What Would Happen if You Only Got 5 Hours of Sleep Per Night – NOT GOOD!

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There are huge consequences of not getting enough rest. Discover the top side effects of not enough sleep and how to sleep better.


Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Data coming soon!

Videos on Sleep Apnea:

0:00 Introduction: What happens when you don’t get enough sleep
1:33 Sleep benefits
1:45 Side effects of a lack of sleep
7:57 Side effects of sleep apnea
9:20 What to do for better sleep
12:25 Make sure you can always find unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter!

Let’s talk about what would happen if you went two weeks with less than five hours of sleep each night.

Getting seven to eight hours of sleep is the best way to support a healthy body. But many people aren’t getting enough quality sleep.

There are so many health benefits of sleep. This is when our bodies recover, burn fat, and detoxify the most.

Here are the top side effects of not getting enough sleep:
• Fatigue
• Mood changes
• Poor cognitive function (with memory, focus, concentration)
• Sympathetic hyperactivity
• An increased risk of cardiovascular problems, stroke, and diabetes
• Weight gain
• Fatty liver
• Immune system impairment
• Poor recovery from injury, stress, or exercise

If you have sleep apnea or you're a heavy snorer, you may experience an imbalance of oxygen and CO2, which can cause poor sleep.

Other potential severe side effects of sleep apnea can include:
• Brain atrophy
• Increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular incidents, stroke, and diabetes

There are many different natural things you can try for sleep apnea. Check out my other videos for more information.

What to do if you’re not getting enough sleep:
1. Take a nap
2. Keep you’re room cool (between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit) and leave your window open if possible
3. Try to keep the humidity in your room at 50%
4. Turn off all electronics in your room when you’re sleeping
5. Don’t overeat or undereat in the evening, and make sure to consume enough protein
6. Don’t eat too late in the evening
7. As it gets dark, start dimming the lights and avoiding blue light

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the side effects of not sleeping enough. I’ll see you in the next video.

64 responses to “What Would Happen if You Only Got 5 Hours of Sleep Per Night – NOT GOOD!”

  1. Being a carer for my 85 year old mum during the night.
    I confirm I get less than 2 hours of constant sleep a night 😭😭😭.

  2. What to do if you’re not getting enough sleep:
    1. Take a nap
    2. Keep you’re room cool (between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit) and leave your window open if possible
    3. Try to keep the humidity in your room at 50%
    4. Turn off all electronics in your room when you’re sleeping
    5. Don’t overeat or undereat in the evening, and make sure to consume enough protein
    6. Don’t eat too late in the evening
    7. As it gets dark, start dimming the lights and avoiding blue light

    Thank you Dr Berg! 🐱👍

  3. *Let’s just take a moment to appreciate how much time and work he put into this video?* *It’s amazing, and I think they deserve so much more than that*

  4. I knew a bloke that only slept 2 to 3 hours a night, which apparently his father did too.
    And although I can’t testify to his physical health as an outcome, he was one of the most (if not THE most) intelligent people I’ve ever met. He was a literal genius, and I could never understand how he coped with so little sleep 🤔

  5. Most nights I only get about 5 hours sleep, I probably get about 6 hours on average twice a week and a bit more a couple of times a month, which usually happened when I’ve had a couple of days when I’ve slept a bit less than 5 hours; about 2.5 years ago I went through some sleep hygiene courses and sleep therapy with a brain injuries team including a psychologist and occupational therapist and between us we worked out that 6 hours is the perfect amount of sleep for me and that it’s a myth that we all need about 8 hours. overthinking about your sleep is one of the worst things you can do because then you start thinking it’s making you feel fatigued and anxious and trigger those symptoms yourself.

  6. I have an overactive bladder so this is literally me almost every night 😅 I wake up after five hours (exact) after falling asleep, I do try going back to sleep but it’s a hit or miss

  7. Thank you, as always, Dr. Berg. Two or three nights a week, I fall aeep around 9, the wake up to pee at 3 AM. At that point, I’m widen awake. If I Don’t get back in bed, and go ahead and do my morning routine, I’ll have pretty steady energy levels throughout the day. However, if I go back to bed and fall back to sleep, I will get maybe two more hours of sleep, but I’ll feel so groggy and cranky for the rest of the day. I’ve been doing keto and OMAD (most days) for about 6 months now. Not sure how that factors in, but before I started living this way, my sleep wasn’t great either.

