The BIGGEST LIE About Food

Time To Stop Struggling With Keto! You Can Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Keep Mental Clarity & Energy & Stay In A Fat Destroying State Of Ketosis, Even On Cheat Days!

Introducing elixcel The easy 2 per day capsule designed to keep you in fat-burning ketosis even when you cheat. 


I’m sure you’ve heard that lard, butter, and red meat are bad for you, but what’s the truth? Find out about the biggest lie about food.

0:00 Introduction: The biggest lie about food
0:25 What is cholesterol?
0:44 What is saturated fat?
1:46 Dietary cholesterol
2:55 The truth about cholesterol

Let's talk about the truth about saturated fat and cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a type of fat made by the liver that's used to make cell membranes, hormones, and vitamin D.

Saturated fat is a type of fat that stays solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fat is liquid at room temperature. Coconut oil is 87% saturated fat, and lard is 47% saturated fat.

Dietary cholesterol has little effect on total cholesterol. Your body makes about 80% of your cholesterol. If you consume more cholesterol, your body will make less. If you consume less cholesterol, your body will make more.

It's okay to consume steak, lard, and butter. Cholesterol is only bad when combined with things like sugar, smoking, trans fats, and seed oils.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness of the truth about cholesterol and saturated fat. I’ll see you in the next video.

71 responses to “The BIGGEST LIE About Food”

  1. Dear Dr Berg. You responded to a comment of mine about glaucoma and for that I am greatful. There is a twist in the tale. I had a second and 3rd opinion. Turns out I do not have glaucoma but a membrane growing under the artificial lens. It was treated with laser surgery and now I am OK. Thank you for your channel and the encouragement to seek alternative medicine. GT

    • This membrane under the ‘artificial lens’…was that from cataract surgery? I know in Europe the lens that they replace after cataract surgery allows UV light in but in the States the fake lens disallow UV light to enter the eyes.

    • Yes, my jar of coconut oil occasionally liquifies here in NW England between May and August due to the odd “heatwave”………

    • Pure coconut nut oil has a low melting point, so depending on the room’s temperature it can be a liquid or a solid.
      Some olive oil congeals at temperatures less than about 50°. But it quickly melts at a higher temperature. My pantry temperature can vary widely from about 45° to about 100°. So depending on the time of year, oils can become very hard, or thick.

    • It is in Florida too…from the heat. So does that make it a bad fat? I don’t think so.

  2. Wonderful to know all this, Dr Berg! Enjoying butter and beef tallow for cooking. Thank you ❤🍳🧈

    • Propably even more. When i started keto about 15 months ago, i was shocked how little things there is on large hyper markets “food section”. Second thing is that i live in Finland and we have better and healthier groceries than in US markets have.

  3. Mic drop. Nailed the cholesterol myth in a few minutes. The pharma industry has created a $30+ billion industry of statin/related drugs. We have been lied to.

  4. Good stuff Doc! Although few will believe it and continue going with the lies promoted everyday by their corporate handlers.

  5. Same with “Vit D toxicity” and “dangerous sun exposure”. Everything is fitting and making sense. No wonder there are so many health problems 🤡🤑💊

  6. Mono-saturated fats are healthy. Poly-unsaturated (PUF’s) not so much. This is the fat that oxidizes in the body causing inflammation and cellular damage.

  7. Great video. During the U.S. Depression in the 1930s-40s, margarine was substitited for butter (which was rationed). It came white with a coloring pill you mixed to make it look like butter. My father ABSOLUTELY REFUSED to eat it, and ALWAYS used lard as a spread & to cook with. MOM’S pie crusts were epic, made with lard. Looks like he was right.

    • I remember my grandmother saying during the depression they were so fortunate that they always had butter; the things we take for granted.

    • My grandparents were the same, they wouldn’t touch margarine. They ate lard and butter. Live into their 90’s.

    • To HELL with margarine; even FLIES don’t like it. It’s closer to plastic than actual food.

    • My grandmother said that during World War II, she lived up in Canada by the East Coast. When a ship sunk the people would go to the shore and gather the lard that floated from the ships. They would take the lard home and make French fries. She was healthy physically and mentally into her late 90’s.

    • Yup. I’m old enouth to remember, as a wee lad, mom mixing “oleo margarine” from its two components. Sadly, our family bought in to the butter-is-bad hypothesis. To my regret, I consumed margarine and other butter substitutes much of my life. Only in recent years have I returned to butter.

  8. Blessed be Sir. What we have intuitively known, judging on the aggression of the pharma industry and their “journalists”.

  9. I think another problem is the amount we eat even if the food is healthy. We were not meant to gorge ourselves food and that includes stuffing ourselves with healthy grass fed beef and organic fruits and vegetables.

    • You’re correct, too much of anything, including good things, can be bad for us. That’s why I try to watch what I eat, how much, and how often. Intermittent fasting can do wonders, too. ☺️

    • @@denisegaylord382 I am still stuck at the how much to eat during IF…Some say we should just take our daily caloric need and divide it between the meals..Others say that you should divide your daily calories into 3 meals (3×500 =1500) – so on 18/6 you would only eat 2 meals which would come down to 1000 cal a day….500 cal in the form of veg, meat still means that you have to eat a lot…So please tell me how do you do it? I am insulin resistant and tried carnivore (but can’t thus needs fiber) – eating high volumes of food just triggers hunger for me…I am lost😆

    • ​@@chanjo1301drink tea 3 times a day. Tea increases metabolism kills the hunger pangs. Whenever I feel hungry i drink a cup of tea and i dont feel.hungry anymore .

  10. Let’s not forget that they decreased the guideline values for cholesterol throughout the years… They don’t us to be healthy

  11. I have family that are vegetarian/vegan. They refuse to eat dairy or meat or butter.. they think I eat unhealthy because I eat a lot of meat and full fat food items. But they’re the ones believing lies and who are unhealthy. Makes me so mad!!

    • Being worried or stressed is bad for health. If you want to prove your point being mad Will not help.

    • @@OliverTopp-gc9pc Vegetarians have twice as many allergies as big meat-eaters do (30.6% to 16.7%) and they showed 166% higher cancer rates (4.8% to 1.8%). Moreover, the scientists found that vegans had a 150% higher rate of heart attacks (1.5% to 0.6%). In total, the scientists looked at 18 different chronic illnesses. Compared to the big meat-eaters, vegetarians were hit harder in 14 of the 18 illnesses (78%) which included asthma, diabetes, migraines and osteoporosis. About70% are mentally ill, but it’s not clear whether it’s a symptom or a cause. University of Graz Study.

  12. Cholesterol protects all the organs🎉
    Stopped taking statins two years ago – never felt better! Plus, I was only ever on the ‘cusp’ never should’ve been put on statins.
    Matter of fact – my endocrine stated my “good cholesterol”was 190, & my “bad cholesterol” was the lesser = 299. He stated because my good cholesterol was much higher than the bad, & statins would not be necessary.
    That was almost 20 years ago.
    Than a regular GP came along, & put me on statins.
    I’m gonna go ahead, & listen to my retired endocrine.
    I miss him💔 – he was one of the good ones!
    He was my endocrinologist for my hyper/hypo thyroid, since I was 19, & up until I was almost 40. Can’t find anyone to replace him.?! What a strange world we live in….

  13. BIG THANKS to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, for explaining cholesterol sulfate and vitamin D, from sun exposure! Whole Body Healing With Jen, for teaching about how to heal with high fat dieting, and also, thanks to another great health coach, Rebekah Heishman, who also appreciates the benefits of grass-fed lamb meats! ❤ Have a great day, everyone, and much appreciated, Dr. Berg! 🙂

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