30 Days of No Caffeine: Surprising Effects

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

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Caffeine is the most widely consumed mind-altering drug on the planet. Find out what would happen if you stopped consuming caffeine for 30 days.

0:00 Introduction: Is caffeine bad for you?
0:55 Caffeine benefits
1:27 Caffeine explained
1:38 What caffeine does in the body
2:50 Symptoms associated with caffeine consumption
5:48 How to quit caffeine
6:49 What would happen if you stopped consuming caffeine
7:32 How to avoid caffeine withdrawal symptoms
8:42 Learn more about how to sleep better and wake up refreshed!

Let’s talk about what would happen if you cut out caffeine for 30 days.

Over 85% of adults in the US consume caffeine, and children also consume a tremendous amount of caffeine.

Some studies show that caffeine consumption can increase conceptual memory, reasoning, reaction speed, and spatial memory. It can also affect your mood.

However, many people experience symptoms associated with consuming caffeine, including:
• Anxiety
• High blood pressure
• High pulse rate
• Arrhythmias
• Loss of fluid
• Digestive problems

Caffeine also increases adrenaline and stimulates the adrenals, which can lead to all kinds of health concerns.

There can be high levels of two different types of mold found in overly processed coffees and decaf coffees. These types of mold can lead to allergies and irritation in the liver.

Coffee can also deplete vitamin B1. If you’re going to drink coffee, it’s important to consume high-quality organic coffee and keep it at one cup a day.

Potential benefits of not consuming caffeine for 30 days:
1. Less anxiety and a higher sense of calm
2. Better sleep and more energy throughout the day
3. Lowered blood pressure and pulse rate
4. No more arrhythmias
5. Healthier teeth
6. Healthier liver function
7. Healthier adrenal function

The best ways to come off caffeine:
• Switch from coffee to tea
• Try herbal coffee substitutes
• Take vitamin B1 and vitamin B12
• Take adaptogens like ashwagandha and lemon balm tea

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Try giving up caffeine for 30 days, and tell me how you feel in the comments. I’ll see you in the next video.

62 responses to “30 Days of No Caffeine: Surprising Effects”

  1. Regular caffeine consumption can lead to dependence, where your body becomes accustomed to the effects of caffeine and requires it to function normally. Abruptly reducing or stopping caffeine intake can cause withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

  2. Thank you for covering this. Caffeine has messed up my stomach and a number of other things. I can’t handle just having it in moderation, so for me personally I’m better without it.

  3. I am a coffee junkie but I quit drinking coffee cold turkey about 6 weeks ago. I thought it would help me sleep better but it hasn’t. I suppose the next thing I need to do is stay off my phone before going to bed every night.
    Thanks Dr. Berg!

    • Me too but I was gradually reducing my amount of cups per day. I went from 12 to about 6 split through the day. I won’t have coffee past 2pm and 3 at the very latest. That gives it time to leave your system by bedtime (for me that’s 8-9p). The key to falling to sleep for me is no video games, news, social media or mentally engaging shows a few hours before bed. Nobrainer content only. I keep a DVR in the bedroom of only things that help me sleep – it varies for different people.

    • At a certain point of no improvement you have to go to a sleep doctor or sleep study specialist. Sleep is such a difficult thing to self-analyze since you’re unconscience when it happens

    • Yes, so many things impact our circadian rhythm, not just caffeine. BUT, rest assured (no pun intended), cutting caffeine is definitely a big piece to your sleep issue puzzle. Keep up the great work unraveling what troubles you until you achieve the result you’re after. It’s definitely a process!

  4. Sharing Dr Berg notes on this great episode!

    Let’s talk about what would happen if you cut out caffeine for 30 days.

    Over 85% of adults in the US consume caffeine, and children also consume a tremendous amount of caffeine.

    Some studies show that caffeine consumption can increase conceptual memory, reasoning, reaction speed, and spatial memory. It can also affect your mood.

    However, many people experience symptoms associated with consuming caffeine, including:
    • Anxiety
    • High blood pressure
    • High pulse rate
    • Arrhythmias
    • Loss of fluid
    • Digestive problems

    Caffeine also increases adrenaline and stimulates the adrenals, which can lead to all kinds of health concerns.

    There can be high levels of two different types of mold found in overly processed coffees and decaf coffees. These types of mold can lead to allergies and irritation in the liver.

    Coffee can also deplete vitamin B1. If you’re going to drink coffee, it’s important to consume high-quality organic coffee and keep it at one cup a day.

