New Study: You Need to MEGADOSE Collagen to Get Benefits

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35 responses to “New Study: You Need to MEGADOSE Collagen to Get Benefits”

  1. Siim: I’ve been looking into the manufacturing of Glycine powder and it seems it is produced with a base of acetic acid, acetic acid is largely derived from petrochemicals which doesn’t sound great from a longevity/health perspective. Any thoughts on this and do you know of any Glycine powders that aren’t derived from petrochemicals?

    I’ve stopped taking Glycine for now and upped my collagen intake (collagen powder does not appear to involve petrochemicals).

    • I looked it up and two ways of manufacturing glycine are: treatment of chloroacetic acid with ammonia and Strecker Synthesis via hydrolysis of a nitrile. The former method is the main way in US production. Does it automatically means the ends product is contaminated, you would have to do research and identify what are the residues found in the final product from each manufacturing process, and verification with lab testing.

      The other name for glycine is aminoacetic acid. Vinegar is mostly diluted acetic acid, which are naturally created through fermentation. Although this is different from synthetic acetic acid. A university study argue vinegar made from synthetic acetic acid have no adverse health effect, but it doesn’t look at potential residues from the manufacturing process.

  2. The work of Dr. Keith Baar shows that gelatin/collagen does improve tendon health and resilience.

    Also, you better eat a collagen rich diet along with these supps, because most of these powders are going to be very high in deuterium.

  3. If i’m aiming for 150g of protein per day, should i then get:

    120g + 30g collegen = 150g protein?


    150g + 30g collegen = 180g protein?

    • If you watched the video properly, you would have realised this question was answered. Collagen supplements do not go towards muscle protein synthesis, only collagen turnover. So, unfortunately, you can not count it towards your protein goal.

  4. I’m finding wushu is a great complimentary sport to using collagens. It seems to have built in knowledge about the whys and wherefores of what the body understands it needs innately, fibres, proteins and water, as well as the right kind of exercising. Not to discount other forms of exercise, as I also walk, run, cycle and do CV training, LI training, Intermittent training, weight training, knees over toes guy type training and breathing + meditations. “Use it or Lose it” seems to be the key saying for the development from taking collagens.

  5. I don’t understand when people say if you put collagen powder jn hot coffee it will destroy the collagen. So what does it turn into? ☕

  6. Does that mean while tendons are made out of collagen, whey protein can be as beneficial at healing tendons as collagen supplements are?

  7. Those of us in the U.S. and in North America can’t get the Noord Code collagen! Then what do you suggest Siim?

  8. Thanks Siim, you are my go to for reliable collagen information. I take it for my joints primarily, and for improved intestinal lining (I Hope).?

    • @@JonathanOvnat I was basing that off of what Thomas DeLauer said about collagen a few years back. He emphasized how good collagen is good for the gut lining. That’s what his whole video was about. That was a few years ago, I don’t know if he’s changed his mind about it.?..

  9. What is a good alternative if you can’t consume whey? I can’t tolerate casein. I’m always on the lookout. Appreciate suggestions!- can’t do pea protein, caused terrible dry heaving.😅

  10. I recently started taking collagen peptides powder, the same you showed in the thumbnail. It’s around €30 per month so I’m taking half the recommended daily dose to make it last longer. After seeing this video I think I won’t be buying it again after I finish it.

  11. the study here that shows the acute effects of a large dose of hydrolyzed collagen shows when WE (our technology) can see it. more importantly studies show consistently take it over time you will see a difference. thanks for sharing that around 10g a day is enough. I’ve been thinking about supplementing with it but collagen takes a long time to grow if at all depending on the person. its at least a 6 to 9 month commitment.
    the soy/collagen burn study is a bit ridiculous for many different reason, simply put soy/tofu ( i would never consume this regularly unless there no options) is a bad protein to start and its plant, collagen is animal protein.

  12. If the requirement of Glycine is 15g a day, then how is 10g collagen enough? Shouldn’t it be 50g collagen?

    • you synthesize 2g a day and get 2.5g from a healthy diet. that’s about 4.5-5g on it’s own. now add 9-10g of glycine.

  13. How about just taking 5 grams of Glycine amino acid. If you are eating well, you should get other amino acids from your food. This collagen peptide thing has got too many question marks. Especially their size not being small enough that the body can use it.

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