Autophagy on Steroids: DRY FASTING

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One of the healthiest things you can do is drink a lot of water, right? Maybe not. Check out the benefits of dry fasting!

Watch my other videos on Fasting:
The Proven Benefits of Prolonged Fasting

Intermittent Fasting for Serious Weight Loss

The Truth About Fasting: What Really Happens to Your Body?

The MOST Important Intermittent Fasting Basics for Beginners

0:00 Introduction: Is drinking a lot of water healthy?
1:05 Water fasting vs. dry fasting
1:30 Benefits of fasting
4:30 Benefits of dry fasting
7:20 How to do dry fasting
9:07 Learn more about how to do fasting!

Let’s talk about water fasting vs. dry fasting. Water fasting is when a person only consumes liquids for a period of time. When a person does dry fasting, they’re not consuming food or liquids.

One of the biggest benefits of fasting is autophagy. Autophagy is a condition where your body recycles damaged proteins and turns them into new enzymes and structural proteins. Autophagy also helps you get rid of pathogens.

Detoxification is just as important, if not more important, in some cases, as getting plenty of nutrients. One of the big purposes of sleep is to detoxify your cells. Fasting, especially dry fasting, mimics a lot of the benefits of sleep.

It’s important to note that about eight to ten percent of the water you get is produced by your own cells, which also enhances detoxification. But, if you drink a lot of water, your body doesn’t get a chance to produce metabolic water.

Dry fasting is essentially enhanced autophagy. Anything you can do to remove extra waste from the body is a great thing, especially for longevity.

Top benefits of dry fasting:
• It can help remove intracellular toxicity
• It can help strengthen biochemical machines
• It can help improve mitochondrial function
• It’s a strong epigenetic stimulus
• It can mimic some of the benefits of a deep sleep

You may want to test out a dry fast and do it gradually to see how you feel. A good place to start would be not consuming any water during a 16-hour fast. Then, when you eat, drink plenty of liquids.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the benefits of dry fasting. I’ll see you in the next video.

64 responses to “Autophagy on Steroids: DRY FASTING”

  1. Just made it to 158.4 pounds! Comfortably, I did 40 straight pull-ups the other day!! Another reason – I’m grateful for Our Dr. Berg! Have a wonderful day ❤

  2. I’ve noticed when fasting for 16-20 hours that I haven’t been feeling very thirsty but I was forcing myself to drink around 1-1.5l during my fast. I was worried that not drinking could be problematic, but after watching this I’m looking forward to seeing the results after staying away from water as well during fasting periods!

    • He said we could drink on the feeding window, after eating? I always drink before eating. Did I miss something? Is it ok to drink after a lot of food (one meal a day diet)

    • Ask God for something when you fast too! 💜 You’ll see miracles! Not every fast will bring instant results, sometimes it brings the benefits later on, but sometimes it brings miracles quickly! 💜

    • @k1k13004 He said about drinking lots of water during the feeding window. I have followed his advice around not drinking before eating as it could reduce stomach acidity, but usually I do try to drink quite a lot of water in my fasting period but most of the water I have drunk feels quite forced. Drinking water feels most natural 10-30 minutes after eating.

    • When I ITTF, I find I’m not thirsty. I drive all day for work so I load up my car with 3-4 bottles/containers of water. But I simply don’t go through them when I’m fasting nearly as much as I do when I’m not.

  3. Sharing Dr Berg notes:
    Let’s talk about water fasting vs. dry fasting. Water fasting is when a person only consumes liquids for a period of time. When a person does dry fasting, they’re not consuming food or liquids.

    One of the biggest benefits of fasting is autophagy. Autophagy is a condition where your body recycles damaged proteins and turns them into new enzymes and structural proteins. Autophagy also helps you get rid of pathogens.

    Detoxification is just as important, if not more important, in some cases, as getting plenty of nutrients. One of the big purposes of sleep is to detoxify your cells. Fasting, especially dry fasting, mimics a lot of the benefits of sleep.