    Potential benefits of not consuming caffeine for 30 days:
    1. Less anxiety and a higher sense of calm
    2. Better sleep and more energy throughout the day
    3. Lowered blood pressure and pulse rate
    4. No more arrhythmias
    5. Healthier teeth
    6. Healthier liver function
    7. Healthier adrenal function

    The best ways to come off caffeine:
    • Switch from coffee to tea
    • Try herbal coffee substitutes
    • Take vitamin B1 and vitamin B12
    • Take adaptogens like ashwagandha and lemon balm tea

    Thank you Dr Berg!!


  5. I was able to quit carbs, alcohol and even porn but dropping coffee ain’t gonna happen. But I did cut back some so I could calm down the heart palpitations which the cardiologist said wasn’t an issue. It did work, palpitations are pretty much gone now. Thanks Doc!

    • “I’m not going to stop consuming this drug because I’m addicted even though it’s literally damaging my heart in ways that I can perceive.” Drug addicts are hilarious.

    • @Only The Best 10 Minute Loops stopping porn was the best thing ever because my magnesium was running dangerously low. ☕️

    • @• SaltRock You have enough will power to stop cranking your pecker but not to stop drinking dirt water for the adrenaline kicks. lmao

    • I have severe pvc and heart palps.
      Vit c is what I take if I have to much caffeine . It helps.
      Also magnesium will help
      I’m not giving up my caffeine.. I just cut back

  6. Watching this video while on my second cup of coffee. Watching Dr. Berg’s videos and my love affair with coffee will not end.

  7. Other subscribers will agree with me that it seems you are reading our minds, sometimes. I just started, TODAY, to quit coffee for a few weeks just to see what it does. Thank you for reading my mind and putting out a video targeted directly at me. You are amazing.

    • Me too! He was reading my mind 😂 I simply stopped buying coffee, to see how it affects me. I am so sleepy (my first day today), plus the heat doesn’t help 🙄

    • @M2408 You might not want to go cold turkey. The headache you’ll have this afternoon will be a b*tch! I highly recommend the gradual approach he described in this video! (I learned the hard way!)

    • I didn’t drink coffee yesterday, just outta happenstance. So I think I’m going to quit for a while. The caffeine I was digesting wasn’t hitting me the way it used to. Maybe I should stop for good, but not sure why I should. Maybe there are things really bad that we don’t know yet. It’s hard to be convinced hy that.

    • One reason to quit is DEPENDENCE. I love, love, love my coffee—I buy very high-quality, organic, delicious beans and grind them right before brewing, and I use a very small amount of delicious plant-based creamer (my only added sugar to my keto diet). But what I struggle with is when I go on trips, I have to plan for my coffee first thing in the morning, make my vacation buddies wait while I consume it, have to either take my coffee and creamer with me or plan to purchase it wherever I go. Also, neither my coffee nor my creamer are cheap…so while I’ve substantially reduced my grocery bill with my keto diet and intermittent fasting, I still have to budget for (and remember to keep on my grocery list) those two items for fear of running out. That dependence does bother me. I have totally gone off coffee a few times over the years (when pregnant or just because I feel the desire to), and it is not easy, and it does come with increasing side effects the longer you’ve been drinking coffee. So if you’re not already addicted, my advice is to stop now.

    • Same! I was just mournfully considering it last night. Have decreased my amount already to one and a half cups, but the more I’ve learned from Dr. Berg, the more I’ve admitted to myself certain little habits that may be impacting my health even in small ways. Will likely finish off what supply I have and give matcha a try! 🍵

  8. I am a regular gym goer so I consume about 300mg of caffeine before I work out. Today If I decide to stop consuming caffeine, in about 3 days I will feel all of the negative side effects, such as headaches and etc. But during Ramadan when I was fasting for more than 16 hours a day, I decided not to consume any caffeine at all during my 8-hour feeding window for the entire month. Shockingly I didn’t get a single headache or any bad side effects. The correlation between fasting whilst quitting caffeine is very interesting.

    • That is _shocking._ Is there _anything_ fasting can’t do??? Thanks so much for sharing your amazing experience!

    • Also thinking that complete fasting (abstinence) includes everything’s fully helps you give up that dependency

    • This might be due to the overall decrease of toxins because you are fasting. so you don’t get any headaches because you don’t have so many toxins in your system

  9. I couldn’t drink coffee until I was in my 50s. It used to give me a headache.
    After gaving up sugar and nasty carbs my headaches went away and now I can drink it.

