The Myth of the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) “Mother”

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Check out the biggest myth about apple cider vinegar (ACV).

Recommended Apple Cider Vinegar:

0:00 Introduction: The “mother” in apple cider vinegar
0:10 What is the “mother” in apple cider vinegar?
1:25 What’s at the bottom of an ACV bottle?
2:08 The best apple cider vinegar
4:04 Make sure you can always find unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter!
4:27 Learn more about the benefits of apple cider vinegar!

There is a big myth about apple cider vinegar, and it has to do with the "mother." Let’s talk about it.

The mother in apple cider vinegar is a combination of two things: friendly bacteria and enzymes. You can’t actually see bacteria or enzymes. This means you can’t see the true mother in apple cider vinegar.

What you see at the bottom of a bottle of apple cider vinegar is the leftovers of the fermentation process. It’s just unfiltered particles from the apples or maybe fiber—there’s not necessarily enzymes or probiotics in it.

When apple cider vinegar is pasteurized, the heat kills bacteria and enzymes. High pressure can also kill bacteria and enzymes.

Fairchild’s is the only brand of apple cider vinegar that produces and sells their product. They produce a high-quality organic raw apple cider vinegar product. It’s also undiluted and much stronger than Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, which is diluted with water.

I don’t get anything from promoting their product, but when I find a really good product like this one, I like to share it with others.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand apple cider vinegar. I’ll see you in the next video.

67 responses to “The Myth of the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) “Mother””

  1. 😂 maybe these “organic grocery stores” won’t stare at me oddly when I’m taking my time to find that 1 in 50 different bottles of ACV on the shelves! 🙌 Have a great day, Dr. Berg!

  2. Love how straight to the point Dr Berg is.
    And doesn’t make us sit through 4 minute in video ads (cough cough Thomas delour cough cough)

  3. Wow, been a Braggs customer for decades. Very disappointing to hear that it’s not as advertised. Guess I’ll be switching. Thank you for always giving us unfiltered truth. God bless.👍🏻🙂

  4. Thank you for the informative video, Dr Eric. Since taking apple cider vinegar in March 2023, I’ve been under the delusion that the sediment was the mother and would give the bottle a good shake until it vanished from the bottom LOL! Thanks for the heads up about Fairchild’s. I get my raw and unfiltered vinegar (5%) from Costco in the UK, but I will check out who stocks Fairchild’s.

  5. Thank you, Dr. Berg. Your advice on nutrition has helped me reverse my type 2 diabetes. You are God’s blessing to anyone who is suffering from ill health and inflammation 🙌👏🤲

  6. I switched from Braggs to Fairchild about year ago, after I watched your first video on this subject.
    I mix organic raw lemon juice & ACV with a littel cinnamon. In the morning and night before bed. No more acid reflux and it helps to control my weight along with Keto Omad,

  7. You can’t see individual bacterium but you can see biofilms, large colonies of bacteria. If you make your own apple cider vinegar you will see the resulting biofilm form on the surface of the vinegar. You mix this into your vinegar and you have “mother” mixed in plus still seeing the biofilm clumps. You can also see the cloudiness of the liquid as it loads up with yeast and then bacteria.

  8. Dr. Berg, thank you for confirming my suspicion. Earlier, this year, I went to buy Braggs ACV but it was all out so I bought the Fairchild brand. It looked & tasted more potent. In comparison, Braggs seemed like a watered down version.

  9. I am from México….. my mother teach me how to make our own “real” natural apple cider vinegar❤ and we also do pineapple cider vinegar

  10. I’ve never done acv but I’ve been following you for quite awhile. In 2016 a CT scan showed I had nafld and it was extremely inflamed. I followed your advice and in May 2023 while going through alot of exams and tests because i was getting mitral valve repair, I had another ct scan. It showed no nafld, my liver is normal size. However it showed a lump on my lower left lung that they said doesn’t look concerning and they won’t check again for a year.
    Hopefully by then that will be gone.

  11. So glad you informed us about this. I have noticed that there is a difference in a lot of what used to be quality products. Disappointed to hear this about Bragg vinegar too now and I just bought a brand new bottle. I will be switching to Fairchilds if I can find it.