    • You sound just like me! I toss and turn all night and if I lay on my belly, now it’s pee time! Up and down all night.

    • Getting enough sleep is a real challenge. If I’m lucky, and my name has changed to Erasmus B. Draggin’, I can, sometimes, grab a catnap in the afternoon. Catnaps can be very refreshing.

    • add some good carbs like sweet potato or potato. your cortisol is probably overproducing due to a lack of carbs

  8. Dr Berg, thank you for this video. Between 2010 and 2015 I had less than 4 hours of sleep per night. I was in an abuse relationship with 2 non-sleeping babies. The stresslevels were non stop sky high. What happened was getting sick all the time, I got vitamine B,D and iron deficiencies and at one point my legs stopped working properly. My heart had a hard time and i got depressed. Ever since 2015 I have been recovering from this. And thanks to your videos and advice I love my life again. I am still stuck at 60% health, but am getting better every day. Now I understand what happened and why it happened. You have saved my life in more than one way. 😊 I know you will continue saving people with your great advice ❤

  9. Around 9 years ago I had around 2 months of 4 to 5 hours of daily sleep and I have suffered a lot from it. I do remember that there was a pain in my chest that comes and go, and I do remember having some hallucinations for the last few days.

  10. Dr. Berg, I get only 5 hours of sleep but during the afternoon I get a few 15-20 minute naps and I live a stress free life. And I feel fine and happy.

    • I would say add a couple of hours to your sleep, 💤💤💤 evening being the best time. You may think you are fine now, but over the years you might not be.
      Insufficient sleep also ages a person. Prematurely.

    • That’s ok, a lot of people sleep 5 hours including myself. If it’s actual 5 hours of sleep that is and not time in bed. I use a smartwatch to track my sleeping and it helps. The best way to understand how a good sleep works you need to first understand REM sleep cycles. This will change everything you know about sleeping.

  11. 0:00: 😴 Getting less than 5 hours of sleep for two weeks can have serious consequences on your health.
    2:53: 😴 Lack of sleep can negatively impact memory, focus, and concentration, leading to mood changes, behavior changes, and increased risk of alcohol use and suicide.
    5:12: ❗ Exercising at high intensity can put strain on the heart, leading to cardiovascular problems, stress, and increased risk of diabetes.
    7:50: 💤 Poor sleep recovery and sleep apnea can lead to lack of oxygen and increased CO2 levels, causing severe health problems.
    10:35: ! The video discusses the importance of avoiding excessive electromagnetic energy, eating the right quantity and quality of food, and not eating too late for better sleep.
    Recapped using TammyAI

  12. The amount of sleep a person needs varies among people. I am someone who has slept 5 hours, occasionally a little less and occasionally a little more for most of my life. My mother and father were both the same way. If I sleep 8 hours or even much over 6, I feel groggy the entire next day. Feel like a truck ran me over and lethargic.

  13. I’m down 38 pounds in the last nine weeks after changing my lifestyle. Ever since then my sleep has been amazing! I usually sleep between 7 to 8 hours a night but I wake up fully refreshed and ready to go. Compared to when I was eating unhealthy, I’d wake up 10 times or more and felt exhausted even after I “slept” 10 hours.

  14. I’m 75 years old and I worked for 52 years. I went on 3 to 5 hours sleep 6 days a week for the last 29 years. I woke up at 2:15 am every day. I’m still alive and well now sleeping 7 hrs a night.

  15. For 3 years I was working 90 hours+ a week with 4-5 hours of sleep a night.

    I felt great during the time, only to be followed by a 5-6 year long burn out. One day it all hit me and I started to sleep 12-16 hours per day. Only recently have I started to get back to a normal life.

    • @Art&Andrea No one could convince me otherwise at the time too, seeing as in the moment I did genuinely feel good and energetic.

      I’m not sure what you can do to make him sleep more.

      Good luck. 🙁

  16. I was 22 years in civil service. Had to work hours in the middle of the night and 12 hour shifts in the dead of winter. Absolute torture . Lack of sleep or trying to sleep in the middle of the day. This is what a corrupted society forces people to do. Today I make sure I get at least 7-8 hours sleep. I feel and look 20 years younger than I did while working.

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