World’s Oldest Bodybuilder – 104 Years Old – Manohar Aich

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35 responses to “World’s Oldest Bodybuilder – 104 Years Old – Manohar Aich”

  1. Mr Olympia wasn’t around in the 50’s it started in the 70’s.A 4’11 body builder can put on more muscle then a 6 ft 2 inch.Overall it’s up there with Jack Lalane.Great story otherwise.

  2. Tall Heights Still Neutral Effect On Mortality
    Cause That Person Have Also Happiness And Wellbeing Of Tall Height

  3. I live close to a senior center and senior apartments, the majority of the seniors I see are not skinny and frail they’re overweight chubby and fat,
    This can’t be good for older age either, if being fat and overweight is not good when you’re young why would it be good when you’re older?
    I saw registered dietitian last year and she straight up told me that by the time I’m 60 I’m supposed to be fat because somehow that’s supposed to protect me??? I told her No I disagree I think it’s better to be strong and have muscle when we’re older and younger actually , but I guess her old school dietitian books tell her that people are supposed to be fat, fat doesn’t protect you at any age, yes we need a little bit of body fat but that’s it

    • You want muscle, bone density, and fat. Not obese. 24% is actually the lowest all-cause mortality. Over 25% is officially obese. That 24% might be distorted by wasting diseases. But that still may be a valid reason, as things like cancer are not rare. Having a bit of energy store is good, to help you survive chemo or other treatments. My mom is in the hospital, from a heart attack. She went in at 145.6 lb 33.2% (I know because I weighed her just a few days before with my body comp scale) and her weight is now 110 lb. If she had been trim, she might not have survived the loss of 35 lb. They just don’t give you the protein you need, or you don’t have the appetite for it (she likes my cooking and hates the hospital food). Sarcopenia can happen fast. Your body will eat the muscle if you run low on fat. Usually it burns 2/3 fat, 1/3 muscle when wasting, until you are out of fat. It might even be one of the reasons women outlive men. They have more fat to cushion illness. We know they survive frailness better. This may be why.
      If you are not going to die of heart disease, cancer, or an infection, maybe being thinner is preferable in old age. But these are biggies, taking out large swathes of people.
      Also, consider that having more fat means you are heavier, if you are heavier but still active, your muscles have to do more work to move you around and those muscles will be larger on average.

    • @@ChessMasterNate but what if you don’t want to survive? What if you want to just go? I’ve put in my medical paperwork that I don’t want treatment I don’t want to be hooked up to a machine I don’t want anything if something happens to me I want them to just let me go I don’t want to survive I just want to go, but either way having extra body fat to the point where you feel unattractive is not ideal when it’s better to have muscle and just the right amount of body fat that you need for health but not so much that it sticks out in places that make you unhappy with your body

    • @@daysoftheboo I can’t see any reason you can’t be reasonably trim while young, and less likely to end up in a hospital. I said elsewhere that I think 14-17% looks good to me (for males), and capable of withstanding some turmoil like being caught in bad weather, falling into the ocean and have to tread water for a day, or stranded and have to trek 50 miles with next to nothing. And would you refuse to go to emergency if you got bit several times deeply by a cat? I was bitten. Ended up in the hospital for 3 or 4 days. Without antibiotics, I would likely be dead. “Do not resuscitate” is just not brilliant unless you are brain-dead, or truly in horrendous shape and never likely to recover.
      My sister used to say this stuff. She wants to be dead if she can’t use her legs. Will reality correct her sanity? Will she see that it is good to fight to live for her grandchildren?
      I think this stems from ageism, bias against the handicapped…and a delusion that we are self-sufficient. I enjoy interacting with elderly people. Yes, it is sad when the mind begins to go. And when they are in pain, it can be difficult. Human life is sacred, and if you look hard enough you can find reasons to live, things to enjoy.

    • @@ChessMasterNate I kind of understand what the registered dietitian meant , she meant be fat in case you end up in the hospital and you can’t eat, but that’s a stupid reason to make yourself fat when you’re old, I’m sorry but there’s no benefit to carrying extra body fat it’s unattractive it weighs you down
      No matter what the body positive movement claims and the registered dietitian was overweight herself,
      Times are changing now there’s times are changing , people are starting to realize it’s not set in stone that you have to be fat week overweight when you’re old
      You can be strong lean and muscular but it does take a lot of work and that’s fine the work is worth it, if I don’t want to be fat overweight sloppy now I don’t want to be fat overweight sloppy later either, I want to be happy in my skin
      It does a disservice to tell older people that they have to be fat overweight just so they can have body fat to eat in case they end up in the hospital

    • @@ChessMasterNate the last stuff you said was creepy to me, I’m sorry but I find it creepy, I’m creeped out by people who think the way you do
      There’s nothing adorable about suffering and people should have the right to opt out if they so choose

  4. What about dietary curry/curcumin/turmeric, an anti-inflammatory spice widely used in Indian food?

    • But most indian already eat that so it doesn’t correlate since indian average lifespan is not that high

  5. Turns out if you stay natty your whole life, but still lift heavy. You will be around a long time. Actually, I know his story abit. It seems he was basicly a pescatarian. Ate the tradiational Indian diet at that time. Just fruit, veggies, currys and some fish. But also fasted alot, ekadashi. Which is also a Indian tradition.

    • Today per capita rate of type 2 diabetes in India is almost as bad as in the U.S. The Indians are now on the junk food tradition.

  6. I think being short protected him. Most long living people are short. His lack of (cell) growth and body mass maybe protected him from the anabolic diet and lifestyle

  7. Steroids were developed by the Germans and go back to the Berlin Olympics of the 1930’s. It is clear from Manohar’s traps standing up that he was juicing but no doubt much less than those of the latter eras. Being small and maintaining a physically active lifestyle throughout his life were very positive factors whereas most bodybuilders put on way too much mass. It is very rare for people over a hundred to have done any systematic exercise program but normally just go about their daily routine.

    • @@HocDolliday As as a well known competitive bodybuilder they had access to them. It is evident by the usual signs on the physique. The shoulder area through the traps has a heavy concentration of androgen receptors that are always the first sign as well as the shrink wrapping due to subcutaneous fat loss.

  8. Hey siim could you do a video about fructose I heard that it’s speeds up aging more than other forms of sugar. So this means fruit is bad right? Fruit speeds up the aging process and causes glycation.

  9. The oldest person in the US died the other day at 110. He was a vegetarian. His wife lived to 103 and was also a vegetarian. They never drank bottled water, never ate processed food, and walked everyday. I see a lot of centenarians say they had always been vegetarian and never consumed a lot of protein.

  10. I recently just found your channel. I know you wrote in a comment reply that you feel you got more traction after leaving out the funny edits. But after binge watching a lot of your videos I gotta say the older ones were really funny 🙂

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