How to Avoid Glucose Spikes

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Every meal, especially those with sugar or carbs, raises your glucose levels naturally. While this is normal, consistently high blood sugar leads to serious health issues.

Elevated levels can cause kidney, vision, heart, and nerve problems like neuropathy (loss of feeling in fingers and toes).

Adding 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to meals lowers blood sugar response by 55%. Any vinegar works (balsamic, white) as the key is the acidic acid inside.

Acidic acid slows down food absorption, reducing blood sugar response.

Take control of your glucose levels with vinegar. It's been used for centuries and offers a quick, easy solution.

14 responses to “How to Avoid Glucose Spikes”

  1. Thomas DeLauer has a good protocol. Take ACV in the morning upon waking on an empty stomach (mix with water, a little unrefined salt, lemon juice, cayenne, cinnamon- whatever you want thats fasting safe) . Then after each meal, as well as in between meals, and finally at/before bedtime.

    ACV also increases bioavailability of nutrients so if you pair it with your supplements, you’ll likely absorb more and get a little more bang for your buck.

    Hope this helps someone

  2. Thanks to my mental reconditioning from doing low carb for a few years, I now find bagels and orange juice more disgusting than ACV.

  3. Taking one or two spoonfuls of natural/homemade apple cider vinegar with some water 20 minutes before a meal also makes your stomach really acidic, which is key!

  4. I do a 50ml shot of ACV before i drink my 1500 cal morning shake every morning in an attempt to slow down digestion

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