The #1 Deficiency behind Aging Spots

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Find out if a mineral deficiency is the cause of your aging spots!

0:00 Introduction: What causes aging spots?
1:40 Conventional age spot removal
3:11 What triggers melanin production?
4:44 Aging spots remedies

In this video, we’re going to talk about the causes and remedies of aging spots. Aging spots are sometimes called liver spots, but they’re not necessarily caused by the liver. Around 90% of people over 60 have these age spots.

Age spots are composed of melanin, the pigment that gives hair, skin, and eyes their color. Melanin protects against UV radiation, but we also need this radiation for vitamin D.

UV damage causes oxidative stress, or stress that occurs at the cellular level. Antioxidants can help neutralize this damage.

Oxidative stress triggers melanin and increases hyperpigmentation. Increased estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy, diabetes, inflammation, certain drugs, and stress can also increase melanin production.

Melanin absorbs UV rays and neutralizes the damage by dispersing it through the body and turning it into heat.

I reviewed some of the patents for age spot remedies, and they included natural remedies such as vitamin C, grape seed extract, zinc, licorice extract, and berries.

Many natural remedies for age spots include zinc and selenium. Zinc is good for everything related to your skin. It’s involved in hundreds of enzyme reactions and biochemical pathways and is considered a very powerful antioxidant. Zinc can naturally lower excess melanin production.

Zinc combined with selenium can be very effective against age spots. Selenium is a precursor to glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants. Selenium and zinc also protect your DNA. You can use a cream with zinc and selenium or take them as a supplement combined with other trace minerals.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this explains the cause of age spots and what to do about them. I’ll see you in the next video.

81 responses to “The #1 Deficiency behind Aging Spots”

  1. Dr Berg, I just wanted to let you know that you have indirectly saved my life, my sanity, and gave me the tools needed to be my own advocate when I knew something was wrong being multi- symptomatic with normal blood test! For 2 MONTHS! SCARY symptoms and felt I was in a metabolic storm! I dug deep on your videos for vitamins and discovered I was low in magnesium, which in turn caused me to not be able to retain sodium, chloride, B1. I jacked up magnesium citrate to 800 mg for 7 days and ALL of my symptoms have subsided. Everything is balanced now! Thank you so very much Dr Berg! Sending a prayer over you to bless you! 🙏. Oh and I’m taking a multivitamin and mineral daily now!

    • Go to your doctor too. However, good Dr. Berg is an appointment with medical exams and will make sure that’s all that is going on.

    • Mag glycinate is the most absorbable type of magnesium and oxide the least, but I am super glad you found something natural that works for you! ❤

    • @@angie7278 Coincidentally, I was in the health food store yesterday, and they told me what you just wrote that magnesium glycinate is better, the citrate can sometimes be sensitive to your intestines.👍

    • Thankyou for your comment I think I have similar symptoms . I WAS going to adk a similar 😢 I have digestive issues no gallbladder; and also I get air hunger bloating and deep burning in the pit of my stomach. I take the Tudca Betaine HCL and a digestive enzyme . When I eat. There is a combination of things going on with me. I don’t know if those are too much that I am taking but I eat OMAD fasting between 16 or18 hrs a day window or eating 6/8 no snacking in between but I am not losing any weight. So I think it’s a hormone problem but my doc thinks it’s diabetes but Nobody in my family has it so it is not hereditary like he is telling me. I also have no symptoms of diabetes whatsoever so ever like the frequent urination or excessive hungervir thirst no craving for sweets. I have my hear that it could be hypothyroid because of how I am not losing any weight . I am currently at 147lbs. I JUST WANT TO GET UP ONEDAY WITHOUT FEELING LIKE A WRECK AND no PAIN ! I just wish Dr Berg could see my comment and answer. What if is going on with me. My doctor would not listen to me. He also told me to not listen to any YouTube doctor especially Dr Berg. So I am looking for a new doctor. 😅

  2. Interesting, I remember reading that liver spots are also sometimes called sugar spots. It kind of makes sense since increasing sugar intake increases zinc depletion. Dave Aspery mentioned something I also found interesting about alcohol. It causes aldehyde production in the liver when processing alcohol to make it less toxic, and it somehow that causes glucose to attach to cells in the skin that cause tissue browning. Alcohol also depletes zinc. I noticed from a guy that went on the “Lion Diet” that he became more tan as he leaned up. Meat is high in zinc as well

    • Zinc in meat and seafood fair amount depending on how much you eat. The problem with zinc is it does not stay with you and must be replenished constantly.. The number one source for zinc is oysters.

