Vitamin K2 and Plaque Removal: What’s the Optimal Dose

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41 responses to “Vitamin K2 and Plaque Removal: What’s the Optimal Dose”

    • 1000 K1 1000 K2 mk4 and 200 of K2 mk7 and you fill like GOD beacuse MK7 is most like scam check japan scientist they talking always K2 MK4 not 7

    • Bruh, look up the Jarlsberg study, a Norwegian cheese that contain not only MK7 but also longer chained K2.

    • Vitamin K2 is produced by bacteria in the body and therefore we do not have to consume it.
      Answer my comments to the previous video.

    • Vitamin K2 is produced by bacteria in the body and therefore we do not have to consume it.
      Respond to my comments to the previous video.

  1. Ford Brewer stresses that the calcium in arterial plaque hardens and stabilizes it. Does the action of K2 to remove the calcium destabilize it?

  2. You said that Vitamin K2 has anti- coagulation properties. However, one of the functions of Vitamin K1 is to aid coagulation. So K1 and K2 have functions that oppose each other? That doesn’t sound correct to me.

    • I think he meant coagulation properties. People on warfarin are cautioned against taking both k1 and k2 because of coagulation properties. Many people have stated that k2 does not increase coagulation, but it did in people in taking warfarin.

  3. I am taking 200 micrograms of K2 MK7 daily. It says on the box that this is 267% of the recommended daily dose.

    • I’d read that it was “high in K2” but just reviewed, and the article I found said it has 2.75mcg per half cup. That’s a lot of sauerkraut and not much K2, IMO.

      PS: It’s still good for vitamin C and gut health, though.

    • Sauerkraut has to be fermented. If it’s just the stuff in a can or non refridgerated jar it’s just k1. Big difference. Most sauerkraut is not fermented. It’s just soaked in vinegar.

  4. It took me a month to be able to stomach natto and my wife still gets angry at me every time I or my daughter (who I raised from a toddler eating it) prepare it in the house. To someone who hasn’t become used to it it tastes and smells rotten.

    • I eat tempeh. There are only two brands that I have access to. One of the brands is edible and has no smell. Natto and tempeh both contain vitamin K2, with natto containing 40 micrograms per cup compared to 32 micrograms per cup of tempeh. Go with tempeh and avoid divorce

  5. Great video Siim 🙂 That’s why I love to add Natto and K2 into my supplement formulas. Great stuff

  6. I eat k1 and K2 foods. When I independently looked at K2 studies, I recall many studies showing no benefit with respect to calcification for supplements

  7. When I started taking K2, my calcium score was “4” and I was bummed that it wasn’t “0.” I took the same test two years later and scored a “0.” That’s not supposed to happen, I’m told, but it could also be up the the interpretation of the the person who read the scan.

    PS: I also wildly improved my diet, bringing it down to nearly zero carb (keto, for three years) and did a lot of fasting, losing 100+ pounds.

  8. Is K2 Mk4 better? It’s the only form that crosses the placenta and apparently mk7 stays in the blood stream longer because it’s not being absorbed.

  9. Calcification is not the problem. Plaque is the problem. Uncalcified plaque is more dangerous the calcified plaque.

    • yeah, calcification is actually good, it’s the way our bodies protect us from accumulated plaque. like filling a nuclear reactor with concrete. reducing calcification per se will only increase the risks, since almost all cardiovascular events are associated with non-calcified plaque. instead, we should be focusing on fixing our lipid panel to prevent plaque accumulation in the first place. with modern statins and few other measures it’s possible to prevent atherosclerosis 100%. k1/k2 are just as good as other vitamins, but those are not the answer here

  10. I can’t believe you didn’t mention the two forms of menaquinone-7, namely the trans and cis forms, which differ significantly and make a difference.

  11. After heating up a meal I add natto to it as you don’t want to kill the healthy bacteria by getting it too hot.
    Easy way to make it is with an instant pot on yogurt setting for 24 hours. I add about four tablespoons of previously made natto which I defrosted and then a sprinkle in a little bit of culture which I also keep in the freezer.

    You can buy the culture online from Japan, but it’s not necessary. My natto is very sticky. So you’re getting a probiotic and healthy beans. I use black soybean and red beans or another type of bean.

  12. I heard from a doctor that K1 can lead to blood clotting in cancer treatment patients. If possible can you explore that?

  13. Is melatonin supplementation sill bad for teens?I am 16 and take it daily cause of private reasons.

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