    It’s important to note that about eight to ten percent of the water you get is produced by your own cells, which also enhances detoxification. But, if you drink a lot of water, your body doesn’t get a chance to produce metabolic water.

    Dry fasting is essentially enhanced autophagy. Anything you can do to remove extra waste from the body is a great thing, especially for longevity.

    Top benefits of dry fasting:
    • It can help remove intracellular toxicity
    • It can help strengthen biochemical machines
    • It can help improve mitochondrial function
    • It’s a strong epigenetic stimulus
    • It can mimic some of the benefits of a deep sleep

    You may want to test out a dry fast and do it gradually to see how you feel. A good place to start would be not consuming any water during a 16-hour fast. Then, when you eat, drink plenty of liquids.

    Thank you Dr Berg!!

  4. i was experiencing bloating, indigestion and headache, then I started to do dry fasting 18:6, just for 2 days, all the symptoms gone! Imagine how our body heals by itself naturally for NOT EATING and drinking. Its amazing!

  5. My mama has been doing this for the past 20+ years.. obviously, she has been doing it for religious reasons (Muslim fasting).. because it needs a massive amount of motivation to stay consistent.. dry fasting from sunrise to sunset two days a week… She’s nearing 60 and not on a single prescribed medication. I also did this for a couple of years some years ago.. and I can say doing this consistently over time literally made me feel and look ten years younger.

  6. I’ve been learning about fasting and trying it different ways off and on for a few years now. Not so much this year because I’m pregnant. I personally can’t wait to get back to a fasting focused lifestyle, especially dry fasting. I prefer it over water fasting for many reasons. I’m roughly 100 pounds over weight and I’ve noticed consistently with both keto and/or water fasting I lose 2 pounds a day. With dry fasting I lose 4 pounds a day. Dry fasting is easier for me because water triggers hunger pangs that I don’t have to deal with during my fast days. It’s so much easier to focus. I actually made it four days dry, it’s hard for me to get past two days water fasting. I’ve never been much of a water drinker and I have had kidney issues in the past. I do try to be mindful of that and just listen to my body now. I also pray and seek spiritual guidance during my fasts even though I’m not Muslim. Dry fasting makes me appreciate water more. Water fasting makes me appreciate food more 😂 so for me it’s a win all around. Lemon water is my favorite, but as a treat not to sub pure water during or after a fast. I heard a pinch of salt or baking soda helps the kidneys after a dry fast too so I’ll definitely keep that in mind when I get back on the train. I’m so excited to go on this health journey I’m about to be in the best shape of my life and much credit will go to Dr Berg and others who support this way of living. Hope I helped someone with this rant lol ❤

    • Aren’t those weight losing speeds far too fast? I thought losing 2 pounds a week is considered a healthy pace.

    • @Ville Martikainen that’s outdated calorie deficit info your speaking of, carb counting is a whole different world. I’d recommend Dr Jason Fung for research on that topic… Nobody disrespects calorie reduced diets like him 😂

    • @Nita B Ok, I’m not an expert in any of this….but then there is another issue, doesn’t skin get saggy if lots of weight is lost in a short time?

  7. I am in my fifties and have been fasting good portion of my life as part of my religion .
    Fasting is amazing!!
    I dry fast two days a week from sunrise to sunset .
    In addition three days in a month .
    It has incredible effects on my health . No medical issues , no meds .
    I do walk and practice yoga .

    • 2 days a week meaning Mondays and Thursdays? Additional 3 days meaning every 13, 14 and 15 in the Hijri calendar?

  8. Dry fasting is something I’ve never heard of outside of the Bible, definitely something I will try. I do an 18-22 hour fast Monday through Friday depending on work schedule. I’ll definitely be testing this out.

    • @matsa2620 Esther called the 3 day dry fast before going to approach the King. There are many examples

    • It is stated in the Quran: O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may develop God-consciousness

      David fasted every other day. ‘Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al-As narrated: “Allah’s Apostle said to me: ‘The most beloved fasting to Allah was the fasting of (the Prophet) David, who used to fast alternate days. And the most beloved prayer to Allah was the prayer of David, who used to sleep for (the first) half of the night and pray for one third of it and (again) sleep for a sixth of it.”

