The Single BEST Food for Healing and Repair is…

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Stop avoiding red meat! Learn more about the benefits of red meat, especially for healing and repair.

US Wellness Meats:

Different Proteins for Different Body Conditions:

Recommended Betaine Hydrochloride:

0:00 Introduction: The best food to support repair
1:32 Why red meat is the best protein for healing
3:30 Benefits of red meat
8:13 What to do if you have problems digesting red meat
10:23 Discover the best protein sources for certain health conditions!

Today, I want to cover the best food to support healing and repair: red meat. Not only does red meat have the most protein, but it also has some other amazing benefits.

Other types of protein, like eggs and salmon, are beneficial—but red meat is the best to support healing.

Of all the things needed for the repair or healing process, amino acids are among the most important.

Red meat is more bioavailable and is a more concentrated source of amino acids than other types of protein. It also contains more iron, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin K, and omega-3 fatty acids than eggs.

This doesn’t include processed meat from factory farms. It’s crucial to get high-quality grass-fed, grass-finished red meat.

Red meat also contains four important additional nutrients for healing, repair, and recovery:
1. Carnitine
2. Creatine
3. Carnosine
4. Coenzyme Q10

People who have difficulty digesting red meat typically have low stomach acid. Even if you don’t like the taste of red meat, it may be because you have low stomach acid.

Betaine hydrochloride may be beneficial to help strengthen your stomach acid. You can try taking three to five betaine hydrochloride supplements before a meal for about one month.

However, if you tend to have excess iron, red meat may not be for you. Instead, you could try consuming more poultry or eggs.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the benefits of red meat. I’ll see you in the next video.

57 responses to “The Single BEST Food for Healing and Repair is…”

  1. Haven’t had red meat or pork in about 10 years. You are making me rethink that decision. Good info Dr Berg. Thank you.

    • Think about the meat from ruminant animals, before pork. Grass fed, grass finished is the best. It’s pricey, but you dont need to fill your face on it every day. My diet, is basically carnivore now…but I do include kefir,eggs,raw milk, raw milk cheese and the occasional fruit and veg.

    • A ribeye steak off the grill with four eggs over easy. Anytime of the day. My favorite meal and it makes me feel good, where is a lot of other meals make me feel tired.

    • Same on red meat – but 30 years for me (eep)😮 I like the grass fed organic idea…IF I go back (fun note: I went anti beef when Wendy’s fast food in the USA had a “mad cow” making people sick thing. That was like watching the movie Jaws for the 1st time for me – scared the shite out of me for going near the ocean (and hamburgers)😅

  2. thank you. it is really important now that someone speaks out about the benefits when really big portion of the mainstream media is trying to say that meat is only bad.

  3. As you get older meat is more necessary for recovery, the difference is quite noticeable after 40. Been vegetarian for long periods during my 20s and 30s mainly for ethical reasons and fasting cleansing, and still was performing well on sports/fitness. But after 42-43 noticed that I recover a lot faster with meat in my diet. Personally, I don’t need a lot, I consume 750-1kg/week and I weigh 104kg.

  4. Thank you, Dr. Berg, for the facts regarding the food our bodies need to function as they are designed to do. I’m always amazed about how our bodies work!! I appreciate you more each day because of the true scientific knowledge you share with us. I ignore the lies and ‘science’ from other sources. How can they tell us these things and sleep at night? (This just reminded me of a quote by someone who I miss who said “I am America’s Truth Detector. That’s what we all need to be for ourselves.)

  5. For most people, even if it is grain-fed, the benefits of eating more meat (cow and lamb) are going to be tremendous. Don’t worry about the grain-fed vs grass-fed if the price difference or availability worries you. Just eat the cows and feel good.

    • An unhealthy wiener is much better than a Twinkie or Doritos.
      And Dr. Berry says don’t worry about the nitrates just the sugar and fructose corn syrup (which seems to be in everything).

