How Grocery Stores SCAM YOU!!

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Find out about the marketing tactics that will have you buying all sorts of things you never intended. Don’t fall victim to supermarket tricks!

0:00 Introduction: How supermarkets trick you
0:53 Grocery store real estate
1:46 Supermarket tricks
2:41 Color marketing tactics in grocery stores
5:11 The checkout line
6:19 Price and sales tricks
7:14 Label tricks
10:03 How to combat grocery store tricks

Today, I’m going to tell you how supermarkets get you to spend more money and control your food shopping experience. The majority of grocery store profits are not from markups on products! Around 50% to 75% of grocery store profit is from real estate, known as slotting fees. Food companies or brands spend money to have their products placed in prime locations in the grocery store.

Companies want their products in “the golden zone,” right at your eye level. This can lead to 8 times more product sales! Grocery stores use numerous marketing tactics to control your food shopping experience, such as manipulating grocery store layout, artificial smells, and floor texture to slow you down.

Supermarkets will place high-priced items near low-priced items and use color marketing tactics to their advantage. They also use social proof, such as retail tricks like “best seller” or “customer favorite,” to boost sales. The cereal aisle is the most profitable aisle!

Around 16% of the total sales of a grocery store are purchased from the front of the store! It’s no coincidence that candy lines the checkout aisle.

Labels are also very tricky, and similar marketing tactics are employed! Just because a product is labeled “natural” or “organic” doesn’t mean it’s not filled with sugar and starch.

To combat these supermarket tactics, avoid grocery shopping with kids or if you’re hungry and tired. Write a list and stick to it! Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, and don’t go into the junk food aisles.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you understand some of the supermarket psychology used to trick you! I’ll see you in the next video.

72 responses to “How Grocery Stores SCAM YOU!!”

  1. The more I go in grocery stores…the more fake food I see everywhere! I’m up early to go to my local farmers market 🤗

  2. Thank you for not playing any tricks on us Dr berg!! Your help is beyond measurable have a great day!!

    • @@darius3931 haha yep it’s all set up to keep you watching till the end, and click baiting. Open mouth thumbnail. At least we benefit from it.

  3. Walmart seems to move their groceries all over the place every month, then I wander around the aisles trying to find what I came in for😡

    • I know, they do the same here in Great Britain. Just found out about the baking bread smell always thought was made in-store, but no.

    • I stock at Walmart and that’s 110% not true. 🤷🏻‍♂️ also the individual store DOES NOT determine where products go the corporate office does. The corporate office even controls the temperature of the store

    • I agree with you.. I also work for Walmart, but it’s still marking. Eye level for adults, then lower to intice children… sugary, like candy at checkouts..

  4. I have been following you from Egypt for 3 years, and I love you very much, and I have benefited from you a lot, Dr. Berg

  5. My husband thinks I’m lazy for ordering my food at Walmart but I tell him, it not only keeps me in budget, but I also don’t buy things that are not on my list!! I rather shop alone because my bill is always higher if not

  6. If you are going to the store for just a few things don’t grab a cart – pick up a hand basket. It really reduces the temptation to keep throwing in stuff that you didn’t intend to buy.

  7. Since going low carb my grocery shopping is simpler and faster. One of the first things I noticed is how much the store is filled with crap I don’t need but they try to make me want.

    • Yep.
      90% of it is the non-food crap I’ll never buy again. I don’t even see it anymore, so it actually makes getting the real, good food easy and fast.

    • I was just thinking the other day how 90% of what’s in the store is carbohydrates. The day after I stuff my face with that trash, I’ll wake up wearing it. I know this because I did it for over a decade.

      So many of these products are dressed up to appear healthy when they are in reality junk food. Even claims of “reduced sugar” are a red flag more than anything. They’ve taken sugar out and replaced it with various artificial sweeteners and fillers to restore the bulk. The fillers are no better and often worse than the sugar they took out! What a world.

    • Same here. The number of different stores I would go to is dwn to 1, HEB. I’m trying to add healthy weight and fats.

  8. Not only heavily processed & dodgy ingredients but packaged in heavy plastics or processed & cooked in their packaging 🤮 the supermarket is mostly full of rubbish.

    • Microwave popcorn, omg there must be so many chemicals coming off that super heated bag of oil that is lined with plastics or whatever it is. It’s probably boiling so many chemicals into the hot oils.

  9. You’ll never find coupons for fresh, whole foods. It’s always junk food and chemical laden products!

    • YEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! I would always complain to my mom that I could never use coupons in college because all the food I buy was fresh. Even for the good non perfumed soaps, I shop elsewhere to avoid synthetic fragrances.

    • Imo, fresh whole foods are regularly on sale based on season/holiday, which is 100x better than requiring a coupon (either physical or digital). Fresh whole foods are automatically on sale price at the register (unless the staff are behind on schedule). Coupons have the ability to place a limit and if you don’t have a coupon, you don’t get the sale price as advertised.

    • That may true for where you shop, but not so where I shop. There are frequently coupons and specials for items in the produce department. I shop at H-E-B.

    • Noticed that, too. My grocery loyalty card offers & sales are mostly junk food. They’re always fishing to get me to try new things that are pretty bad. Some of it’s partly my fault, tho. I do enjoy sugar-free ice cream & ultra thin crust pizza. Which leads to a barrage of other junk offers.

