’t Fall Asleep At Night #shorts”

    • The compounding issue is magnesium is needed for comt to metabolize dopamine into vma for detox. Which I believe will cause a huge problem for a whole generation. These short tik tock videos are going to over welm comt and kind of run antithetical to what Siim tries to do by helping others with their health. These short videos ARE the reason some won’t fall asleep.

  1. That’s exactly my experience for a long time now. When I start to think about things (especially overthinking) it completely ruins my sleep. Best thing is to get ready for sleep 2 hours before by not eating heavy foods, turning off strong lights, but most importantly getting the mind and body into calmness mode to prepare entering into resting and sleep states. You also need to be actively involved with your body during the day to exhaust it (in a healthy way) to make it fall a sleep naturally and smoothly

    • Yeah i work remotely and just bought a treadmill for my standing desk and walked about 9.5 miles yesterday. Its beeen a while since iver regularly walked 10+ miles daily and i was really tired earlier and slept pretty good. Fell asleep quicker too

  2. I’m personally convinced the screen refresh rate while undetectable still messes with our brain

  3. Actually, if you want to build better sleep habits, save the scrolling for earlier, not later 😅 later is why we’re in bed looking at our phones to begin with, lol

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