The Workout Plan That Lowered My Age by 12 Years

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27 responses to “The Workout Plan That Lowered My Age by 12 Years”

  1. Code SIIM for 10% OFF DoNotAge Longevity Supplements:
    The Supplements That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:
    The Diet & Routine That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:

    Intermittent Fasting Video Course:
    Metabolic Autophagy Master Class:
    Metabolic Autophagy 4 Week Meal Plan:

    Circadian NAD Activation System:
    My Supplement List:
    David Sinclair Supplement Stack Review:

    Metabolic Autophagy:
    Stronger by Stress:
    The Immunity Fix:
    The Mineral Fix:
    The Obesity Fix:
    The Collagen Cure:

  2. How do you structure your weight-training workouts? 2-3 exercises per workout, different exercises each time, so each lift is trained once per week? Thanks.

  3. Very impressive, Siim, you look so fit! Wouldn’t it be better if, though, you lowered your BMI for longevity (25.5 = overweight)?

  4. Hey Siim, trying to find you on Threads. I hope you make it, so many folks have abandoned twitter, would love to see you there

  5. Siim, can you please dedicate a video solely for HRV and low resting heart rate and how to improve them? How to build a high HRV score and very low (but healthy) RHR like you have. This is very important for longevity and healthspan too. Great info as always!

  6. Hi Sim my height is 176 cm as yours but my weight is 57 kg meaning 18.4 BMI which is a low what does it mean for my longevity?

    • Probably more favorable for you. Siim has too much muscle for his body to maintain compared to a leaner man. For example during the Great Depression in the U.S. (1930-1945 era) people actually lived longer. This is because many of them did not have as much to eat as they would normally have consumed. Many people went for years being hungry a lot of the time and they lived longer. You can also be sure that most of them were either working any job they could get or were looking for one to survive. They weren鈥檛 in the gym (most didn鈥檛 even know what that was) or taking supplements which did not exist.

  7. In studies of centenarians, researchers have found that these people vary a great deal as to their diets and life styles. Few if any of them did systematic high intensity weight training or cardio. The only things that seem fairly consistent is that they all got plenty of sleep (no night shift work or fractured sleep time) and for the most part did not live high stress lives. Studies also indicate that extremely fit people (athletes) do not extend their lives very much if any over others who merely lived moderately. Siim is at peak age, fitness level and is a health fanatic. However it is most likely that the vicissitudes of genetic destiny will be the primary factor in putting the nails in his coffin.

    • Because centenarian and beyond is mostly genetic. That being said, blue zone data does point out certain things. Low stress/joy is the most important key. Since it influences everything, sleep quality, food choices, hormones, oxidative damage, HRV, Blood pressure, RHR, etc. Healthspan is much more important anyways.

    • Totally agree.
      This training structure is unfeasible, and not necessary.
      The longest-lived populations in the world do not have athletic characteristics, that amount of physical work wears out the joints, the strength levels per exercise are ridiculous.

    • @David Enriquez I agree, but we must remember that most centenarians living today were raised in an era before gyms and ‘workouts’ were really available. Do you know where I lived in Maryland in the 60’s, there were no ‘gyms’ at all! In fact, I never really saw an adult doing any thing that we would call as exercise in the 60’s and even the 70’s – did not see jogging, or even walking for the most part. Maybe some golf and gardening.

      My generation (I am a late boomer) may be the first real generation to do some serious training. But the equation is too complex to reduce to just exercise – diet, supplements, rest, stress all play huge rolls. The centenarians today are far too dissimilar to the current younger populations to draw any meaningful comparisons. They were reared in a VERY, VERY different America. I well remember the America of the 1960’s and things were extremely different just in that decade. It may take a lot of time to sort things out – organic vs. non organic diets, people who were vaxxed vs. those who were not, etc.,etc. A very complex mix!

  8. If strength training is properly implemented you don’t need to do all that cardiovascular work.
    You also don’t need to focus on training with heavy weights, the weight/age chart is ridiculous.
    All that work with heavy weights and cardiovascular work accelerates joint wear.

  9. Do you suggest a program like yours for a skinny-fat 50 years old man? 3-4 sets with 3 to 6 reps each?

  10. Strength training is mostly esthetics imho. We keep hearing stories that muscles are glucose sinks and thats why we need it. Bro, if you had a good diet. You would not have all that glucose in the first place. Or that at old age we will fall and we need bone health. I mean just walking is good enough. This has already been shown many times in studies. People keep confusing outside health equals inside health. No, most fitness models and BB’s are unhealthy without even realizing it.

  11. I would not say this is the optimal format for men in their mid-60’s and beyond. I am mid-60’s and use a 45 minute 3X weekly interval training format with kettlebells, dumbbells, TRX straps and lots of bodyweight exercises. I don’t recommend 1 rep max type of exercises or low rep ranges for most ‘seniors’. Yea, some people can do them, but they greatly increase risk of injury. Being able to knock out 40-50 quality pushups for a senior is a far better goal than benching over 200lbs. These are just my experiences training as a senior. The above routine will give you a great physique if you combine it with a strict diet with adequate protein with good supplementation. Naturally, everyone will need to determine their own goals and limits. The supplement advice from Siim’s channel is excellent and I credit him for turning me on to to Glycine. It’s cheap, it works, I have had no side effects other than I must take it in the evening before bed, otherwise I get lethargic.

    • You are right, for me training for lifting heavy gives me also injuries. My ages is 62 years and training for more than 40 years.

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