  9. I was waiting for this vid! I love dry fasting, it‘s actually a lot easier for me than the other way around🤷🏻‍♀️longest i went was 72h and i wasn‘t even thirsty. I drank as soon as my body asked for it. Feels great to know that our body is capable of such things.

  10. Thank you so much Dr. Berg, you are a Blessing to so many lives for sharing your knowledge for a better and healthy quality of life. Many Blessings to you and your loved ones 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  11. The timing on this video is AMAZING! I am on day three of my first ever dry fast. I am feeling remarkably good! As a daily coffee drinker, I only experienced a headache for a few hours in the evening of the first day. That was it! August Dunning’s PHOENIX PROTOCOL and NEOGENESIS are excellent resources for the “science” behind it all.(Clearly NOT Rockefeller med school taught!) I would LOVE to see Dr. Berg interview August Dunning!

  12. Dear Dr Berg, I started watching your videos 2 years ago as I was researching ways to overcome my fatty liver problems. Then I followed your instructions – initially just IF, then followed one with HIIT training during IF. The result: I loss 8 kgs (I wasn’t very heavy to begin) and I resolved my fatty liver problem totally. Now, I do IF for 18 hours 5 days a week, and OMAD for 2 days. I am 53 but feels a lot younger. I’ve always done water fasting. I’m going to give dry fasting a try.
    I want to say: I am extremely grateful to you. God Bless You.

    • Muslims have been fasting for 1400 years and before 2014 everyone called us crazy and backwards for fasting.

      The prophet Muhammad pbuh recommended to dry fast Mondays and Thursdays and forbid fasting every day(except ramadan)

      Try Mondays and Thursdays

  13. My grandfather, who is 97 years old, has done dry fasting for at least 80 years and he keeps himself always busy with something. He walks a lot, he does yard work, farming etc since he is a farmer. Even at this age he still does dry fasting and walks a lot. I guess that’s the secret to live a long life. At this age, he still performs his religious obligations. He is usually stress free and minds his own business only. And he has always been very lean. Thank you Dr.Berg. Whenever you share videos about the importance of fasting, walking, being stress free I remember my grandfather who is living witness to your videos.

  14. Love that this video came up.

    I am currently on hour 36 of 72 hours of my water fast (with LMNT electrolytes, of course 😊)

    Sometimes I never know when I should DRY fast as I like to work out and/or walk, even in a fasted state.

  15. Interesting, I have been following the healthy ketogenic diet for almost 4 years, and alternating intermittent fasting, with very good results in my sports performance, but I have not tried dry fasting until now. I will start introducing it into my nutritional program. Thank you Doctor Berg.❤

  16. In Holy month of Ramadan, we do Dry Fasting from Dawn to Dusk everyday for a whole month 🙃, it’s wonderful that a respected Dr. acknowledges benefits of Fasting 👌🏻

  17. My daughter deals with pcos, insulin resistance, skin issues etc. She dry fasted for several weeks on and off and literally healed an ugly scaly eczema condition on her hands. Not to mention, she lost weight, skin looked clear, and healthy. We still both do this on and off for overall health.

  18. Dr Berg, this dry fasting is going to be helpful to me. You’re right— we’ve always been told to drink plenty of water while fasting. I’m going to try this! Thanks again for another, awesome video!❤

  19. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for years and I’ve occasionally done dry fasting once in a while. I’ve read that doing a 24 hour dry fast is equivalent to doing a 3 day extended water fast. I continued use the washroom during the 24 hours, proving that my body can make it’s own water. I’ve definitely had great results from dry fasting. However, dry fasting usually makes me feel pretty tired. I have never exercised during a dry fast.

    Also to note: if you shower or go swimming, or do the dishes, your body is going to soak up the water through your skin, breaking your dry fast. Try to avoid touching water.

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