Huge Benefits With Just 11 Minutes of Exercise per Day

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

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Just a little bit of exercise can produce significant health benefits. Learn more about the benefits of exercise and how it affects longevity.

The Dangers of Sedentary Lifestyle:

Link to Mobility Stick Website:

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Data: COMING SOON!

More videos on Mobility Stick and Rope Trainer:


0:00 Introduction: Exercise and longevity
0:18 Exercise benefits
3:22 How exercise affects the body
3:45 The best time to exercise
4:38 The best type of exercise
6:12 Other ways to support longevity
7:35 Learn more about the dangers of inactivity!

Two of the top benefits of exercise include lowering your risk for certain diseases and increasing your longevity—and it doesn’t take much exercise to achieve this.

The more fitness you have in your reserve, the more you can counter stress and the more flexibility you can have with your eating plan.

The benefits of walking just two to two and a half hours a week can lower your mortality rate by 20 percent. Exercising just 11 minutes a day can lower your mortality rate by 10 percent.

Doing three to four short bouts of intense exercise can lower your mortality rate by 40 percent. Eleven bouts of short, intense exercise may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by 65 percent and cancer by 49 percent. A 10 to 59-minute workout once a week, every week, can decrease your mortality rate by 18 percent.

Exercise even supports the mitochondria and helps balance healthy blood sugar levels.

Going for a walk after eating may help burn any carbohydrates you eat. But it’s also important to find a form of exercise you enjoy so you won’t procrastinate doing it.

Setting a timer and breaking up your day with scheduled small bursts of exercise may be extremely beneficial for your health.

A heart rate variability device is a useful tool to help you figure out your fitness level, when you should and shouldn’t exercise, and how long you should exercise. Using a sauna, intermittent fasting, and getting out in nature may also help increase your longevity.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the benefits of exercise. I’ll see you in the next video.

40 responses to “Huge Benefits With Just 11 Minutes of Exercise per Day”

  1. Thanks so much for this…..I set a timer on my phone for the same time every day, which tells me it’s workout time. I limit these workouts to about ten minutes, so I’m very pleased to hear I’m not wasting my time!

  2. I didn’t like exercise but you inspired me to do exercises every single day because you shared knowledge that was needed for me, now I know benefits of it so it’s easy for me to keep doing it.

  3. Started swimming again after many (too many) years of ‘not having the time’ to exercise – it’s hard, but I’ve made it a priority, and the results are already amazing: I feel amazing, I look better, and most of all: I have more energy, meaning I am way more productive with the little time I have, managing to achieve more than before 🙏 so to anyone out there, like me, waiting for the perfect time to start including exercise into your days: today is the day! You will not regret it! ❤️

    • I miss swimming and going to my YMCA every morning before work I would go and swim laps. it was so relaxing and I loved it. but since my kid was born and I moved to a new province I haven’t been back in 14yrs.

    • I’m 47….for the first 20 years of my adulthood I never worked out. Made excuse after excuse. Until I had a talk with my doctor after my lab results when I was 42. I took my health more serious, ate healthier and cleaner foods, cut out others that was unhealthy. Besides the bum shoulder I feel great. It was the best decision I made!

    • Started swimming at my local YMCA several years ago. I quickly learned I was a poor swimmer, so I hired a swimming instructor to make sure using the right form. It took time, but I found that swimming also helped my mood and reduced stress.

