Gallbladder Removal (Surgery) – Vital Things to Know: MUST WATCH

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Learn about the functions of the gallbladder and find out what you can do if you’ve had yours removed.



0:00 Introduction: Gallbladder removal
0:28 Symptoms after gallbladder removal
1:27 Functions of the gallbladder
2:53 Functions of bile
5:04 What causes a bile deficiency?
7:04 Remedies for gallbladder removal symptoms

In this video, we’re going to talk about the side effects of gallbladder removal. You can live a long, healthy life without a gallbladder, but unfortunately, 40% of people who’ve had their gallbladder removed end up with persistent pain and symptoms for a year or more.

Some of the common symptoms associated with gallbladder removal include the following:
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Anal leakage
• Fullness under the right rib cage
• Right shoulder pain
• Collins’ sign pain

The gallbladder is an extension of the liver that holds and concentrates bile. Every time you eat, it contracts and releases bile into the small intestine. Bile begins to break down fat, allowing the pancreas to further break down fat by releasing an enzyme called lipase.

Bile is critical for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, and K, as well as essential fatty acids. Bile also helps you get rid of excess cholesterol.

A gallstone is a concentrated cholesterol stone that forms due to low bile. This is why bile salts are used as a remedy for gallstones.

If you’re low in bile salts, your liver will make more bile and cholesterol. Seventy-five percent of all the cholesterol in your body is made by your body. Only 25% of your cholesterol comes from the diet.

Here are some of the causes of bile deficiency:
• Estrogen (birth control pills, pregnancy)
• Stress
• Prednisone
• Diabetes
• High-carb diets
• High body weight
• Liver disease (fatty liver, cirrhosis, hepatitis)
• Low-fat diets
• PPIs
• Nutritional deficiencies
• Low melatonin

If you’ve had your gallbladder removed and you’re having symptoms, here are a few things that you can try:
•Gentle acupressure
•Bile salts after eating
•TUDCA for bile sludge
•Betaine hydrochloride to acidify the stomach
•Increase melatonin (infrared rays, improve sleep)
•Milk thistle, beets, dandelion greens, artichokes

If you have diarrhea, bile salts may worsen your problem. Follow a low-carb, moderate-fat, moderate-protein diet if you’re dealing with symptoms from gallbladder removal.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you address your symptoms naturally if you’ve had your gallbladder removed. I’ll see you in the next video.

52 responses to “Gallbladder Removal (Surgery) – Vital Things to Know: MUST WATCH”

  1. I’m beginning to believe Bile is the absolute KEY to health. Low Bile = Premature aging and alot of problems 😵‍💫

    • Premature ageing is caused by too much uncontrolled free radicals (ROS) and advanced glycation end-products (AGE).

    • Absolutely. Yet some doctors and surgeon will say otherwise. It’s so sad for them to fib to people, who needs help or better understanding.

      I can now stop explaining much to people and just send Dr. Berg’s, YouTube link(s) to families, friends & whatnot!!!

      Dr. Berg is absolutely phenomenal, I tell ya! No words can describe how much I adore him. Lol. 😂

    • @@Drberg helo sir im 25 Year old male my problim is Gallblader stone single 15mm no pain just symtoms dactor ask me go removie the gallblader….plz sir help me

  2. Andreas Mortiz’s protocol has been working wonders for me. 6 liver/gallbladder flushes later and thousands of stones removed from my hepatic bile ducts, and I won’t stop until they’re all gone. Haven’t had a gallstone attack since my 2nd liver/gallbladder flush.

  3. Absolutely .
    My mom had it removed , although skeptical as a biologist , and she suffered the consequences.
    After this she got colon cancer
    I lost her after a 9 , 5 years battle with the big dirty C..
    Part of me is lost with her..

  4. Gallbladder attacks were VERY painful for me. Anxiety of gall attacks while taking care of kids and a newborn… I went straight for the surgery. Wish I hadn’t, but it’s too late now. If only I’d found Dr. Berg sooner… 😅 Thanks Dr. BERG!!❤

  5. I had my gallbladder removed when I was 17. I’m 51 now and I know that a lot of my health issues started when I was younger. I was overweight and none of the doctors ever told me I needed to do anything about losing my gallbladder except don’t eat fried food. Now I’m taking your gallbladder formula and have had less issues. Thank you for always explaining things so thoroughly Dr. Berg!

  6. At 25 years old,I kept on having stomach pains,the doctor sent me to a specialist…He told it was my goal bladder and to remove it a it was not needed….
    Thank you for this video…nearing 60 and my health has gone from bad to worse….and I have high cholesterol….

  7. Struggled with gall bladder attacks and stopped all dairy and artificial sweeteners. Watched all fatty oils closely. …found I can consume “organic” dairy without having an attack. Also was able to consume “organic” beef, without having an attack. Vinegar and fresh squeezed lemon is part of every day meal planning. I can not tolerate fast food. Which is kinda sad, as I miss the idea of a breakfast sandwich and hash browns, but two bites in…and I already feel the warning signals. I need to keep my gall bladder for a future time when the hospital needs a reason to take me in.