    • @@mikepeek5655 Due to leaky gut that caused malabsorption, I have most symptoms of zinc & copper deficiency so I’ve gotten recent little spots on my hand. I started adding zinc caps & do supplement with selenium. Hope they go away!

    • Yep, I have a few and noticed each one appeared after I’d been drinking for an evening, back when I was drinkning quite a lot. It was enough to make me almost completely stop drinking alcohol as I wondered what else was going on inside. Now I can have an occasional drink and haven’t developed any more. But I also have little pigment loss spots on my arms, I don’t know if they’re related. I’d really like to get rid of those if possible.

  3. I’m 71 year old woman born in Finland with fair skin and blonde hair, moved to Australia QLD 37 years ago. I sunbake in the middle of the day when it’s warm enough. I don’t burn my skin because I take Astraxhantin 12 mg a day. I get a tan but don’t get burnt. You will think that my skin must be in really bad condition because I don’t use any sun creams or blocks , but no Sun is our friend , it gives us Vitamin D (with my sunbaking I get at least 20,000 IU) and melatonin naturally but I take magnesium Glycinate as supplement. I’m healthy and energetic. Thank you Dr. your videos are precious.

    • No the sun is a monster especially for pale skins my family has had skin cancer, as our skin is very fair, I’ve always used sun screen and have no wrinkles as a result. My father, uncle and grandfather all had bits cut out if their face. The worst is my uncle who has had virtually all of the top of his head removed due to skin cancer and gas to wear a hat. (He’s just had more removed) I’m 61 my uncle is 78. If people don’t use sunscreen they will reap what they sow. Sadly!

    • ​@@sevenwatson5854 That sounds like Basal cell carcinoma and comes from being repeatedly sunburned, happens to people who work outside like farmers and road workers and landscapers. You just remove the spot and carry on. If you damage a cell repeatedly it mutates. It starts as a small sore that doesn’t heal or is irritated by clothing, early treatment is important.

    • Sun creams are toxic to the skin, I always check the ingredients, and there are toxins in them. We moved from the Islands to NZ ,my father never used Sunscreen on the island. It wasn’t until we got to NZ,that he started putting it on his head and neck. He later got skin cancer on his head and neck, no coincidence there.

    • @@sevenwatson5854sounds like over use of “cancer prevention” creams and potions designed to damage the skin and blame the sun. Our skin is our largest organ, so if we slather sun screen all over it, we’re poisoning our entire body, which is filtered through our kidneys and liver as well. Does that sound like something “healthy” to do to one’s body? And keep going to the darned doctor who PROFITS from every visit and will continue to find “something” wrong with you every single time.

  4. Had this problem and was frightened at the rate they would pop out – legs, arms, – randomly all over except my face. Since I started drinking cider vinegar water religiously, and eating healthier, they spots have faded – one I had that was fairly dark, you can’t see it anymore. Hail to ‘cider vinegar’ miracle panacea cureall.

    • @@se5594 every single day I drink 32 oz waters with 2 tbsp of Braggs cider vinegar and touch of honey to sip throughout the day. I love the taste. Always have prepared in gallon size jugs in fridge and fill my 32 oz cup. This has replaced my decades of soda pop had. What an improvement in every way. Lost weight, all my stats are within normal range. I’m 61 and take no medications. Perfect blood pressure. Good mood. No more dark spots. I’m convinced it’s the cider vinegar.

  5. I remember as a kid hating my freckles for fear of being called “freckle face”. Now people get freckles tattooed on their faces because it’s trendy. My freckles always got darker in the summer. Now that I am older my freckles have faded so much and I miss them now.
    Lesson learned, never let someone else make you believe you are not enough just the way you are!
    I can sunburn easily so I do the gradual tanning (15+minutes each day until tan then longer periods) and never need suntan lotion unless I am at a beach, the water always makes me burn.
    As I age ( I am the same age as Dr. Berg) I have noticed the brown spots (extra melanin production) on my arms and legs especially in the summer, my father used to be covered with brown spots in the summer, I used to think he looked like mosaic art.
    I love the sun, as long as it’s not too hot out, for some reason as I have aged I have become very heat intolerant.
    When I am in the sun I feel better and can feel the benefit. In the winter when I hibernate I get down in my moods and don’t feel my usual self and once spring hits things get better again. I try to go outside on sunny days in the winter but the cold temps detract from the positive feelings of doing it.

