What Drinking Coffee Will Do For Your Health

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Enjoying two to three cups of coffee daily is associated with lower mortality risk and reduced heart disease—this applies to regular, decaf, and instant coffee. Why?

Coffee is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, offering health benefits.

Misconceptions about coffee arise when it's paired with excessive sugar and cream, leading to weight gain.

Additionally, genetic differences impact caffeine metabolism. Slow metabolizers may experience poor sleep and anxiety, necessitating lower caffeine consumption or opting for decaf.

Fast metabolizers, however, can tolerate higher caffeine intake with fewer side effects.

Unlock the benefits of coffee while understanding your unique genetic makeup.

#CoffeeAndHealth #AntioxidantPower #OptimalWellness #HealthyHabits #nutritionhelp

33 responses to “What Drinking Coffee Will Do For Your Health”

  1. Approximately how much coffee is 2-3 cups? This seems to be a standard that is mentioned a lot but I’d appreciate an approximate volume measurement. In the US, a cup is 8 ounces, while coffee cups/mugs can vary from ~5-20 ounces. My mug holds up to 18 ounces. I usually have one serving from this mug – sometimes two. So am I straying way out of bounds when I have a second “cup”? Thanks

    • You already know the answer. A cup is 8oz.

      Coffee is not good for you in any amount. The more you drink the worse it is. It’s possible to drink a lethal amount….

  2. Great information! But beware of instant coffee as it often contain high amounts of mycotoxins and acrylamides 🙌🏼💪🏼

  3. I think there is literature out there that shows coffee drains magnesium and potassium from a certain hormone that gets stimulated by caffeine

    • I’m a fit highly active woman who’s drank 1-2 pots of coffee per day, and just recently learned my bone density has diminished significantly. I learned coffee leaches calcium from my bones

    • Coffee was selectively bred to have extra caffeine. Caffeine also spikes blood sugar. While decaf lowers blood sugar. Mix half decaf half caffeine for a better blood sugar response and more minerals.

    • ​@Suzanne Van Elslandehave you supplemented with calcium and vitamin d+k while drinking the coffee to make that accurate?

  4. also good luck drinking coffee without the sugar since most wont.
    65% of Americans prefer cream and sugar in their coffee, while 35% are willing to drink their coffee black. Another source states that for the past years, 66% of American coffee drinkers prefer to drop sugar as an addition to their coffee.

    Cloves: 15,188 mg per 100g
    Cocoa powder: 3,448 mg per 100g
    Black chokeberry: more than 1,700 mg per 100g
    Black elderberry: 870 milligrams of polyphenols per half-cup serving
    Coffee: 514 mg of total polyphenols is for a cup of filtered coffee.

    • ​@DRourkCan you provide evidence for your statements? I’ve been noticing you nay-saying most of the comments in this short, including the short itself, but have yet to see a source from you about why coffee is so bad. Siim has shown us his citations, where’s yours?

  5. What about acrylamide causing damage to the DNA. And does caffeine shorten telomeres? Maybe the best source of coffee is a nun roasted green coffee bean Brew.

  6. Caffeine drunks like coffee and tea are generally very good during the first third of the day and because of sleeo disruption, bad during the last third of the day

  7. My friend has Graves disease and his body doesn’t metabolise caffeine. He stops having coffee at about 2pm otherwise he wont sleep!

  8. I’m a fit highly active woman who’s drank 1-2 pots of coffee per day, and just recently learned my bone density has diminished significantly. I learned coffee leaches calcium from my bones! I now cut down to 1-2 cups per day

  9. French press coffee raises LDL but it’s my favorite. Those fats are removed by filtered paper coffee. Should I switch?

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