    • Flush formula: 3 days
      Eve prior: 1/2 cup extra Virginia olive oil, 1/2 cup apple juice
      Day 1:
      Morning 1/2 c Xtra Virgin olive oil. 1/2 c apple juice
      Midday 1/2 c corn oil, 1/2 c tomato juice
      Evening 1/2 c Xtra Virginia olive oil, 1/2 c apple juice
      Repeat Day 2, Day 3
      BETWEEN EACH COCKTAIL every hour on the hour 1/2 c apple juice, 1/2 c distilled water….

  8. One of the best explanations I’ve heard since having mine out 3 years ago. I’ve never been overweight and always been active, so when they told me (after an attack) I don’t fit the profile and I needed it out, I was surprised. I may have thought twice if I had this information at hand. Thank you!

  9. I had my gallbladder removed because it stopped working after long term steroid use after an accident, however, I did not have any stones. Before the accident I had an ultrasound and my liver was nice and healthy. 6 months after, I had non alcoholic fatty liver disease. I am now on a carnivore diet and basically clearing out my system and I feel fantastic. Thank you for sharing this information.

  10. This explains so much, I have those symptoms and they were DEFINITELY not explained to me when I had mine removed.

  11. Thank you Dr. Berg for this invaluable info! I’ve had my gallbladder removed with eight stones 20 years ago. After the operation I was back in hospital a week later due to complications, as I had been on the NHS waiting list for four years to get it removed. The many cholic attacks were very painful. It took me many years to understand what I could or couldn’t eat. As you mentioned what helped me is a low carb diet, everything in moderation, and I stopped drinking alcohol.

  12. Thank you for this info. I know a lot of people who have had their gall bladders removed and were never told any of this. It’s sad that the medical community keeps secrets. We need more doctors like you.

  13. So glad I cancelled my surgery 25 years ago!! I drank 2 cups of olive oil every night for 3 nights, slept on my side with my arm above my head. To remove sludge….it worked!! Old wise neighbour told me to try it..

  14. Wish I’d never had gall bladder removed- docs did tests and said it was low functioning-must come out. Surgeon got the gall bladder and also “accidentally” totally severed my main bile duct! This was not detected until almost a week later (duct had a clip on the severed end or I likely would not be here). Long, expensive road to recovery after many more tests and procedures plus major surgery to build a work around for the bile duct function. Praise God we have better ready access these days to this kind of information to help make better health decisions. Thanks so much for posting helpful info 🎉

  15. The fact that we get free medical videos from Doctor Berg on YouTube is priceless.., keeping the education and knowledge alive. 🙏🙏🙏

    • @@Drberg Yea, thank you so much Dr. Berg! Your information you share has been life changing to me. I lost 150 pounds in a year following a lot of your videos. I love your supplements and feel good taking them every day!

  16. My daughter developed IBS and panic attacks after her gull bladder was removed at the age of 14. It just stopped working out of the blue, no rhyme or reason. She was on Paxil for about a year, but didn’t want to take it anymore. She also developed (discovered maybe) that she has a gluten and lactose allergy. She suffered a lot in her teen years until she finally got a handle on it with digestive enzymes and watching her diet. Thank the Lord she’s doing much better now. Prayers to those who are dealing with these issues!

    • Can you please elaborate what did she correct in her diet? I hv the same condition for the last many years after surgery

  17. I had two gallstone attacks fairly close together and the medical system basically railroaded me towards surgery. The first actual doctor I spoke to was the surgeon for the appointment to go over surgery and set a date for it. It didn’t feel right and I wanted another opinion so I talked to a family friend who was a doctor. He recommended diet change. I decided to change my diet and hope for the best, understanding that I would probably still have gallstone attacks from time to time. For general health I wish I could say I went carnivore or keto and never looked back but one thing I did change permanently was I stopped eating ice cream and drinking soda. The diet changes were focused on losing weight, and also not eating things that were overloading my system with a ton of fat to digest all at one time. Ice cream consumption preceded both of the gallstone attacks, so that’s why that food was specifically targeted first and foremost. That was about a decade ago and no gallstone attacks since then. I still expect to eventually have more stones but wanted to let people know that talking to a doctor about diet changes helped me to avoid surgery.

  18. I had a golf ball-sized stone and excessive, frequently recurring pain. They said it had to be removed. After surgery, I had pain, kept waking up all night asking for pain killer, and my roommate ate my breakfast because I couldn’t. Doctors told me to watch fats after removal. Wish I had known what you have revealed, Doc Still, thank you.

  19. Husband had GB attacks – very painful, crippling. First attack, the hospital gave him pain killer ( he gets very sick on that , but told him what problem was. He went back a week later for another attack. They left him in the hall vomiting from pain because they figured he just wanted to abuse the pain killer situation- even though they knew what pain it was from . Just said he needed to line up the surgery. Where is the empathy in the medical system ? He did get it done . Thanks a lot !! Oh and the drain tube ? The nurse said “ sorry this is going to hurt” as she literally yanked that tube out of his side ! That was in Whiting Indiana. Very bad hospital

  20. They called me after a ultrasound sound to schedule a surgery. No consultation what so ever. I have jumped into high gear to clean my liver and take bile salts to reduce the gall stones… hope this works. Writing this before watching the video.

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