  10. We have mastered the grocery store, as we never shop the center of the store, only the perimeter.

  11. always eat a meal before grocery shopping. I agree , it’s tough to find decent food in these stores. Other than canned products my shopping is only meat , dairy , and produce sections.

    • Read those can labels! I just cleaned out my pantry and got rid of Campbell’s soup products — they ALL stated the use of GMO ingredients used.

  12. Dad worked for casino design And sales ..Casinos have no clocks anywhere to tell you its time to leave No windows to tell you its day or night Dark ceilings so you dont bother looking up Bright floors/carpet to keep you looking ahead Flashing moving lights to keep you happy And awake And a design to better get you lost Than know exactly where the exits are. Cashing out normally has a long gated rope line And 1 teller that is told to work slow…So you spend more coins waiting for the line to lessen…This floor plan Idea was sold to IKEA in the 80’s And this is why you need painted lines on the floor And walk past 1000 items before finding what you need

    • I went to Ikea ONCE. It took me ages to get out because I wasn’t allowed to go out the way I came in. I swore I’d never use the store again. This was many years ago and I’ve stuck to that pledge ever since that day. I wouldn’t go into an Ikea store now even if everything were free.

    • @@cherylT321 – there’s a chain supermarket in the northeast called Stew Leonards and it’s like a serpentine maze that you have to follow all the way thru before getting to the cash registers, so that you HAVE to pass every single item in the store.

  13. i really appreciate your content. as i get older i am becoming aware of how toxic and unhealthy the food in grocery stores really is. quite sad.
    but thankfully there are people like you trying to spread awareness. just a year ago i was getting close to 230 pounds, eating sugar ice cream cookies and donuts all the time. i knew that what we were eating was bad but the addiction was just too powerful. luckily i woke up and started listening to my body (was starting to get pre-diabetic symptoms) reduced sugar intake by about 90% started trying to only eat non processed foods, cut out most carbs, and started to workout again. all it takes is dedication to yourself and your body and exactly like you said in this video Dr. Eric half the battle is won in the grocery store. just dont buy the crap!
    anways long winded way of saying thank you. your videos truly did help me

  14. It’s amazing to me that people are actually still alive at all by all the junk that’s being sold in the grocery stores today. I do wine tastings in all the major grocery stores for the last 10 years or so and it’s amazing to me how many people I see that are extremely over weight, maybe 80% of the people are that are shopping. And I’ve also noticed how many more folks are now having to use the store’s scooters to get around because they are so over weight they can’t walk very far at all! For me personally, about 99% of the “food” sold in the grocery stores I wouldn’t eat ever! Great video, hope folks pay attention!

    • I just look at what’s in their carts & if on a scooter I just shake my head. I highly doubt they know that most of the highly processed foods have ingredients that’s make you eat more, like there’s no shout off valve. Smart people READ and a lot of it comes down to “Do they really care”?

    • Omgosh, I’ve been noticing that for the last 3 or 4 years! It’s crazy! Often, if it’s the whole family shopping, they take up the entire aisle, and their carts are loaded sky high. Sort of freaks me out, is it mostly the midwest? I’ve never lived in the midwest before, so I’ve been wondering if it’s something in the water or the soil or the mindset? I can’t figure it out. People are obsessed with buying everything in sight and litter everywhere. They throw booze bottles on the streets and sidewalks, clothes, candy wrappers pizza boxes, soda cans, smoothie cups, etc. 😢

  15. I’ve been using that rule “Never shop hungry” for years. Sure, there’s always the occasional slip up, but most times, I still stick with what I need.

  16. No lie. I was pre-diabetic (unknown to me) and ate 4 of those toaster pastries and had a stroke 6 hours later. I spent a week in the hospital suffering. I now have massive nerve damage to my feet, hands, eyes, head. I spent 4 months learning to walk again and I am in pain 24/7. I am now highly sensitive to any carbs/starches. If it wasn’t for your advice and fasting I would be dead. Their meds don’t work for me (except for terrible side effects) and even on keto/carno I need to fast at least 24hours once a week. The Canadian medical system refuses to help me unless I take meds or insulin so I am alone in this. I believed the label and thought I was eating healthier and I was not overweight. Thanks Dr. Berg for your advice and suppliments which are helping me on this journey.

    • & that’s true of ALL pharma, for ALL ppl; it isn’t helping or “treating” you, it’s making you SICKER. The sicker you are, the richer they become.

      What is their motivation to “heal”??!

  17. Since 5 years ago I eat healthy ( no sugar , no , no sweet/ cake biscuit ,…junk food, no processed food , no soft drink / juice ….) & I never drank or smoked in my life .
    When I go to grocery store I never buy them and whatever I buy I read ingredients, never buy canned stuf and try to buy them in jar , never buy cooked or pre cooked , I cook from scratch.
    I’ve lost 12 kg and now I’m 58 kg , so happy.
    Thank to you Dr. Burg for your eye opening videos you make for us ❤👏🙌🙏❤️

    • You have be mess up moderation is the best thing. Ιf you cut from life and you try to force yourself to that you lose the big picture of living and yes even if you say you are happy that doesn’t mean you are. You no buyers remorse? You need to create resistant no complete cut from the life.

  18. In the mid-eighties, I bought a book called Fit For Life. Been following that strategy ever since. It speaks of eating fruit in the morning, not mixing starches with protein, fasting once a week (I don’t do that anymore because husbands like to eat every day), etc. At 63 years old, I’m still not on any medications and weigh around 130 pounds! I began using Einkorn flour to make homemade bread that I use for toast.

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