Dr. Anthony Chaffee – ‘The Corruption of our Nutritional and Medical Guidelines’

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Dr Anthony Chaffee is a practicing Neurosurgical registrar, host of the PlantFreeMD podcast, former professional rugby player and long term adherent and advocate of the Carnivore diet.

In this talk he outlines the pervasive influences behind the nutritional and medical guidelines from the Seventh Day Adventist church, big food corporations and pharmaceutical industries.

Filmed live at the inaugural REGENERATE Health Summit on August 6th, 2023 at Splitter’s Creek, Albury.


00:02:50: Meat has always provided essential nutrients in the human diet,

00:07:00 Dietetics association of Australia (DAA) are highly compromised,

00:13:20 Seventh Day Adventist ideology underlies plant-based movement,

00:18:00 Seventh Day Adventists own plant-based food companies,

00:24:45 The DAA attempted character assassination of orthopaedic surgeon Dr Gary Fettke for curing his diabetic patients with low carb,

00:29:42 Majority of nutritional research is funded by industry and is highly conflicted,

00:32:30 Carnivore is a human species appropriate diet,

00:44:10 End of talk, Q&A begins,

REGENERATE is a holistic health movement based on three pillars – circadian health, ancestral diets and regenerative farming.

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23 responses to “Dr. Anthony Chaffee – ‘The Corruption of our Nutritional and Medical Guidelines’”

  1. I really hope that the new set of food guidelines (re: 2025) take actual scientific data into consideration. The previous methodologies have been as much a joke as the rest of the political system (at least in the US, anyway). Thank you for getting this information out to the public.

  2. There is a reason the old saying exists in India.

    “If you can’t afford ghee, you take out a loan.”

  3. I’m so surprised that they haven’t start trying to take your license away by pounding the table and telling the hard cold truth.

  4. I had a great uncle (Fred Ward) who was a devout Seventh Day Adventist minister and was a missionary to the Pitcairn Islands in the 1940s to 50s for 23yrs. Whenever we visited them when I was a kid, his wife always looked pallid and a bit miserable. And she was always getting sick. I remember asking mum why does she get sick all the time? These were my mum’s exact words: “I think it’s because when she’s sick, she gets a lot of attention from uncle Fred”. So now I think I know why she was sick all the time, her husband wasnt giving her pleasure. He however lived to 100.

  5. The thing that makes you angry about this topic is this guy wasn’t even born and this information was known. If you are still confused how this all happened, then follow the money. Who got rich and powerful from owning and manipulating media? Who got rich from feeding people animal food? Who’s gotten rich from big pharma? Who’s gotten rich by being in power?

  6. Thank you, thank you and thank you again. Presentations like this are crucial, and understanding this topic is super important for everyone!

  7. ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’ think of all the other applications of this statement – eg, ‘Is ending war a sustainable business model?’, ‘Is ending poverty a sustainable business model?’

  8. The fact it is still common for doctors to tell people sugar has nothing to do with diabeties is an insight into how corrupt our food system is.

    • They’re always telling us to eat a plant-based diet. Sugar is plant-based, so it must be good for us.😂

  9. Dr Chaffee, thank you. I’ve been carnivor for 6 months. Oxalate overload brought me to the diet. Book ….Toxic Superfoods by Sally K Norton

  10. Intersting talk – re indigenous australians, interesting that they knew about protein poisoning so far back, they’d split the bones of animals that were lean to eat the marrow, and not split the bones of animals that were more fatty – Belinda Fettke is a super human she should get a honorary Phd for her being very educative deep dive into the history of nutrition ‘advice’ and guidelines.

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