How to Predict a Silent Stroke When NO Symptoms

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Silent strokes don’t have any symptoms, but you still may be able to predict them. Find out how.


0:00 Introduction: Can you predict a stroke?
2:22 What is a silent stroke?
3:25 What causes a stroke?
10:00 How to predict a stroke
11:00 Stroke prevention
11:30 Learn more about the best meal to clean out the arteries!

Let’s talk about how to predict a silent stroke. It’s important to understand the nature of a stroke, how the body reacts to it, and how to avoid a stroke.

A silent stroke is a stroke that occurs without any symptoms. The damage it creates in the brain doesn’t affect vital areas, so you might not even know you had a stroke.

The only cues of a silent stroke could be a small lapse in memory, fatigue, dizziness, or a mood change. But, one source states that they occur five times more often than strokes that produce classic symptoms.

If a person has a stroke, they have an increased risk of having another one. Strokes are the second leading cause of death in the world.

One of the most common types of strokes involves a blood clot originating from an artery in the brain. A blood clot is a mechanism of healing a bleeding situation. So we need to look at what causes blood clots and the actual root causes of a stroke.

Potential root causes of a stroke:
• High levels of sugar in the blood
• An adrenaline spike from chronic stress
• Side effects from certain medications
• Smoking
• Hypertension (insulin resistance, potassium deficiency, vitamin D deficiency)

Top predictors of a stroke:
• A high-carb diet
• Diabetes
• Not consuming enough salad
• Stress
• A sedentary lifestyle

Top ways to help prevent a stroke:
1. Get on the keto diet and do intermittent fasting
2. Consume plenty of salad
3. Exercise regularly
4. Consume nutrient-dense foods

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of how to predict a silent stroke. I’ll see you in the next video.

41 responses to “How to Predict a Silent Stroke When NO Symptoms”

  1. So Dr.Berg is a History teacher as well. The Man is dynamic. Dr. Berg for President!!! 🇺🇸🙌

  2. I have been taking Dr. Berg’s “Gallbladder Formula”, “Sleep Aid”, and Pantethine at night. Has helped me sleep faster & wake up better in the morning. Also noticed the heart pains & murmurs have stopped.

  3. Potential root causes of a stroke:
    • High levels of sugar in the blood
    • An adrenaline spike from chronic stress
    • Side effects from certain medications
    • Smoking
    • Hypertension (insulin resistance, potassium deficiency, vitamin D deficiency)

    Top predictors of a stroke:
    • A high-carb diet
    • Diabetes
    • Not consuming enough salad
    • Stress
    • A sedentary lifestyle

    Top ways to help prevent a stroke:
    1. Get on the keto diet and do intermittent fasting
    2. Consume plenty of salad
    3. Exercise regularly
    4. Consume nutrient-dense foods

    Thank you Dr Berg!!👍

  4. I’m new to your channel and I couldn’t be more thankful for the way you present each of your videos. I’ve learned so much in such a short time and have made some significant changes in my diet that are showing results already. I’ve had 3 strokes and wish you had been part of my life before they happened.

  5. Just noticed a mistake. The arteries in the neck are corotids, not cornonary. Coronary arteries are in the heart.

  6. I’m on Eliquis for life now. Had a huge dvt in my left leg main vein,it was blocking the entire leg. Pieces broke off and caused a massive PE. The arteries in both lungs were blocked,about 2 days before i decided to go to the hospital. In my 9 months recovery is how I discovered Dr. Berg and healthy keto.

    • I had the same happen at 23. Doctors were surprised that I could have a clot so young. I ate aweful food and smoked a lot. When I got out they had me on blood thinners for the rest of my life. I found dr beef and threw away the bottle. I’m healthier than ever. The clot went through my heart and down my left leg. The clot was massive. Luckily I went to the hospital the same day and they were able to dissolve it successfully.

  7. It’s amazing how many doctors don’t know what a hemorragic stroke is. Most think all strokes are caused by blood clots. My Father died of a hemorragic at age 70. The only symptom he had was a bad headache. He called 911 but by the time the medics got there he had passed out and was in a coma that he never came out of.

  8. Had a CT scan for sinus . Found out I had two mini strokes.
    Shocking news to say the least. Now, I am staying on top of my electrolytes and B vitamins.
    Thanks to Dr. Bergs videos!
    80 next born on day.

  9. I have been moderately healthy but I do have type 2 diabetes which is well under control.
    I had a stroke last September.
    I was walking my dog she ran at full speed and pulled me hard to the ground where I landed extremely hard on my chest. It was only a week after this fall that I had the stroke. The fall was right on my chest and was so hard that I thought I had broken a rib. The ribs were painful for about 4 weeks.
    I was fortunate because it was not a big stroke, it was mild but the numbness is still there on the left side of my back and shoulder and my balance is not so good now.
    To me, I feel that this really hard fall on my chest could have caused the blood clot.
    What do you think Dr.Berg? Thanks. 👍

  10. As a facility manager of a neurological center which focuses on stroke patients and patients who suffered an aneurysm i can say: Most of the people in our facility are diabetic, heavy smokers and were overweight.

    • My mom wasn’t a diabetic and had slightly elevated cholesterol levels. She had a stroke at 55 and died of cancer by 57.

  11. Cardinal features of symptomatic stroke:B- problem with Balance E- vision problems F- Facial deviation A- weakness of Arm S – slurring of Speech T – take the patient to the hospital in Time i.e. within 4.5 hours.

  12. Just finished watching Charles Dowding’s July garden tour. In it, he mentioned that you and he are going to do a video together! It’s fantastic! I’ve been doing “No Dig” organic gardening for years and am a huge fan of his. And, you have provided me with the information for the ketogenic diet, and other health-related topics, which have greatly improved my health. It should be an epic video!

  13. Hi Eric… few things i wish to share. One is about having leg cramps at night. Finally I have resolved this painful problem by experimentation and I also Looked into when it started. The result is: Something in vegetables cause this, something which is to much, most likely potassium. When i have very little or no veggies than the pain vanishes from the calves and no cramps at night. I could remedy this when I intake extra salt and magnesium. The second: I lost immense amount of hair in the past 4 months. Top of the skull was nearly become bald. I Just continued eating- taking vits – MTC oil etc and finally the hair starting to go back. The skull now looks like the porcupine’s’ back. I figure the body is adjusting itself. I still have digestive problems, so I mostly consume protein=meat-eggs, kefir and added bee pollen. I also take N. Yeast about 3 times a day.
    The changes in the body is very noticable. Skin no longer flaking, the nerve pain which has been sever mostly gone, sleep much better, boundless energy. There are other interesting improvements too. We are sharing these WINS. Thanks!

  14. Thank you brother, I am sure you have helped me healing. Still sick my blood sugar is unstable. I only eat once a day. It takes about an hour to eat. That’s all. Still blood sugar over 300 sometimes, in the morning. It’s above 200 most days. The damage to my liver from Hemochromatosis is still there. Plus all the other stuff.

  15. I am always impressed with Dr. Berg’s knowledge, research, and logic.
    Thank you again for teaching me something new every day, which has a huge impact on helping us understand why Keto and Intermittent Fasting is so good for us.

  16. Omg Dr. Berg, thank you. Over the past 3 years, I have seen more and more low-carb foods being created and marketed, and I believe that YOU and your information and research are propelling this country and the rest of the world into a healthier future. It doesn’t mean that 100 percent of the people will grasp it, but it means that a larger part of the population MIGHT and thus is truly a life- and future-changer. Thank you!!!!!

  17. As a philologist myself, I found the intro to this video super interesting. Fantastic information, Dr. Berg!

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