Shocking Truth: Dr. Berg’s 20-Year Cereal Obsession!

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Is cereal healthy? Let’s take a deeper look at cereal and how it affects your health.


0:00 Introduction: Is cereal bad for you?
1:05 A deeper look at cereal
3:15 Are whole grains healthy?
7:08 The problem with GMO
8:48 Cereal bars and breakfast bars
11:04 Other problems with cereal
11:38 What happens when you consume cereal
12:20 Get unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter

Let’s talk about what would happen if you added cereal to your breakfast every morning.

Years of consuming cereal can have serious impacts on your health.

Cereal contains hidden sugar, starch, and carbohydrates. Certain starches and carbohydrates can affect your blood sugar levels even more than sugar can.

Many people think cereal is healthy because it contains whole grains. However, sugar, combined with protein in whole grains, can lead to a myriad of health concerns.

Whole grains also contain gluten, and many people have either an allergy or intolerance to it. Phytic acid in whole grains blocks mineral absorption.

The synthetic vitamins in cereal are also completely different from vitamins in nature. Not to mention that the sugar in the cereal will nullify the effects of the synthetic vitamins.

Many types of cereal contain ingredients that are GMO, as well as artificial colorings and preservatives. Cereal is ultra-processed junk food.

Here are the top issues that can arise if you consume cereal for breakfast every day for just a month:
• Prediabetes
• Exhaustion
• Morning grogginess
• Irritability
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Arthritis
• Brain fog
• Weight gain
• Fatty liver

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Try cutting cereal out of your breakfast and see how you feel. I’ll see you in the next video.

68 responses to “Shocking Truth: Dr. Berg’s 20-Year Cereal Obsession!”

  1. Sharing Dr Berg notes:

    Cereal contains hidden sugar, starch, and carbohydrates. Certain starches and carbohydrates can affect your blood sugar levels even more than sugar can.
    Many people think cereal is healthy because it contains whole grains. However, sugar, combined with protein in whole grains, can lead to a myriad of health concerns.
    Whole grains also contain gluten, and many people have either an allergy or intolerance to it. Phytic acid in whole grains blocks mineral absorption.
    The synthetic vitamins in cereal are also completely different from vitamins in nature. Not to mention that the sugar in the cereal will nullify the effects of the synthetic vitamins.
    Many types of cereal contain ingredients that are GMO, as well as artificial colorings and preservatives. Cereal is ultra-processed junk food.

    Here are the top issues that can arise if you consume cereal for breakfast every day for just a month:
    • Prediabetes
    • Exhaustion
    • Morning grogginess
    • Irritability
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Arthritis
    • Brain fog
    • Weight gain
    • Fatty liver

    Thank you Dr Berg!

  2. i worked in a supermarket for 30 years , i remember for a while especially during the 80s and 90s , the cereal isle was referred to as a power isle because of the high turnover on stock levels. We had to keep a close eye on the stock because items quickly sold out and shelves were often left empty.

  3. I did a 70 hour fast and feeling fantastic, intermittent from now on too. Thank you dr, you have helped me alleviate my depression from which I was suffering from for over 13 years. I’ve lost over 5kg in a week and going strong. I hope you can comprehend the healing you provide. You’ve saved lives.. from the bottom of my heart.. thank you!

  4. Shared your video with someone who is retired and eats cereal every day and either is pre-diabetic or has diabetes. I have also shared information with same person about staying away from carbs. Hopefully, this video will help this person. I have known cereal to be bad for a long time, but this new information is very important. Not the same stuff as when I was young and it was the only meal given to me almost every day for breakfast.

    • Good luck! My older boomer friends refuse to watch videos like this, even though they see how much weight I’ve lost since going keto. They were raised on the fda food pyramid, and their doctors never talk about diet, putting them on countless medications instead. They’re all overweight, depressed, and have no energy. Same with their sick fat pets who live on pricey “prescription” foods, which have brewers rice and corn as the first ingredients. If a self proclaimed authority figure tells them to do something, they do it, no questions asked. It’s so frustrating!

  5. I always figured it was something to do with the added vitamins as generic cereals always made me feel the worst of all, on top of the vitamin D added to milk that is counterproductive to the claims in which it is added for(true for D from natural sunlight, but not supplements). Thank you Dr. Berg 👍

    • Tell that to the Inuit receiving nearly all of their vitamin D dietarily. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

    • @@DuncanL7979 do you really want to go there with me? Projection is bliss! The Inuit don’t have much choice, do they? Now, there are many reasons one might supplement with D, but why is D added to milk? To promote the absorbtion of calcium contained within. Does it actually do this or without severe consqeuences in the long run though? No and no. It’s not science’s fault the Inuit situation makes you think vitamin D supplements lead to healthy bones? Take it from an extreme low vitamin D patient who is also diabetic needing to watch out for kidney damage. I learned the hard way about vitamin D supplement’s interaction with calcium and concentrating it in the blood instead of bones where it needs to be, but I digress… 🤡🤯🤣

    • @@DuncanL7979 btw if I was Inuit I know for dang sure I would be using light therapy to supplement a vastly superior form of vitamin D than from diet. You’re welcome 🙂

    • There could well be a difference between the natural dietary vitamin D the Inuit get and that added to breakfast cereal.

  6. I loved this video, thank you! Im trying to re train my 7 year old and I’ve stopped all breakfast cereals because they are pretty much all disgusting and are not food.

    They are not helping her health or energy levels; especially when shes at school trying to learn. ❤Thank you !

    Its hard to get her to eat anything else.. I keep trying her with eggs but no luck yet.. just wants toast.. which I know is not great for her.

    Any videos what to feed fussy kids would be awesome and very helpful. If I made my bread from scratch and with betrer quality flour, would that be better than shop brought bread?

