Aneurysms: The Silent Killer

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Aneurysms can cause a stroke or even death. Learn about some common causes of aneurysms and how to prevent them.

0:00 Introduction
0:54 Types of aneurysms
1:52 Aneurysm causes
4:36 Preventing aneurysms

In this video, we’re going to talk about aneurysms. There are typically no early aneurysm symptoms or signs, so they often occur without warning.

An aneurysm is a bulging dilation of the vascular system. There are no symptoms until it ruptures, leading to a hole in the artery. If this occurs in the brain, it’s known as a brain aneurysm, which can cause a stroke.

Aneurysms can occur in the brain (brain aneurysm, intracranial aneurysm, cerebral aneurysm), around the heart and aorta (aortic aneurysm), in the kidney, and in other areas of the body. The thumb-to-palm test can indicate if you are at a higher risk of an aneurysm.

Some common aneurysm causes include the following:
•Smoking (4x greater risk)
•Chronic alcohol use
•High sugar intake
•Seed oil consumption
•Dental bacteria

Anything that causes chronic inflammation or oxidation can weaken your arterial system and contribute to an aneurysm.

Consider any related health concerns to prevent aneurysms and support blood vessel health. If you have high blood pressure, increase your potassium, magnesium, and vitamin D intake. A low-carb diet can also help lower your blood pressure.

Sometimes, a copper deficiency can cause an aneurysm. Copper is necessary to help your body build collagen.

Here are a few other ways to prevent aneurysms:
• Avoid inflammatory foods
• Consume antioxidants
• Consume foods with omega-3s
• Increase vitamin D
• Exercise regularly

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the most common causes of aneurysms so that you can prevent them. I’ll see you in the next video.

63 responses to “Aneurysms: The Silent Killer”

    • No need to “Worry” about ! You need to worry more about the side effects after having those unnecessary synthetic supplements from thess “Gurus.”

    • Don’t live life in fear. Knowledge is power. In my experience, it could help someone or save someone else’s life. ❤

    • 😅 Was thinking the same thing.

      “I probably shouldn’t watch this”

      “My thumb does extend like that…”

  1. I found out that I have an internal carotid artery unruptured aneurysm behind my left eye in 2022. My neurosurgeon said don’t smoke and keep blood pressure down. I had a droopy left eye lid for a few years before finding out so that’s a sign. Thank you for this video.

    • droopy eye lids is not necessarily a sign. its called a “lazy eye” though it is not your eye…go figure. ive had that all of my life and you can see it in photos or if im really tired…im not a doctor, but i did sleep in a holiday inn last night.

    • I know it can be other things but a lot of people in my aneurysm group also have a droopy eye so it is a sign.

    • Good info! “The More We Know” Thanks for sharing that! Glad to hear you were able to catch it early!

    • @@jhinchey5120 a room of droopy eyed people in a small room in a circle, drinking coffee…now that is comedy!

    • Not funny at all if you have one. Mine is an ophthalmic aneurysm. 1 in 50 people have an aneurysm.

  2. My wife woke up suffering from the worst headache she’d ever had… Against advice she didn’t go to the ER and pounded a few ibuprofen… 6 pm that day she was gone…

  3. I’ve had 2 brain aneurysms operated on – cranial surgery + endo vascular to clip + coil.
    Found out through post coital fainting.
    I have to be very careful with lots of things but hey I’m still here + LoveLife.

    One thing I don’t agree with in your video is the exercise component – you shouldn’t raise your heartbeat.
    I do QiGong, meditation, gardening + walking.
    Most people die of brain aneurysms so I’m very Lucky + Blessed !

    • Thanks for the comment. But heart rate part I don’t understand. While doing exercise it will go up only no?

    • Well the thing with exercise is that it doesn’t constrict your blood vessels so you’re getting enough oxygen in your blood/ body I think exercise is good as long as you don’t have the immediate headache symptoms etc.

    • @@ProdNapoleon oh. Is it so? Whenever I do cardio I get mild headache 😩. That means I have some problem? Thanks for your reply.

    • ​@@parimalaanbalagan9549the person is doing very low impact exercises. It will raise the heart rate, but minimally. Tai chi is another great low impact exercise.

    • @@parimalaanbalagan9549 no I would get it checked out however you could be dehydrated. But yes I would definitely get that checked out it could be anything.

