Demographic Future of Russia, China and the United States – Bradley Schurman

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01:20 Why Bradley Got Into Demographic Research
03:15 Declining Birthrates Across the World
05:00 Rise in Life Expectancy Throughout History
12:00 Ageism
14:20 Pensions in the Future
16:35 Extending Healthspan
22:30 Which Countries Live the Longest
24:20 Why Is US Life Expectancy Decreasing
29:28 Demographic Future of China
31:40 Demographic Future of India
35:00 How Many Children Do We Need
40:10 Demographic Future of Russia
49:18 Demographic Future of the United States

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33 responses to “Demographic Future of Russia, China and the United States – Bradley Schurman”

  1. 💯💯Subscribe for videos on becoming superhuman:
    01:20 Why Bradley Got Into Demographic Research
    03:15 Declining Birthrates Across the World
    05:00 Rise in Life Expectancy Throughout History
    12:00 Ageism
    14:20 Pensions in the Future
    16:35 Extending Healthspan
    22:30 Which Countries Live the Longest
    24:20 Why Is US Life Expectancy Decreasing
    29:28 Demographic Future of China
    31:40 Demographic Future of India
    35:00 How Many Children Do We Need
    40:10 Demographic Future of Russia
    49:18 Demographic Future of the United States

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    • Likewise, BIG Oof. Schurman wears neo-liberal social agendas on both his shirt-sleeves. Ugh. When he started conflating Russian & Ukrainian demographics I’d had more than enough of his incessant political messaging. It’s no wonder why he’s such a darling amongst the Washington, D.C. Political Folks. Still, I enjoyed watching Siim step outside his comfort zone.

    • There was almost no gun talk. He gave a legitimate, well established statistic, and they moved on. I’m not sure why just giving a statistic “lost” you. Pretty close-minded.

    • When someone says “oof” without explaining themselves they really have no argument . Just a close minded statement begging for likes

    • @Quixote1818 That gun stat only applies to a very specific demographic. Specifically it’s young black males who have a 1 in 25 chance of not making it to 40 on account of firearm violence. The rates are maybe a tenth of that for males of other races and females of all races. All the data are available from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics Reports. In the overall picture of causes of mortality, firearm violence and firearm accidents in the US are insignificant.

  2. I hope life expectancy will keep increasing as it will slow the demographic decline of western countries

  3. Fantastic conversation Siim.
    When it comes to population leveling off I think evolution will take care of that.
    Historically genes to ”want to have sex” (with the opposite sex) has been sufficient to increase population.
    In a world with birth control you also need the gene of ”strong urge to select to have children”.
    Those with these genes will reproduce and after some generations the populations will be back to growing.
    Evolution is a very strong force.

  4. A lot of women are choosing not to have kids because now they know that it’s a “choice” , past generations of women didn’t know that they had the choice because they were told that’s what they were supposed to do or else,.. my mom who is a boomer admitted she wishes she didn’t have kids , she wasted her talent and life being a stay-at-home mom housewife, with her talent she could have been a very successful defense attorney but she threw it away for something she was told she was supposed to do and everyone that lived with her paid for it,, my dad’s mom had 15 kids, those 15 pregnancies damaged her body
    and health but for a lot of women one pregnancy is all it takes to be knocked out,, men don’t ever have to worry about getting pregnant so I can see why a man would think pregnancy is no big deal piece of cake

    • @maplegingko what’s awful that she said she regrets having kids??
      Why is that awful? It’s the most intelligent thing she’s ever said her whole life, having kids was a stupid choice for her and my dad they both were very talented people who threw it all away, they have nothing to show for it except tired broken-down bodies and rapid aging ,, when my parents were in their early 20s they already look like they were in their mid to late 30s ,, I’ll never forget the picture of my mom when she was 19 holding my older brother and she looked like an older woman, there was no youth in her face,,
      they lived very boring rapid stressed out lives because they were never encouraged to do anything better
      With themselves except grow up get married have kids then die

    • Surely the natural female lifecycle is to bear children and raise them? How can doing what is natural to us not be the best for us? What career could any woman have that is more creative, meaningful and beneficial to society than growing new people.

    • @DP LG that’s a sad thing to say
      To be told what you’re supposed to do instead of choosing for yourself what you actually want to do,, that whole mindset of woman’s duty is to have children is outdated and flawed

    • @tiptip I didn’t say it was a duty, only that it’s the natural lifecycle so, presumably, in best accord with our needs and instincts. All the women I know who have children find motherhood to be very fulfilling (though also, of course, challenging). The same with guys I know who are fathers.

  5. You might want to do a part 2 on this guys…Israel is now at war as of today…We will see a LOT of death from here on out.

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    • 😱Sounds familiar, I have heard her name on several occasions.. and both her success stories in the wall Street journal!

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  7. Im 47, have 3 kids a fourth on the way, my soon to be wife is 27, been around the world many times and Ill tell you I don’t care about longevity. If I drop dead tomorrow Ill rest in peace knowing Ive lived life to its fullest.

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