  12. Dr. Berg, I want to tell you about something that happened to me yesterday. Background first. It is 11-8-2023. I am 79 years old and have suffered with Glaucoma and now beginning stages of Macular Degeneration. A few days ago I watched your video on Vitamin A. Knowing most doctors don’t talk of vitamins, my two Opthalmalogists in particular, I was intrigued with what you said. I am taking a boatload of your recommendations, so I figured I would add Vitamin A to the list. So, I ordered a low dosage. I took one pill. ONE. The next day, yesterday, my daughter drove me to Emory Hospital for my current check up with one Opthalmalogist. While sitting in the waiting room, I looked over at my daughter and said that I could SEE and READ the tv screen in the room !!! Then, the technician came for us. He asked me to read what I could see on their wall screen, and got more and more excited as I saw smaller and smaller letters. Bottom line…..I was reading 20/20. I have been ( as I like to tell it ) blind as a bat since I was 8 years of age ! The Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma damage is still there, but I could SEE ! I was thrilled to have my daughter as well as the technician WITNESS this for themselves. My daughter asked if she could take a screenshot photo of the info on his computer of some of the PAST information about my problems with occasional double vision, and he said Yes. NOW, next week she will take me to my OTHER Opthalmologist appointment, wondering if these results will still “ hold “. As far as damage, what is done is done, but maybe…..maybe this might help slow…..or even stop the progression of either of the diseases……..and maybe my vision will stay steady at my lovely beautiful fantastic 20/20 from yesterday ! I am giving Jesus number one credit and giving you, Dr. Berg number two credit. Sooooo, last night guess what I did ! I took my SECOND Vitamin A pill ! Hallelujah ! ( Sorry, HAD to tell you, even if it butted into your report about Bragg’s vinegar. ). Again, today is 11-8-2023. ❤️

  13. I’ve been doing 1-2 Tbsp daily of Bragg apple cider vinegar in an effort to follow through on being more healthy (watching your videos that taught me about ACV). I’m not apposed to switching brands at all, but confirm that Bragg is still good even if it isn’t the best. I’d hate to think I wasted all this time and effort…

    • Braggs is the best bro don’t be fooled….he made this exact same video comparing the same brands 2 years ago. He just released it again because it gets views. Use ur gut to determine what’s true or not

  14. At first I also drank Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, but I switched to making my own apple cider vinegar from fresh apples a long time ago. And my opinion is that the apple cider vinegar I make is by far much tastier, despite the fact that the process is of course not standardized, i.e. each batch turns out to be different. In fact, the taste even depends on how long it sits in the bottle after bottling before I drink it. Still, they’re all much tastier than Bragg!

    • I’ve made fruit vinegar before but not apple cider vinegar. Do you get that gluttonous (sp?) blob at the bottom of your jar when you make your apple cider vinegar? I wonder what Dr. Berg would say about that. Everyone else is saying it’s the mother. That’ll be interesting to hear his ideas.

    • @Terry Hall Yes, that is the mother. Usually it forms at the top. Sometimes, it sinks to the bottom, but not too often. When it becomes too big, I put it in the blender with the ACV and use it all together.

  15. This is very interesting! I’ve been buying Bragg’s but this past summer for the first time I made my own ACV and this disc formed at the bottom, just like in Kombucha making. Found out from Mary’s Nest yt channel that this disc is the actual mother (which is never in the bottled stuff).

  16. Lucy’s organic ACV is also another one to look for. Family owned, BPA free, unpasteurized, unfiltered with the actual mother.

    • It is bottled in plastic which is the main reason I wouldn’t buy it. If they change to glass and/or make smaller sizes in glass, I might.

  17. Great stuff Eric. Love your videos, knowledge and your way of communicating. That dry humour with sarcasm is something else.
    Anyway, we don’t seem to be able to get Fairchild’s here in the Ireland.
    If there’s a way for them to export to here – Ireland and UK would be great.
    Or, if you know of a brand that’s is available here that is top notch that would be good to know.
    Many thanks,

  18. Wow! You did NOT offend me..but I did believe the sludge at the bottom of my Bragg ACV WAS the “Mother”…as always you’re bringing us information we can all benefit from. Thank you Dr. Berg!

  19. I boycotted Bragg’s after hearing Katy Perry bought it and saw comments that it was watered down. I’ll look for Fairchild now. Thank you Dr. Berg for all your health advice 😊 I’m almost 61, pretty healthy and can’t remember the last time I went to the doctor. I’m not on any meds!

    • I did the same. Once I found out that she owns it, I instantly stopped buying it. It’s nice to hear about this brand of ACV. I’ll start purchasing this one.

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