The Truth about Non-Organic Food

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You don't have to exclusively buy organic foods for a healthy diet.

Understanding which products are safe to consume non-organic and which ones are better as organic is key. The Dirty Dozen is a list of 12 foods with the highest pesticide levels. Organic strawberries are a good choice due to their place on this list.

Foods like potatoes, which grow underground, are safer to enjoy in non-organic form.

Remember, non-organic fruits and vegetables are still healthier than processed foods. If organic berries aren't within your budget, non-organic options are still a better choice than candy bars.

Prioritize your health with the resources you have, and don't let the term "non-organic" deter you from beneficial food choices.

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6 responses to “The Truth about Non-Organic Food”

  1. How much pesticide is left, or, how much pesticide are we ingesting, if one were to – hypothetically, of course – select a non-organic strawberry, give it a quick rinse with cold tap water, and then imbibe said strawberry in one bite with probably slightly less than the correct amount of chewing?

    Also, does eating the leaves of the Berry of the Straw increase the amount, or the risk of, pesticides entering our being?

  2. Thanks Siim – though I would avoid blueberries that are non organic simply because it’s not worth it (toxic)
    — you can buy more frozen organic blueberries from the freezer section – the down side? the air miles (South America to australia)

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