  4. Focus on shorter, impactful exercises are effective for me. My body and spirit loves HIIT.

    I will not commit myself to exercise more than 45 min in one session because I probably won’t do it. 25 minutes is my sweet spot. (That’s including stretching and cool down). During breaks: squats or pushups + mobility exercises. No burpees though; I’m allergic 😂

  5. I do crossfit 6 times a week and walk daily between 15k to 25k steps a day… I’m am certainly healthier, not only physically but mentally too xx

  6. I am 66 and live at 8500 feet elevation where there’s about 4 months of snow and ice every year. There are no gyms or spas around. Convincing me that I should get out in such weather has always taken more than a simple pep talk. My husband, 70, is hard core about walking the dogs 2 or 3 miles daily no matter the weather. He has a way of making me feel guilty about not exercising, saying it is good for me blah, blah, blah. We recently got dog #3 so now I am inspired to keep up. He is unable to walk three dogs at once, so there’s my reason. Not for me, but for the puppy. Summer months are easy. At this point I have to bundle up in scarves, gloves, hoodie, etc…but so far I am doing it every morning. I definitely feel better throughout the day because of it, at the time of year when I am ready to relax and be sedentary in my thick socks and yoga pants.

    • There are a LOT of free exercise routines by fitness trainers right here on YouTube. *Shadow boxing, HIIT routines, Yoga, Animal Flow, Kickboxing, weight routines, stationary exercises, etc…* (I personally hate gyms.)

  7. A lot of people say to me , they are “too tired to exercise”. As my Karate instructor says “Energy begets energy”. You can build energy up, start slow, and after a few weeks you won’t be no where near as tired my friends . Another great vid by the Doc.

  8. Another Great video by the man Dr.Berg.Thank you Universe for people like Dr.Berg.Ive lost over 30 lbs since IF and doing Ketogenic and several pant sizes.Ive never felt better in my life.I have so much energy no brain fog and Im in my 60s.Thank u again you Rock Dr.Berg

  9. What a great reminder of the benefits of controlled stress. Our bodies are extremely adaptive to all conditions, at any point and any age.

    The Tarahumara indians in the copper valley in Mexico have people of all ages running great distances and they are some of the healthiest people in the world. They run ultra marathons for fun without heart diseases.

  10. So true, At 66 I excercise a few minutes a day. Walk a few miles a week. Been doing it for about a year now. I was over excersing before, injured myself and lost too much weight. Now I found the right balance. Feel great with more energy. Even getting compliments I haven’t gotten before.

  11. I have been exercising since 2009 and I definitely notice a change in my body. I workout 6-7 days per week. I follow a program of 3 days of strength training and 3 days of cardio and mobility 1 day. My 7th day is either rest or whatever I feel like doing.

  12. I’ve deliberately taken jobs that involve physical activity for almost a decade, and it’s definitely made a huge difference after spending my early 20s in office jobs. Not only is my body far more resilient to diseases, but I’ve managed to retain a lot of both flexibility and cardiovascular endurance when I see people my age working office jobs just struggle to do the most basic physical tasks. I routinely perform over 10k steps per day just walking around, and it really helps my energy levels and overall mood. I’ve also added dumbbell workouts that are very easy to do at home, and my only regret is not having started earlier! Good stuff if you can do it :).

  13. The first time I saw one of your videos back in June, it inspired me to get healthier by fasting and walking, now I paid attention to everything I eat and on moderation….since then I have loss 24 pounds. Thanks God for your existence Dr. Berg

  14. I’ve been training in various gyms for about 48 years. At 73, I still train about 11 hours weekly. I find that a combination of weights, cables and cardio have served me well.
    Thanks for sharing how important that committment and consistency is in maintaining good health and longevity !

  15. I’m 65 with sjogrens. The fatigue makes exercise difficult. Everyday do 2, 5 minute workouts. I enjoy exercise but the day after exhaustion stinks. Thanks for the encouragement

  16. I’m 74 & have been working out since I was in my 20’s. Don’t do high impact anymore but I love high intensity, low Impact & Pilates. Every day , 30-40 minutes. My day isn’t complete unless I workout. I love it. (Except Sundays – day of rest!) 🙂

  17. I take the dog for a walk twice a day. I used to use a walker but not anymore. With 2 compression fractures and both hips replaced I just returned from a tour where on one day I walked 15,000 steps. I also do keto, intermittent fasting lost 35 pounds and turn 73 this month. Thanks Dr. Berg for showing me the way.

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