  4. My brother had an aneurism burst in his right frontal lobe when he was just under forty. He survived with brain damage. Losing the right frontal lobe changed his personality. All the medication did all kinds of damage. I wish I’d known then what I’ve learned since that time of his life. He was a great, beautiful person.
    Please keep educating❣🙏🏻👏

    • Even if what they see is partially true they are only witnessing early stages of the bardo, so we still have no idea what’s beyond that unless there is any truth in the Tibetan book of the dead. It’s all speculation unless you can somehow metaphysically witness what happens further after immediate death. Buddhism claims to have done this through deep meditative states… but even if there is some truth to their testimony, we still wouldn’t know how much of it us true.

  5. My grandmother had a stroke and an aneurysm at the same time and lived for 20 years after. She was in bad shape but she lived

  6. Food is the reason, for all kinds of health related problems, and solutions as well. Whatever goes inside the body can either harm it, or help it !

  7. When I was a kid, the little girl I played with when I visited my grandmother in the summer died of an aneurysm. She was at the river with her siblings, jumped from a rope swing into the water, and apparently was dead before she hit.

  8. My grandmother had a triple aneurysm. One burst before she got to the hospital. She went through therapy after surgery and ended up living another 20+ years.

  9. My mom had a brain aneurysm back in 2006. I was 26 at the time I will never forget that day. I was talking to her I was off from work that day which I was never off from work on the weekend. When I was talking to her she said I’m having the worse headache ever and she put her head down with her hand on her forehead. I was still talking to her but she wasn’t answering me. I called her name I got down on the floor to look at her because she had her head down so I couldn’t see her face, and her eyes were wide opened and she has a glossy stare. I called the ambulance and she ended up being in the hospital for a month. She was paralyzed on one side, but with therapy but she was able regain strength to be able to move that side. It was just me, my mom and my daughter at home that day and had I been at work my mom would have died. My mom was a heavy smoker and smoked since I been alive all the way up until she had the aneurysm so I always thought that the smoking caused it. If she has a headache she’s going to the hospital because she said since the aneurysm she hasn’t had any headaches and she hasn’t smoked any cigarettes since.

  10. My thumb can spread beyond the palm edge, but I was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm in 2005. Nearly 20 yrs later my latest MRI showed no change still the same size 3.5mm, too small to consider surgery. I have learnt to ignore the fact that I have one and go with the flow of life. I keep my blood pressure in check and look after myself and if I ever get the ‘worst headache’ of my life I even know which hospital to go and so do all my family members. I don’t stress over it because my philosophy of life is when it’s your turn to go, you go, and prevention and monitoring is better than cure!

  11. My thumb cannot extend beyond the palm edge.I don’t smoke,drink and do not consume seed oils Thank you so much Doctor.

  12. My biggest fear. I have a coworker who I was sitting right beside in a meeting, and she suddenly plopped down out of nowhere and started “snoring.” I thought she just fell asleep, apparently she had an aneurysm. We had to call 911. Thankfully she survived. This is one of my biggest fears.

  13. Back in high school, i remember my friend’s mom suddenly pass away. My friend went to school the very next day, crying nonstop. She had told us that her mom passed away from an aneurysm. She said her mom had this most painful headache, so her mom decided to lay down for a bit. My friend’s last words to her mom was, “mom what’s for dinner?” Not knowing her mom would pass away hours later. They did eventually rush her mom to the hospital, but it was already too late. Sadly, she lost her mom that very night. I will never forget it. This happened 8 years ago..i hope she’s doing fine now.

  14. My wife died many years ago from a cerebral aneurysm. She was 40 years, never smoked, drank minimal alcohol, was not overweight, ate a balanced diet and took regular exercise. She had been off colour with some headaches. She saw the doctor (who said she just had a virus) 3 days before the aneurysm burst leading to brain hemorrhage. The paramedics were there within minutes but it was too late then although she had 4 days on life support.
    I believe there is also a genetic aspect to predisposition to aneurysms.

  15. Our neighbor had the most beautiful, sweet and vivacious wife. They went out shopping for presents a week before Christmas. When they came home she had been complaining of a bad headache, went to change her clothes, the husband heard her say, “oh!” And she fell over on the bed dead! She had had an aneurysm in her brain. She was only 40 years old. I’ll never forget her kind, sweet smile. I felt so bad for their family that she passed right before Christmas 😢

  16. My thumb extends to the edge of my hand. Age 63. I had an anuerism two years ago, passed out cold. Woke up on the floor, crawled to my phone, got in an ambulance, became conscious a couple days later in the ICU with a drain and a titanium web in my head. Complete recovery and no neurological issues now. Very lucky and haven’t had a “bad day” since! Glad to hear of some preventative items Doctor Berg, thank you so much! 👍

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