Dr. James Muecke AM – ‘Blinded…’

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


Dr James Muecke AM is a South Australian based ophthalmologist and visiting consultant at Royal Adelaide and Women’s and Children’s Hospitals. Dr. Muecke graduated with Honours from the University of Adelaide Medical School in 1987. Following his internship, James lived and worked as a doctor in Africa and subsequently as an eye surgeon in the Middle East, battling malaria, wild animals, and rebel soldiers. He founded 'Sight For All' in 2008, turning his boundless energy into a fight against blindness in the Aboriginal communities of Australia and some of the poorest countries of Asia and Africa.

Dr. Muecke's commitment to social impact and humanitarian endeavours has earned him a string of awards. He received an Outstanding Service to the Prevention of Blindness award by the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology in 2011, a Member of the Order of Australia in 2012, a South Australian Community Achievement Award in 2013, the Australian Medical Association’s President’s Leadership Award in 2013, Ernst & Young’s Social Entrepreneur for Australia in 2015 and The University of Adelaide’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 2019. In 2020, Dr. Muecke was named Australian of the Year and vowed to use his platform to advocate for measures to tackle preventable blindness caused by diabetes.

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30 responses to “Dr. James Muecke AM – ‘Blinded…’”

    • There are so many, who speak the truth and have done for years and years. Most people don’t pay attention.

      This sort of lecture frightens people into action but most people don’t stick to it, it’s very sad.

  1. A video that every doctor should get every new T2D patient to watch. I’m now scared shitless, I’m completely addicted to sugar and getting off it while being $ poor and time poor is proving almost impossible.

    • You can prevent and reverse type two diabetes eating a ton of carbs. They just have to be whole food based carbs like steel cut oats, brown rice, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

      You also have to eat a lot of fibrous vegetables and not go overboard with sweet fruits. Lastly, you have to eat leaner protein sources like chicken breast and salmon and consume very little fat so very limited amounts of avocado and nuts.

      Eat this way, whilst maintaining am energy deficit, and you can be lean as you want and not feel hungry at all.

      When I was low carb my LDL cholesterol was 238 and I was starving all the time.

      Now, eating the way I describe above, my LDL is 77 and, because I eat over 6lbs of food a day, I am NEVER hungry.

      My fasting blood glucose also went from 100 down to 85.

    • I don’t wanna be mean, but you’ve just said that you’re absolutely scared and then made 2 excuses as to why you’re not gonna do anything about.

      If you’re dollar poor, you shouldn’t be wasting money on empty sugar foods they are not cheap.

      Sugar is a cheap ingredient but the processed foods that you’re eating, sweets, pastries, cakes et cetera are not. I bet they add up to a lot of money in your budget and they don’t give you any nutrition.

      Using the excuse of time doesn’t wash. In the 1970s when I grew up, everybody cooked from scratch, there were no automatic washing machines and both my parents had full-time jobs as well as doing everything around the house.

      With modern conveniences, there is no real excuse, cooking from scratch can be almost as quick as putting something into a microwave.

    • $$ poor and time poor are your beliefs – based on choices you’re making to defend same. Now, before you freak out, I meant this with absolutely love – we are NOT the ‘script’ we keep repeating. Only buying whole foods, getting completely off of the addictive carbs (inc sugar) is completely possible without increase to your budget or particularly onerous amounts of time. Start looking for videos on how to reduce carb addiction – they’re out there! x

    • exactly, but the addicted break into cold sweats and piss their pants. no lollies oh no emergency emergency . if you learn and believe in the process and follow it through. You come out the other side healthy and empowered. I pray my family will realise!

  2. A great summation of the worldwide epidemic and the action plan needs universal support. Our political “leaders” who need to buy in will see their donor stream dry up.

    • You don’t need a world action plan, stop eating processed foods, start today.

      If everybody did that the food market would change under consumer pressure.

      Why do so many look for the nanny state to save them?

      Adult people really need to take some responsibility for their own actions.

  3. This was an amazing presentation. It’s very sad that T2 diabetes can be reversed but patients aren’t told about it.😐

  4. Excellent. Thank you Dr Muecke and Low Carb Down Under. After being diagnosed with diabetes in Oct 2021 I immediately started researching online. I had been aware of possibility of amputation but not blindness and kidney failure. Thankfully during my research I found out about low carb, so I decided to try it and after only 3 months my diabetes was in remission. After 1 year my ALT had gone from 45 down to 13 so I know that my liver is now working well. Interestingly my chin hairs (65yo F) are now finer which my low carb doctor says shows that I am now insulin sensitive. And I am sure that my hair is not as grey as it had been. My weight has gone from 80kg down to 62kg without trying and my waist has gone from 44″ to 37″; I’m only 5 foot tall. I am sleeping better and my brain is a lot clearer than it used to be. I am no longer a slave to food and don’t have cravings like I used to and don’t get “hangry”. I would encourage anyone with diabetes or pre diabetes to try a low carb diet.

  5. I have gone low carb since Oct last year had a blood test 1 mth in and was borderline on the diabetes and high blood pressure 3mths later all had reversed Now 42 kgs lighter still going strong on low carb I am finding it easy and eating basically out of my backyard and my chickens My eyes werent showing any signs but my vision is improving I am back wearing my first pair of glasses

  6. One of the biggest wake up lines in the lecture is that it takes about 13 years to get a diabetic diagnosis.

    In western societies, it is estimated that 80% of people are ostensibly undiagnosed diabetic.

    When blood sugars start spilling backwards into the blood, as the doctor said, you have been diabetic, maybe even up to 20 to 30 years with all the damage occurring.

    Anybody that’s a bit fat around the middle, is probably diabetic. And most western society adults aren’t just a bit fat they are grossly overweight.

    If you measure your height in inches and measure your waist, without lying, around your bellybutton divide your height into your waist, if it is above 0.5 you’re diabetic, or at least you should assume that you are and deal with it.

  7. James is legendary. In his own lifetime! So many easy to understand messages in this video/presentation. PERSONAL accountability – to learn, understand, choose – is vital.

  8. Thank you so much for bringing our “First People” in on this subject. We can’t afford to lose them.

  9. A message to my fellow Grandmothers , stop being a sugar pusher,no more lollies,biscuits, fruit juices in my home.10 grandkids still getting used to the change.Oma doesn’t bake cakes anymore.

  10. I feel fortunate that I found low carb and now carnivore though solving my adult life long IBS. However, I’m still the weirdo who eats fats with my protein and no processed foods. Those around me are still hooked on eating ‘lowfat’ because of their worries concerning cholesterol. The whole of society needs to rewire their brains about healthy eating. This man talk is brilliant.

  11. Australia needs to heed this message. As A older Ausie male in my 70TSs I can recall “Australia rode off the sheep’s back” wool was an worldwide in demand commodity & fatty lamb, hogget & mutton was mostly a very cheep by-product enjoyed by every Ausie. Lard. dripping was used for cooking everything, puddings tasted delish. only oils available were from chemist’s, medical purposes in small bottles. Low carb diets A proven healthier diet. Thanks doctor.

  12. Truly one of the best and most straightforward lectures about diabetes i have seen. Thank you:)

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