4 Tips for Intermittent Fasting

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Mastering Intermittent Fasting: 4 Pro Tips!

1️⃣ Early Dinner Magic: Opt for an early dinner – better sleep, weight loss, and longevity benefits follow suit.

2️⃣ Sip Smart: Zero-calorie drinks like sparkling water keep hunger at bay and your body hydrated.

3️⃣ Rise with the Sun: Morning walks sync with your body's rhythm, boosting mood, energy, and satiety.

4️⃣ The 80% Rule: Stop eating at 80% full – avoid overeating, cut calories, and feel satisfied.

Shift your fasting game up a gear with these tweaks – it's all about making it work for you!

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4 responses to “4 Tips for Intermittent Fasting”

  1. Ahh but I find it so comforting to have a nice big dinner before bed, any suggestions?
    *note, I’m happy with my figure & curious to know if fasting would help with increased enegy/ be helpful w/workouts, thank you!

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