I Read 8,000 Studies on Health and Longevity – Here Are the Main Lessons

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36 responses to “I Read 8,000 Studies on Health and Longevity – Here Are the Main Lessons”

  1. Already into your book 2 chapters.

    Was not expecting such a large book and I’m pleasantly surprised and happy!!

  2. Just recommended this video by Youtube. It was very well put together and useful so thanks for that. One thing I would like to have seen is sources to some of the studies or meta analysis that allowed you to get to each conclusion. I know you’re pointing people to your book but some freely available sources would have been nice, and will help new viewers to your channel build up trust.

    For example at 9:16 “try to eat 80% of your food as whole foods” – is this just your opinion, or has there been studies that got to this figure?

    • The relevant studies are mentioned in the text on the screen. I mention more of the studies in my other videos. This was based more on my own lessons.

    • @@SiimLand I couldn’t see text on the screen for most of the claims, but yes I’ve just watched some of your other videos and can see detailed info on studies, so i can see you are thorough with your research. Thanks

  3. Yes I agree there’s different ways to hit your best health. Everbody is different. Finding what works for you in a way you can be consistent makes it happen. In depth blood tests verifies current state and tracks progress.

  4. Siim, I love your biological approach to health and biomarkers. It’s truly outstanding. But one of the most neglect impacts of our health today as a society are psychological, including stress and emotional stress.
    Do you have any content on what biomarkers are directly affected by mental and emotional stress and how to revert it?
    Thanks, amazing work

  5. 10:25 I hear from vegan influencers that the body makes collegen so you only need to eat steamed greens to have a good amount. I think collagen isn’t needed for a healthy long life. The collagen peptides are expensive anyway. Creatine is expensive too, but I guess it is alright to take from time to time.

    • There is a lot od collagen in tougher cuts of meat, and if you make bone broth there is plenty.
      And if you want to produce collagen glycine is the limiting factor, and glycine is cheap.

  6. Please make a video for those of us old folks in our late 40s who did the whole NYC alcoholic thing for a “few” years.

    How does a “normal” person who didn’t learn anything about these topics until they were 40 reverse damage, and maximize health span and longevity?

  7. Thank you, great information covered here! I’m approaching 50 in about 3 months and have been following your channel for most of my 40’s. One supplement that I would not want to go without is garlic. I don’t eat a lot of it so I take the powdered capsule form. I have to say, it’s been wonderful for me. The first thing I noticed was no more sinus infections. I’ve taken it for going on a decade now. So good for fighting infections and lowering inflammation.

  8. The cause of longevity is much more elusive than the biohacker community imagines. I’ve seen healthy fit people suddenly get cancer and die at a young age, and I have seen relatives with all kinds of health problems, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, all at the same time, live to 90 plus!

    My grandfather was a lifelong smoker, lived to be 90. My aunt has hypertension, low muscle mass, and angina and she’s still alive at 94 yo. My grandmother lived to be 90 with hypertension and heart disease and an extremely sedentary lifestyle.

    I have great grandparents who were centenarians having no access to modern medicine, and I think my great grandfather was a smoker too according to my mom. None of those people should have lived that long, but they did.

    So what is actually going on? Purely genetics? Must play a very important role.

    • All too true. Friend of mine was ill from Type 2 diabetes, obese, hi BP. He died of cancer recently. 89 yrs.

    • @@rhensontollhouse I believe Siam’s grandfather died of stomach cancer at an early age. There are many deficiencies that can occur and take their toll regardless of other beneficial factors. You are only as good as your weakest link.

    • I’m sorry, unless your grandfather was Apo Whang-Od and hanging out at the gym. Nothing special whatsoever. Stop worshiping vegetables that live long.

    • @@smaug660 I’m a biohacker myself, I stay in shape, eat right, etc. But I wonder if we are mostly increasing our health span? Which is good, but the jury is still out and we won’t know for decades if these interventions actually will increase lifespan. I suspect it will to a large degree, but if we are fighting against genetics that needs to be fully understood before we can overcome that.

  9. Hey siim , i’ve watched your several videos and also i’m planning to buy your books as your honesty/ transparency,knowledge&experience,dedication are aligned with what your content and for those reason you’re the best content creator in social media when it comes to longevity topic , thank you so much Siim ❤ ,keep making informative videos like this.

  10. Thanks Siim, you always put in so much research and effort into your postings. I appreciate the sacrifices you make to produce these postings and the good will you send towards your followers and humanity.

  11. 8000 studies averaging 1 hour per study is 8000 hours. At 5 days a week, 8 hour workdays, it’s 3 years and 10 months of full time work.

  12. One of the most important factors to one’s health span and longevity is the control of chronic high blood pressure. If left uncontrolled none of this other stuff matters. Otherwise Siim raises a lot of good points.

  13. Proper breathing can be extremely effective for both physical and mental health. On a physical level this will result in richer oxygenation of the blood which will result in many health benefits and perhaps even a longer life. But the true power of the breath comes into play when it is used to achieve a calmer and more centered being. You become better equipped to deal with life’s difficulties and stressful situations. It can also be helpful in times of extreme grief and bereavement. The book “the full breath” of James Francis explains all this and also explains in simple terms the concept of spiritual development and enlightenment. One of the things that can ruin our health and our lives more than anything else is stress and mental distress. If you know someone who is suffering in life or is in great difficulty, this book could help them fight their way out and become happy and balanced again.

  14. Sim is probably the one health “guru” I trust. He is young, always researching the newest things that work, he is not related to the medical commmunity and last but not least he is not dogmatic and is open-minded ❤

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