    • If you think the food is horrible, wait until you find out how toxic schools have become. Give it a few more years and they’ll try to convince your daughter to mutilate and sterilize herself so she can “live” her “own truth” as a Zipper T’d Not-a-Man.

    • @kazzaroo Perhaps a kefir smoothie with protein powder and fruit in it, but keep trying to get her to like eggs. Also try yogurt that doesn’t have all the sugar. Someone else might have some better ideas.

  7. I didn’t know that your body can’t really absorb vitamin C when sugar is present. Thanks for the tip of the day doc .

    • Fibre in Fruit slows down the sugar and better sources of Vitamin C exist than fruit…

      Broccoli is one such example.

    • @brainslugs8866 Just because @DuncanL7979 made a personal observation does not mean he’s nitpicking. It’s a legitimate thought. We all need to get as much knowledge as we can and think for ourselves. We’re not sheep.

  8. My sister and I were talking about this just the other day. We were raised on cereal, cup-a-soup and cookies. We did get some “real food” for dinner but it was not enough to make up for the junk food intake. I had most of my teeth pulled by the age of 4 because they were rotten. I have had poor health since I was a kid. I have been able to improve my health thanks to valuable information provided by this channel. Thank you Dr. Berg!

    • I was raised on puffs, cornflakes, red river, oatmeal, shredded wheat. The so called good ones. Never realized it was all sugar.

    • I was given soda, microwave dinners, fast food and Krispy Kreme donuts for many years of my childhood and continued into my adult life. A huge thanks to pain and Dr. Berg, I have been on a couple year long journey to gain my health. Was at 240 pounds in high school and had emotional waves all throughout my 20’s, now I am at 6 foot and 213 pounds with stable energy and less joint pain than since I was in my teens. These are only a couple examples to gaining my health, there are more benefits to taking Dr. Berg’s advise than I can ever think of. Again, if you read this Doctor, thank you for all you have done!

    • Same. I’m Dr. Berg’s age, and grew up on the cheapest processed junk imaginable. But that was the 1970s for you!

  9. i remember when about 10 years ago when total cereal was the big thing as the label had it as having 100% of all your nutrients, my chiro had explained that the vitamins were synthetic, this was also when i came across phytic acid and phytoestrogens

    • vitamin c or ascorbic acid is fake made in china out of cornstarch and sulphuric acid (Yum Yum) that’s what Dr Berg taught me anyway.

  10. Ate cereal every morning for decades, even GF cereal once I discovered I was gluten intolerant in my 40’s. Only after watching Dr. Berg describe the effects of consuming cereal did I realize that was the cause of my daily morning stomach upset. Stopped eating it and for the first time in my life, I am not experiencing any digestive issues.

    • Every type of grain has its on gluten. My friend has her biggest issues with rice gluten, the base of so many so called gluten free products.

  11. About the 7th grade, I realized I felt better not eating breakfast.
    With tv saying, breakfast was the most important meal of the day, I had adults that were not happy with me.
    It wasn’t for about 25 years that I realized breakfast is not a morning meal. It is breaking a fast. If I would’ve known this back then, I would’ve had a smarter answer.
    Thank you Dr. Berg for teaching this & all the good healthy info!

    • ​@@ferguson8143
      Breakfast is just a marketing term used to encourage consumption of cereals, breads, grains, etc. All do more harm than good!

    • As a parent of a child whose a picky eater, I tell my child to eat breakfast at school because he doesn’t eat lunch. I don’t want to force him, but I’m just very concerned about him getting hungry.

  12. I eat one meal a day as you suggested and I lost weight and I don’t require as much sleep also no brain fog and so on…. Thank you Dr. Berg for all you do with your videos 😊

  13. Great information! I was eating the breakfast bars you showed, i didn’t realize the amount of sugar in them! I used to eat the same cereals as you did but stopped eating cereal last year because of the junk. Keep up the good work Dr!

  14. In the US, every breakfast place at a hotel serves cereal to kids .
    I grew up eating cereal but realized late how bad they are.
    We need to create more awareness for health of our children

    • Not only in the US. Almost every all-inclusive hotel and resort in the world serve a variety of cereal.

    • It’s wild right, im currently living out here in VIetnam and its like America in teh 80’s when it comes to food
      I see these kids pounding so much food that really in it all is just sugar and processed sh**

      I work as a teacher, and all i see is fat Vietnaemse kids, every one is constantly tired, and ADHD is common play

  15. The way my mothers generation was brainwashed in the 1950’s and 60’s was sad. Just like Crisco was a con job targeted at overworked housewives looking for anything to make life easier, throwing sugary whole grain goodness with dyes and cartoon characters at 5 impatient kids did a similar thing. Ready in 2 minutes, clean up is a breeze, and kids are placated with sugars and processed carbs (for 30 minutes, until they could be shipped to school).

  16. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us, Dr Berg. I was also a big fan of cereals, pancakes and muffins for breakfast since I was a kid. Thankfully learning from you enjoying healthy meals and feeling better everyday 🙏🏻💕

  17. Thank you for sharing your own experiences and knowledge, Dr Berg. Love learning more from your videos. Your continuous advice is always much appreciated 🙏🏻

  18. Great video as always! You forgot to mention the industrial iron filings they add to cereal. You can even use a strong magnet to literally move the cereal and pick up the cereal in the bowl with the magnet.

  19. I had a cereal obsession for most of my life. It was one of my favorite food items, however knowing all these foods are essentially junk, I’ve completely dropped them from my diet. It’s been 1 year on a low carb keto-carnivore diet and I don’t miss any of this crap now. And yeah, I feel much better now than I ever did.

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