    • I always thought freckles were cute on girls and boys when in school. I’m happy that you have accepted and even learned to appreciate them! 😉

    • I started taking D3 in winter and no longer suffer SAD in winter. I live in Alaska, and winters are long.❤

  6. Since going Keto and then Carnivores four years ago my dark spots have disappeared or are significantly lighter and so may still disappear eventually. I have always been a mostly outdoor person by work and recreation and the only time I needed to have some skin spots removed was when I thought I’d better start using sunscreen because I noticed my skin starting to age. That was about 10 years ago and my diet then was very high carb and I know now that I was definitely having signs of insulin resistance if not pre diabetic. Now I am still outdoors a lot, in Arizona, and rarely sunburn. I have been taking low level trace mineral supplements for other reasons but nice to know now that they are also an additional help to having healthy skin! Happy healthy 65 years young. ❤

  7. The solution to melanin-sun exposure paradox is this: sun exposure from 5-9 am and 4-6 pm (with variations depending upon the season)

    • You don’t produce any vitamin D during those hours if you live farther from the equator. Vitamin D production and tanning is possible only when the sun is higher than 45 degrees, that is basically 4 hours around noon in summer.

  8. What’s interesting is that when I was a teen, I had sun spots on my upper arms (an area that would not tan) and one day our old country doctor said “why don’t you put some Zinc cream on those spots?” I did, and they went away and have never returned. I think I shall buy some zink cream!

  9. I’ve been watching your videos for 10 years now, and I must say you look better each year. You really are the best advert for your advice. On a more serious note, heartfelt thanks for all the knowledge that has made me look and feel my best too. : )

  10. Dr. Berg, I started 1C. of wild blueberries every morning about a month ago. I also add 1T. of organic golden flax seed, freshly ground. And also, 1/2 C. of unsweetened Kefir. I’ve noticed recently the age spots on my arms, legs and face are fading. Along with a huge difference in skin elasticity. This is now my permanent breakfast.

  11. 71 in six weeks. All my life I have been in the Australian sun. I have no skin issues at all. I guess there’s genetics involved here, although my ancestry is mostly northern UK including Scotland. Ot maybe my diet has been better than I thought.
    On another note though, after decades of alcohol abuse, and being a high functioning alcoholic since 2017, I gave up two years ago, cold turkey. Now I never touch the stuff… but, that’s not enough. Doc Berg, I found your channel, and I think that between us we have saved my life. I have lost 20 kgs. Ok. I’m bordering on being pre diabetic, but that is improving as well. No processed food here, ever. I just wish I could give up spuds… I guess that will come.
    Thank you mate ( I’m an Aussie, so mate it is ).

    • Well good for you. And if you’re making progress, then keep the spuds cooking. It will merely take a bit longer for you to reach your goals.
      At nearly 71, you have a nice 30 or so years ahead of you. I solute your cold turkey approach to giving up alcohol, you made it happen.

  12. Selenium is an excellent antioxidant (which can be toxic at high doses). However, no producer that I have done in my life was as helpful an high quality derma pen I got from around 100$.

    • Yeah sure, during the years I have tried almost everything to look younger + delay aging as much as possible, anything from face exercises, vitamin C serum, Fraxel, collagen supplements and of course Retin A (7 years straight), home devices and what not. I swear, Nothing made any real difference compared to microneedling. Within 3 months of use, my skin has improved DRAMATICALLY. I don’t look like I’m 20’s again, but definitely not 44 either. My fine lines have disappeared completely, and my nasolabial folds are way less are nonexist (never had jowls though). People often underestimate the power of wounding and the revolutionary effects it can have on the skin

    • +1 for kora. I started doing microneedIIing since it started 12 or so years ago. Nobody believe I am 66. They all say I am in my late 40’s or early 50’s. I assume it works so well because when we get older, our skin gets thinner therefore creating wrinkIes. But the wounding kept my skin still thick and youthful.

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