    • Yeah, but if you can afford then go for the higher quality meat. Not only are you getting more nutrition but you are also supporting small farmers. When eating meat, it’s also good to consume the organs. One way to afford grass fed cows is to split the costs with a friend or family.

    • Thank you for pointing this out. I actually prefer the taste of grass-fed but grain-finished meat. It may not be as nutritious, but it’s a little more affordable and taste’s delicious. I try to buy from a local rancher too.

  6. I am having a lupus flare that affects my joints and gives me bad fatigue and brain fog. Thank you Dr Berg, I am having my beef burgers right now with some red peppers for vitamin C. You inspire me to take control of my health. Thank you!!!

  7. I wish more people could afford red meat like we used to. It’s good to know we have alternatives like eggs and poultry. Thank you, Dr. Berg.

  8. Love my carnivore way of eating as my ancestors did, they were healthy and lived much longer. My 65 year old body craves grass fed and finished beef, we have our own chickens so lots of fresh eggs. I make liver pate roll it into little balls and freeze it to use with my burgers. Thank you Dr Berg you helped me to transition from vegan, my superfood smoothie’s were killing me with oxalate poisoning. ❤

    • @El Gringoit is proven that men on the American diet have less testosterone and more oestrogen. So yes he will feel manly naturally.
      Ancestors did ate vegetables and seasonal fruits but it was mainly hunted meats and feasts.

    • Ancestors definitely didn’t live longer before antibiotics were discovered . Because before that a small cut, a dog bite, a simple fever/diarrhoea, could be fatal. Not just that but diabetes, heart attacks were not treatable as well. Also there were plagues!

    • @El Gringo clearly your not going to listen or do any research. the number one thing in all diets whichever side you stand on is sugar and processed food is bad for you.

  9. So true! Thanks for this, Dr. Berg……I started on carnivore diet back in the spring, and I look and feel so much better!

  10. I love red meat. If you have difficulty digesting it, take some apple cider vinegar diluted in warm water 15 to 30 minutes before eating. It will helps with digestion and transit. It works for red meat and any other foods you can’t digest easily. If you forgot to take it before your meal, take it 10 to 45 minutes after.

  11. Sharing Dr Berg notes:

    Other types of protein, like eggs and salmon, are beneficial—but red meat is the best to support healing.

    Of all the things needed for the repair or healing process, amino acids are among the most important.

    Red meat is more bioavailable and is a more concentrated source of amino acids than other types of protein. It also contains more iron, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin K, and omega-3 fatty acids than eggs.

    This doesn’t include processed meat from factory farms. It’s crucial to get high-quality grass-fed, grass-finished red meat.

    Red meat also contains four important additional nutrients for healing, repair, and recovery:
    1. Carnitine
    2. Creatine
    3. Carnosine
    4. Coenzyme Q10

    People who have difficulty digesting red meat typically have low stomach acid. Even if you don’t like the taste of red meat, it may be because you have low stomach acid.

    Betaine hydrochloride may be beneficial to help strengthen your stomach acid. You can try taking three to five betaine hydrochloride supplements before a meal for about one month.

    However, if you tend to have excess iron, red meat may not be for you. Instead, you could try consuming more poultry or eggs.

    Thank you Dr Berg🐱👍🏿

  12. Thank you, Dr. Berg, once again, for the truth about red meat and how nutritious it is. Now, if people would just stop listening to MSM.

  13. Dr. Berg, thank you. I should have thanked you 5 years ago. Your knowledge on nutrition saved my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  14. This video mirrored my diet, I’m an unbelievable fit and healthy 67 year old male never sick. One of your best videos yet.

  15. Ten out of 10-star reviews for Dr. Berg healing the world through God’s food and the natural way of being. Thank you, you very kind soul. God bless you and your family.

  16. Thank you Dr Berg for giving us information and empowering us to explore options to care for our health without having to depend on the current medical pharmaceutical system!!

  17. Thank you Dr. Berg for pointing out the healing properties of red meat! This truth is so often missed by establishment nutritionists and it’s necessary if we as Americans are going to regain our collective health to return to the health benefits of good old red meat.

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