    I love the habbit of getting up in the morning and drinking a cup of black coffee. Its so relaxing. I have one cup 50/50 caffeine/decaf in the morning and a decaf in the afternoon after lunch, sometimes with stevia and cream. Its my relax time.

  10. 121 days -100% off caffeine here. It’s been quite an awakening. Sleeping better than I ever have in my adult life. When I lay down at night I’m out like a switch. When I get up in the morning, I’m rested, sharp, clear, calm, focused, and really awake… Which has been a stunning revelation. My dream cycle became richer and more regular. I’ve noticed a dramatic increase in mood balance and stability. All anxiety vaporized. Digestion improved. Yes, teeth have whitened, too. Withdrawal was arduous, lasting about 20-30 days. By 60 days, with pristine clarity, I realized that the mass of people are junkies, unaware they are genuine drug addicts that just happen to be using a physiologically non-essential, legal, schedule one, psychotropic drug, because the use of it is so ubiquitous and normalized. Quitting for 30 days is ONLY the beginning, as things start to actually, finally, improve around day 30. Quitting for 30 days is merely dipping a toe in the pool. My experiential wisdom: Get strong, go long.

    • I stopped years ago and agree with everything you said. I do however drink the same amount of decaf coffee now instead so I still get the taste, etc..

    • ​@kineticthemagnificent9123
      You got something else going on.
      Ive quit coffee many times, and it doesnt give me withdrawals for more than 3 days.

      Idk your age, health, and quality of life though. Maybe it’s different if youre much older (im 29) and have never quit and if your sedentary (Im not)

    • I hope I can quit and realize this one day. My use is probably extreme. I started with energy drinks and pre workouts as long as they have been around without ever having a real break. I know it is killing my sleep, but the cycle is so hard to break when you have a job you have to be “up” for every day.
      I know the detox is going to be miserable so I keep avoiding if, but I can’t go on with this cycle of uppers and downers to get through life. I feel it is slowly killing me.

  11. I started carnivore diet 7 weeks ago and drinking coffee was causing very watery stools. I decided to stop drinking coffee to prevent this issue.
    It worked, and I didn’t struggle with side effects. I drink hot water with lemon in the morning and am doing great.

  12. Dr. Berg
    Thank you for your honesty regarding your addiction to coffee. This video further proves why I appreciate your information because you do not portray yourself as someone who doesn’t struggle with food consumption.

  13. So many of my co-workers complain of anxiety and insomnia yet refuse to acknowledge the correlation to their all-day caffeine consumption. It’s truly a drug that comes with denial.

    • I suffer insomnia… just 1 cup of coffee before 10a and try not to have chocolate after 2-4 pm… still can’t sleep!

  14. I don’t remember the source but caffeine was linked to calcium depletion from cells ( and from bones in a long run) and I was always linked the coffee anxiety with that decrease of calcium.

  15. Dr. Eric Berg is the only doctor i take seriously, the last time i went to the hospital, i realised so many doctors who don’t know what they are doing, imagine taking treatment from an obese doctor, a doctor with visceral fat, or a doctor with puffy eyes, Thank you for all you do Sir!

  16. I’ve recently been told about not having coffee until one and a half hours after you wake up. apparently you start off on the adrenal system and move to a different system, however drinking coffee first thing eliminates the body’s ability to produce the right hormone later on. Would love this fact checked by Dr Berg. Thank you for your videos, so good!

    • 100% start your day with movement then a little of water then a couple hours of nothing. This is the way

  17. Sipping my coffee and watching this video while thinking that although I only drink 1-2 cups a day, this is wise advice. Going to 1 smaller cup and then further reduce or completely omit my caffeine consumption. Thank you Dr. Berg for for all of the health info in your videos. I genuinely appreciate it!!

  18. Just finished going through caffeine withdrawals. They were awful, I felt so sick to my stomach that I could barely eat for a whole week. Already noticing the benefits of no caffeine consumption now that the detox symptoms are gone though. Insomnia, acid reflux and depression have all almost completely disappeared already.

  19. dr berg, thanks to you and dr khalid jamil, my father is no longer diabetic. he had diabetes since 2013 and has been following you since 2021.
    Now finally he’s reversed it, and is now in the pre diabetic stage. thanks for all the time and valuable information you put in your videos. we really appreciate it, you’ve changed my family’s life and we’d forever be grateful to you.

  20. Good video! One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was giving up coffee about 8 month’s ago. My sleep greatly improved, my mental focus improved, my vision improved because the caffeine is no longer blocking the little blood veins connected to the eyes. I recommend reading the book “caffeine blues”. It’s an eye opener.

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